Lovelorn man hung himself after his girlfriend moved to US

Zachary Isaacs, 24, was devastated over missing Rene Alyssa in the US and told his mother ‘I can’t cope’

A lovelorn man carved his girlfriend’s name into his arm and hung himself after feeling distraught that he could not afford to visit her in California.

Zachary Isaacs, 24, was devastated over missing Rene Alyssa in the US and told his mother ‘I can’t cope’.

He was desperate to see his lover but could not raise enough cash to buy flights, an inquest in Basingstoke heard.

His shirtless body was later found hanged by his father Stephen, in the home they shared together.

Mr Isaacs had become engaged to Ms Alyssa after meeting her while on holiday in the US and they had continued the relationship across the Atlantic.

Stephen Isaacs told the inquest he found his son hanged at home with gashes in his arm which were later revealed to spell his own name and his fiancee’s.

The coroner heard how Mr Isaacs was very ‘up and down’ and prone to mood swings.

His family did not know what happened between him and his partner but said he was ‘desperate’ to go to see her and begged for money to buy a plane ticket.

Stephen Isaacs said he came home to find his son’s body on Sunday, August 20, in Headley Down, Hampshire.

‘I opened door to come into hallway,’ he said.

‘The light was on and I was presented with Zachary with his back to me. He was kneeling on the floor and had no top on. I then saw a belt around his neck and the stairs and instantly knew what had happened.

‘I could feel he was cold and I could see his tongue was sticking out which was all blue. He’d harmed his left arm but I couldn’t make out what it was.  I started to scream out and shouted at him ”why?”

‘He was a troubled soul in my eyes and not without his issues. He was very up and down.’

The coroner heard how Mr Isaacs was very 'up and down' and prone to mood swings, the inquest at Basingstoke Coroner's Court heard

The coroner heard how Mr Isaacs was very ‘up and down’ and prone to mood swings, the inquest at Basingstoke Coroner’s Court heard

A post-mortem examination found the cause of death was hanging, the inquest was told.

Stephen Isaacs said that he had paid for a flight for his son’s fiancée to come and visit him in the UK.

‘I had never met her other than picking her up from the airport,’ he added.

‘I know he had known her for three years and had met her on a trip out to the United States.’

Mr Isacs’ mother Clare said she had lost contact with her son for a year after she called the police during an altercation he had with his stepfather.

However, shortly before his death he got in touch with her to ask for money and begged her to pay for a fight to America.

‘I said I had a small amount of cash and would drop it through the letterbox. I dropped £50 through the front door.

‘I texted him to say I’d done it then I texted ”a thank you would have been nice”. He replied to say thank you.

 His last text said ”I can’t cope”. I said I loved him but didn’t see this as a cry for help

Clare Isaacs

‘I also received a text saying he would be gone in November and I would never have to see him again.

‘I said I wished the best for him and loved him. I got another text from Zack almost begging me for money so he could pay for a flight to America. I said sorry, I had given my last £50 and said she was coming here so was confused by this.

‘His last text said ”I can’t cope”. I said I loved him but didn’t see this as a cry for help.’

Ms Isaacs said she had never met her son’s fiancée but added: ‘I had a message from Rene on Facebook saying she was concerned she had not heard from Zack and was worried.’

In his conclusions the Coroner for North East Hampshire, Andrew Bradley, said the cuts to Mr Isaac’s arm were found to spell his own name and his partner’s.

He added: ‘Zack was clearly a troubled soul and had been for years. The decision that Zack took was not a committed decision, it’s not ‘let’s sit round this table and talk about it’ because that’s not how it works.

‘However defective the reason may be, you decide you don’t want to be here anymore and that’s what Zack did.

‘The carving on his arm appears to be the name of his girlfriend and his name. He was found having hanged himself after suffering from depression.’

The coroner recorded a conclusion of suicide.