Mafia heir urges Trump to PARDON his father for trafficking heroin

A Mafia heir has urged Donald Trump to posthumously pardon his father because he believes ‘corrupt’ James Comey and FBI ‘weasels’ used shaky tactics to put him behind bars.

Giovanni Gambino, a member of the notorious Gambino crime family, thinks the president should overturn Francesco ‘Ciccio’ Gambino’s drug trafficking conviction because he was a first time offender, was found guilty of a nonviolent crime and received an ‘unfair trial’.

Fired FBI director Comey was the lead investigator on the case and, according to Giovanni, abused their power so they could take down his family.

Now he believes Trump should look over the case after Comey’s leadership was widely criticized in a Department of Justice Inspector General report that was published last week.  

Giovanni Gambino (left), a member of the notorious Gambino crime family, thinks President Trump should pardon his father Francesco ‘Ciccio’ Gambino (right) because he believes James Comey used shaky tactics to put him behind bars

Fired FBI director Comey (left) was the lead investigator on the case and, according to Giovanni, abused his family . Now he believes Trump  (right) should look over the case after Comey’s leadership was widely criticized in an Inspector General report that was published last week

Ciccio died in federal prison in 2012 while serving a 30-year jail sentence for trafficking heroin from Sicily to the United States.

Giovanni was just 14 when he passed away, so his mother brought him up with the help of the Mafia.

His cousin, Carlo Gambino, founded the notorious crime syndicate that inspired The Godfather. 

Carlo, the head of the Cosa Nostra during the 1970s, was arrested for orchestrating a multi-million bank heist before he died of a heart attack in 1976.  

Giovanni thinks the FBI has a long history of corruption, especially when it comes to members of his Italian community, and their strategies should be under more of a microscope.  

Giovanni told his father’s case for a pardon is stronger considering another first-time offender, Alice Marie Johnson, was given a reprieve after Kim Kardashian lobbied Trump in the Oval Office.

Giovanni (pictured above) was just 14 when his father passed away, so his mother brought him up with the help of the Mafia, including his cousin, Carlo Gambino, the founder of the crime syndicate

Giovanni (pictured above) was just 14 when his father passed away, so his mother brought him up with the help of the Mafia, including his cousin, Carlo Gambino, the founder of the crime syndicate

He also has cause for more optimism because on Saturday, Trump said the report ‘totally destroys James Comey’, while on Sunday, Rudy Giuliani said the president can pardon ‘anyone’ who he thinks was treated unfairly. 

‘If he doesn’t look into my father’s case, then all he is trying to do is get the black vote for his run in 2020 and that’s not fair,’ he told

‘The (IG) report shows strong evidence of the FBI double standard. President Trump should start pardoning many Italians that had unfair trials because of the FBI misleading and corrupted information against them, starting from my father.

‘American history shows that, in the long run, weasels and liars (like the FBI) never hold the field, so long as good people (like Trump) stand up.’  

‘The Justice Department and the FBI are committing a bigger crime then the people they are prosecuting.

‘FBI reports shows A senior F.B.I agent was worried that Mr. Trump would win the election and texted in August 2016 to a colleague.’

“We’ll stop it.” Those were the words of Peter Strzok to Lisa Page, two FBI staff members who exchanged highly charged political messages.

‘Finding their texts cast a cloud over the FBI and created the appearance of bias. 

‘The report shows strong evidence of the FBI double standard. President Trump should start pardoning many Italians that had unfair trials because of the F.B.I misleading and corrupting information against them, starting with my father.

‘The reports that came out last week are going to make future jurors in trials involving Italians aware how unfair some FBI agent can be and jurors are gonna think twice before they convict someone labeled as a mafioso.  

‘There was zero evidence on my father during the trial against him. The Justice Department used my father.

‘I know a few dozen of cases where Italians were unfairly treated. One of them was my brother-in-law Salvatore Candela.’

Giovanni (left) is pictured with his late father as a child. He posted the image as a tribute to his dad on Father's Day 

Giovanni (left) is pictured with his late father as a child. He posted the image as a tribute to his dad on Father’s Day 

Giovanni told Candela was also a first offender in a non violent crime, but got 67 years in jail when he was just 29.

‘He has done 24 years already. His wife and kids were deported back to Italy and his wife (my sister) recently passed away from cancer. Salvatore didn’t see her after he was arrested, and that’s very unfair,’ Giovanni added.

In his book A Higher Loyalty, Comey says that a January 2017 visit to Trump Tower reminded him of the New York Mafia social clubs he knew as a Manhattan federal prosecutor in the 1980s and 1990s – including the notorious Gambino hangout Café Giardino.

It was there in December 1988 that Comey helped bust Ciccio’s trafficking operation.

Francesco and other associates were arrested in a 2am raid on Café Giardino, which the Feds had wired with electronic surveillance for months.

Giovanni's cousin, Carlo Gambino, founded the crime syndicate

His story inspired The Godfather

Giovanni’s cousin, Carlo Gambino (left in a mugshot and right in 1970 in handcuffs), founded the notorious crime syndicate that inspired The Godfather

Then-US Attorney Rudolph Giuliani led the case, with Comey assisting as deputy chief of the Criminal Division.

The prosecutors used the help of informant William Kane, who ran an illegal video poker business out of the Brooklyn cafe on 18th Avenue, and secretly worked with the Feds to infiltrate the heroin ring.

‘No one know that place better than me,’ Giovanni said of Café Giardino. ‘My father was falsely accused and arrested there by Comey and Giuliani.’

‘James Comey used an informer William Kane to manipulate the law, Comey along with Kane used the lies, misleading information to infiltrate and take down innocent people including my father,’ said Giovanni.

He also believes Paul Manafort, who has Sicilian heritage, may have been unfairly targeted by the FBI. 

Francesco Gambino was sentenced to 30 years in prison for conspiring to import and distribute heroin, and died behind bars in 2012 at age 71, federal records show.

‘William Kane himself admitted latter how corrupted the feds were, blaming them for keeping him on medication and forcing him to lie in trials,’ claimed Giovanni. 

In his new book, Comey writes that a February 2017 meeting in the White House with Trump and then chief of staff Reince Priebus left him recalling his Mob-fighting days.

Giovanni told his father's case for a pardon is stronger considering another first-time offender, Alice Marie Johnson, was given a reprieve after Kim Kardashian lobbied Trump in the Oval Office. Kim and Johnson are pictured during an interview with NBC Today 

Giovanni told his father’s case for a pardon is stronger considering another first-time offender, Alice Marie Johnson, was given a reprieve after Kim Kardashian lobbied Trump in the Oval Office. Kim and Johnson are pictured during an interview with NBC Today 

‘The silent circle of assent. The boss in complete control. The loyalty oaths. The us-versus-them worldview. The lying about all things, large and small, in service to some code of loyalty that put the organization above morality and above the truth,’ Comey wrote, according to an early review in the New York Times.

Giovanni, who has left the family business to author crime fiction, believes that Comey is out to get Trump, and won’t be afraid to fight dirty.

‘Now Comey and the rest of his dirty entourage are using the same lies and corrupted methods to take down Trump,’ he said.

Though Comey is no longer affiliated with the FBI, his firing by Trump last May led Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein to appoint Special Counsel Robert Mueller to investigate any ‘links’ between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.

Giovanni met Hillary Clinton in 2007 while she was campaigning in a Democratic primary. The pair posed for a picture together, before he asked her to help get a pardon for her father, who was still alive at the time

Giovanni met Hillary Clinton in 2007 while she was campaigning in a Democratic primary. The pair posed for a picture together, before he asked her to help get a pardon for her father, who was still alive at the time

In return, Giovanni said he would get his 'connections' in the restaurant business to vote for her and drum up support. He also posed for a picture with her husband Bill

In return, Giovanni said he would get his ‘connections’ in the restaurant business to vote for her and drum up support. He also posed for a picture with her husband Bill

The probe has widened considerably, leading to Monday’s raid on Trump attorney Michael Cohen’s office by Manhattan federal prosecutors and the FBI, over payments made to alleged Trump mistresses.

‘They don’t want to put people behind bars for just a few years, they wanna put them away for life,’ said the Mob scion Giovanni. ‘And they will lie in order to achieve that goal.’

Giovanni met Hillary Clinton in 2007 while she was campaigning in a Democratic primary.

The pair posed for a picture together, before he asked her to help get a pardon for her father, who was still alive at the time. 

In return, Giovanni said he would get his ‘connections’ in the restaurant business to vote for her and drum up support.

He also wanted the pair to discuss over-populated prisons – a policy she has championed in her latest presidential bid.

Clinton agreed and the pair met during her unsuccessful run for the 2008 Democratic nomination.

He also posed for a picture with Bill.