Love Island returns to TV with heartfelt tribute to Caroline Flack

Viewers of ITV’s hit show Love Island praised narrator Iain Stirling’s ‘spine-tingling’ tribute to Caroline Flack where he urged people to ‘be kind’.

It comes just two days after the 40-year-old presenter was found dead in her home in Stoke Newington, London, by her father. 

Love Island returned to screens last night with the touching tribute to its former presenter, that left many viewers ‘balling their eyes out’. 

Sunday night’s episode had been cancelled with producers stating it would ‘not be broadcast out of respect for Caroline’s family’.  

At the beginning of the show a clip of the sea played with Iain doing the voice over, Iain then went on to read out a touching tribute which lasted 73 seconds. 

He said: ‘We are all absolutely devastated by the tragic news that Caroline, a much loved member of our Love Island family has passed away. Our thoughts with family and friends at this dreadful time.

‘Caroline and me were together from the very start of Love Island and her passion, warmth and infectious enthusiasm were a crucial part of what made the show connect with millions of viewers.

‘Like many of you, right now we are all just trying to come to terms with what has happened. My only hope is that we can all try and be kinder, always show love and listen to one another.

‘Caroline, I want to thank you for all the fun times we had making our favourite show, you were a true friend to me, I’m going to miss you Caz’. 

Iain Stirling (pictured above with Caroline in 2017) opened the show with a touching tribute to his friend

Many took to social media after the show to praise Iain Stirling for his tribute to Flack

Many took to social media after the show to praise Iain Stirling for his tribute to Flack

One Twitter user said they had been left 'balling their eyes out' after Iain delivered the powerful message

One Twitter user said they had been left ‘balling their eyes out’ after Iain delivered the powerful message 

Another thanked Iain for the touching tribute and said their heart had been left broken

Another thanked Iain for the touching tribute and said their heart had been left broken 

Caroline Flack was found dead at her London flat aged 40. She had previously presented ITV show Love Island. After the tribute the above image of the presenter flashed up on the screen

Caroline Flack was found dead at her London flat aged 40. She had previously presented ITV show Love Island. After the tribute the above image of the presenter flashed up on the screen 

The usual Just Eat advertisement was scrapped and replaced with the above which used the hashtag #BeKind

The usual Just Eat advertisement was scrapped and replaced with the above which used the hashtag #BeKind

Clips of the sea were played while a voice over was read by Iain who had worked with Flack on the show

Clips of the sea were played while a voice over was read by Iain who had worked with Flack on the show 

Iain had clearly been distressed and seemed close to tears as he read out the tribute.

After the show social media users had nothing but praise for Iain, one said his words had been ‘beautiful’.

‘@Iaindoesjokes tribute to Caroline Flack on Love Island this evening really sent shivers down my spine on tonight’s episode, such beautiful words, if only she could see how loved she is, it’s a pity the bad always ways out the good. Be kind think before you speak’.

Another said: ‘Literally balling my eyes out, this is the saddest, but such a beautiful tribute to Caroline’.

Before the commercial break an informational video about the Samaritans was posted, replacing the usual Just Eat advert. This then replaced each advert for Just Eat which is usually shown before the commercial break.

After reading out the tribute, the episode of the show continued as normal.

After the tribute the show then went on as normal with shots of the villa coming onto the screen

After the tribute the show then went on as normal with shots of the villa coming onto the screen 


Laura Whitmore tweeted this afternoon to say that there would be no Aftersun show while other social media users also stated their views

Laura Whitmore tweeted this afternoon to say that there would be no Aftersun show while other social media users also stated their views

But Iain refrained from his usual voice over, which would normally see him commenting on the contestant’s behaviour on the show, his voice was not heard again until he announced the commercial break.

Current presenter of Love Island Laura Whitmore also tweeted this afternoon stating that there would be no AfterSun show on this evening and praised those working on the show.

She then followed up with a tweet minutes after the tribute that aired, telling Iain Stirling she ‘loved him’ and that she knew the tribute would ‘not have been easy’. 

Iain then also tweeted out the link for the Samaritans which featured the ‘BeKind’ hashtag. 

Social media users immediately reacted to the tributes with some claiming that it ‘was beautiful’ but that it had been ‘too short’.  

Flack, 40, was found dead inside the Stoke Newington property she had been living in on Saturday. 

The TV presenter, aged 40, took her own life after a worried friend who was staying with her went to the shops, leaving her alone at her London home (pictured)

The TV presenter, aged 40, took her own life after a worried friend who was staying with her went to the shops, leaving her alone at her London home (pictured)

Viewers took to social media last night where some said it no longer felt right watching the ITV show

Viewers took to social media last night where some said it no longer felt right watching the ITV show 

Her father Ian discovered the former Love Island host who had taken her own life while the friend who was staying with her ‘popped out to the shops’. 

Social media users said it ‘felt wrong’ watching the show following the tragedy’. 

One said: ‘That tribute was very very lovely’, while other’s said it was clear Iain was close to tears while reading the tribute. Another added: ‘Doesn’t seem right watching Love Island knowing we will never see Caroline again’. 

Other social media users criticised the show for not doing enough to remember the presenter.

One tweet read: ‘They made it look like they were going to do some amazing thing for Caroline but no she got a short speech lets be honest she deserved better like they could have done a montage in her honour.’ 

Another commented: ‘It feels really wrong watching #loveIslandtonight – the tribute was touching and these instead of Just Eat adverts are a nice touch. But it just doesn’t seem enough, to cut from her very short tribute to Islanders laughing and joking. #BeKind.’

The show ended with the image of Flack flashing up once more and the ‘BeKind’ message being shown again. 

The Love Island Twitter account also posted the tribute with some also commenting that the presenter had ‘deserved better’. 

After the show Iain tweeted a screen shot of the #BeKind advert which replaced the Just Eat adverts this evening

After the show Iain tweeted a screen shot of the #BeKind advert which replaced the Just Eat adverts this evening

Many praised Iain for the 'beautiful tribute' which lasted 73 seconds at the beginning of the show. This is while others complained it was too short

Many praised Iain for the ‘beautiful tribute’ which lasted 73 seconds at the beginning of the show. This is while others complained it was too short 

Love Island is rocked by THIRD death tragedy that could spell the end for controversial ITV2 reality show

Caroline Flack’s tragic death could lead to ITV bosses pulling the plug on Love Island after she became the third person associated with the show to take their own life.

The hugely popular money-spinner had already been under intense scrutiny following the suicides of former contestants Sophie Gradon, 32, and Mike Thalassitis, 26, prompting calls for producers to take more care of its stars.

Flack’s death will reignite concerns over the support that the broadcaster shows to those suffering mental health problems and the perceived lack of support provided by production bosses.

‘ITV talk about duty of care but there was little to no support for her,’ a source close to Flack told The Sun.

‘She went from hosting one of the most popular shows on TV to be effectively cast out.’

Following the tragic news, ITV pulled last night’s highlights episode of Love Island: Unseen Bits that was due to air at 9pm on ITV2.

The programme announcer said: ‘In light of today’s sad news we’re replacing tonight’s episode of Love Island: Unseen Bits with a double bill of You’ve Been Framed.’

However it has not known whether Love Island will air tomorrow night as scheduled.  

Earlier today ITV boss Kevin Lydo said everyone at the broadcaster was ‘devastated’ and are ‘still trying to process the tragic news’.

It was also said that producers had kept in close contact with Flack after she stepped down from the show due to her upcoming trial. 

In a statement, Mr Lygo said: ‘Caroline was part of Love Island from the very beginning and her passion, dedication and boundless energy contributed to the show’s success.

‘After Caroline stepped down from the show ITV made it clear that the door was left open for her to return and the Love Island production team remained in regular contact with her and continued to offer support over the last few months.

‘Love Island will return tonight and will include a tribute to Caroline that the team in South Africa and Iain Stirling have put together. 

‘Caroline loved Love Island and was very vocal in her support of the show. Viewers could relate to her and she to them and that was a big part of the programme’s success. We will all miss her very much.’

ITV have also worked with sponsor JustEat to replace the idents – a video informing the viewer what they are watching – with information about the Samaritans, so people who are struggling with their mental health can access help.

The broadcaster is facing a reality show crisis following Flack’s suicide, but after talks yesterday it decided to push ahead with the current series of Love Island.  

The tribute from the show comes after ITV star Amanda Holden also criticised the broadcaster for its treatment of Flack.

Amanda Holden posted the above image of her with Caroline and said the presenter hadn't been given the same treatment as others

Amanda Holden posted the above image of her with Caroline and said the presenter hadn’t been given the same treatment as others 

Posting to Instagram, Amanda questioned why Flack hand't been given the same consideration as other stars

Posting to Instagram, Amanda questioned why Flack hand’t been given the same consideration as other stars 

Taking to Instagram last night Amanda said Flack had been ‘thrown to the dogs’.  

Posting on Instagram she said: ‘Utterly devastated to hear of the sudden death of this funny bright beautiful young girl.My heart goes out to her family. For Caroline to feel that death was the only way out breaks my heart.

‘Anger doesn’t even begin to cover how I feel about her being thrown to the dogs like she was ..Why was she not shown the same level of consideration, protection ,warmth and importance as other artists in our industry who have struggled recently? 

‘There are criminal gaps in the differences. I am certain there is more to her story… I know the truth will out. May she rest in peace and those responsible for this lack of humanity be brave enough to admit their shame.’ 

Flack is pictured above (centre) on series five of the hit ITV show. Joanna Chimonides and Michael Griffiths at the dumping

Flack is pictured above (centre) on series five of the hit ITV show. Joanna Chimonides and Michael Griffiths at the dumping

ITV released a statement on Sunday night (pictured above) which stated the intentions for the show and that it would also have a tribute for Flack

ITV released a statement on Sunday night (pictured above) which stated the intentions for the show and that it would also have a tribute for Flack 

Miss Flack stepped down from her presenting role in December after she was arrested for an alleged assault on her boyfriend Lewis Burton, 27.

The decision to press on with the show, which is due to finish next weekend, shocked industry insiders who expected the broadcaster to cancel it after her death.

Two former contestants – Sophie Gradon and Mike Thalassitis – have taken their lives over the past two years, and Miss Gradon’s boyfriend also killed himself weeks after her death.

Sophie Gradon (pictured above) had been a contestant of the show and had also taken her own life

Sophie Gradon (pictured above) had been a contestant of the show and had also taken her own life 

ITV also came under fire after Mike Thalassitis (pictured above in 2018) also killed himself

ITV also came under fire after Mike Thalassitis (pictured above in 2018) also killed himself

If you have been affected by this story, you can call the Samaritans 24/7 on 116 123 or visit