Mahmoud Rizk jailed over shooting of girl, 9, in botched gangland hit is accused of stalking Fatima El Hage whose lover was executed in bed next to her

A hairdresser whose gangster lover was executed as he lay next to her in bed has allegedly been stalked from prison by a notorious criminal.

Police have taken out an Apprehended Violence Order for Fatima El Hage, 31, to protect her from a man jailed in the gangland shooting of a nine-year-old girl in her pyjamas in Sydney’s south.

Daily Mail Australia can reveal Mahmoud Rizk is the man accused of stalking and intimidating Ms El Hage, after Rizk pleaded guilty to his role in attack on the little girl.

She was shot in the hip as she stood outside a home in Connells Point in her Dr Seuss pyjamas while helping unpack groceries from a car on July 8, 2022. 

As she lay bleeding on the ground, she asked her mother: ‘Am I going to die?’.

The shooting, regarded as the most terrible in Sydney’s gangland war, occurred after Rizk and another man had arrived at the address looking for a Brothers 4 Life gang member.

Fatima El Hage has had a series of unfortunate encounters, starting with her gangster lover being assassinated behind her, her husband’s Lambo being torched and now being stalked from prison

Fatima El Hage and Mahmoud Rizk  (above) who police have now charged behind bars with allegedly stalking her from Silverwater prison where he was locked up over a child shooting

Fatima El Hage and Mahmoud Rizk  (above) who police have now charged behind bars with allegedly stalking her from Silverwater prison where he was locked up over a child shooting

Bullets were instead fired at three children, one of them hitting the young girl, with Rizk fleeing the botched attack by swimming the Georges River when a getaway car wouldn’t start.

Rizk, who is also a former lover of Ms El Hage, eventually pleaded guilty to conspiring and agreeing to murder.

While in custody awaiting trial on the charges, in March last year he allegedly stalked Ms El Hage from inside Silverwater Metropolitan Remand jail.

NSW Raptor Squad police arrested Rizk at Silverwater in July 2023 and charged him with stalking and causing fear of physical or mental harm.

The charge is listed in Waverley Local Court on Tuesday, but his identity could not be revealed before now while he had still been awaiting trial for his role as the driver in the gangland hit. The mastermind behind the attempted murder has never been identified.

Ms El Hage’s alleged stalking by Rizk is just one of a series of traumatic incidents she has suffered.

Mahmoud Rizk was arrested after a nine-year-old girl was shot in the hip during a botched hit on a Brothers 4 Life gang member at Connells Park in 2022

Mahmoud Rizk was arrested after a nine-year-old girl was shot in the hip during a botched hit on a Brothers 4 Life gang member at Connells Park in 2022

After the nine-year-old girl was shot in the hip while unpacking groceries in her Dr Seuss pyjamas she asked her mother 'am I going to die'

After the nine-year-old girl was shot in the hip while unpacking groceries in her Dr Seuss pyjamas she asked her mother ‘am I going to die’

Ms El Hage is suing NSW Police for trauma and PTSD following the shooting of her lover Kemel ‘Blackie’ Barakat’ as they lay beside one another in bed  in 2017.

The pair were asleep at about 2.30am on March 10, 2017 when assassins burst into his unit in Mortlake, in the city’s south, and executed him in a hail of bullets. 

She was later accused during a court trial of one of Barakat’s conspirators of being involved, but was completely exonerated. 

Last year, Ms El Hage was also traumatised after a $400,000 Lamborghini Huracan rented by her new husband, Mahmoud ‘Bargo’ Bargshoon, was torched.

Witnesses saw two people carrying jerry cans moments before the blaze broke out on a street at Olympic Park, in western Sydney, with the 724 Coupe erupting in flames at 2.30 am, causing the the vehicle to melt on the road.

Then a voluptuous portrait of Ms El Hage sitting on the lap of her builder husband sparked a texting feud between her and Mr Bargshoon’s previous girlfriend, a woman called Rose. 

Fatima El Hage has had an AVO taken out on her behalf by police after she was allegedly stalked by a former lover from behind bars after he was jailed for his role in the shooting of a girl, 9

Fatima El Hage has had an AVO taken out on her behalf by police after she was allegedly stalked by a former lover from behind bars after he was jailed for his role in the shooting of a girl, 9

Fatim'as husband's rented $400k Lamborghini was torched by two people with a jerry can on a street in Olympic Park where it melted

Fatim’as husband’s rented $400k Lamborghini was torched by two people with a jerry can on a street in Olympic Park where it melted 

Rose claimed a watch which can be seen on Ms El Hage’s left wrist in the photo is an $18,000 diamond Rolex, which she misplaced in Mr Bargshoon’s home at the end of August, 2022.

When Rose and Mr Bargshoon’s three-month relationship ended, she confronted him about the watch, which he denied he had.

Texted repeatedly by Rose about the watch, Ms El Hage firmly denied the allegations on her husband’s behalf, saying ‘my husband is a multimillionaire. He would never steal a watch.’

Fatima El Hage’s planned lawsuit against police and the state over the Kemel Barakat murder, was seeking millions in compensation for ‘illegal detainment and putting her life in danger’.

At the time, Ms El Hage was unaware of Barakat’s underworld ties to known criminals and bikies and the pair were in a secret relationship, but says she thought she’d met the love of her life. 

Ms El Hage was in a secret relationship with Kemel Barakat when assassins burst in to their bedroom and shot him dead in an underworld hit in 2017

Ms El Hage was in a secret relationship with Kemel Barakat when assassins burst in to their bedroom and shot him dead in an underworld hit in 2017

She recalls Barakat waking up and instantly ‘palming’ her away to the other side of his custom made double-king bed as he was shot at. With her face buried in the blankets, she was certain the assailants would take aim at her next.

‘I always wonder why they let me go,’ she told Daily Mail Australia. ‘I want to know why they let me live.’ 

During the 2020 NSW Supreme Court trial of Barkat’s one-time friend, Ahmed Jaghbir, for being an accessory before the fact to murder, Ms El Hage was cross-examined and accused of somehow being involved.

Jaghbir was found guilty of handing the killers of 29-year-old Barakat a key to his Mortlake unit block after having helped ‘Blackie’ fix his front door, which police had smashed down.

A judge found the evidence Ms El Hage gave during trial was ‘honest’ and ‘very largely consistent’ and said ‘it was difficult to imagine the horror of what she experienced that night. She thought she was about to be killed, too.’ 
