Maintain Organic Nature of Products with CBD Boxes

CBD products have become popular and readily available online and in stores in every form imaginable. Despite the fact that there is still little clarity about the exact figures, a trend is indeed being seen in the use of these products, such as CBD oil.

Smart choice for you as a business owner to offer this product to your customer.

But what packaging do you choose for this product? CBD boxes are a different kind, and it is best to make the CBD box in a different design than you would use for your customized pre roll packaging or other packaging options.

CBD products are loved by many

According to users of CBD products, they are said to have a calming, soothing, and healing effect. That is why nowadays more and more celebrities and prominent people speak positively about (the use of) CBD products.

For example, the substance would help relieve pain, sleep problems, and stress. There have even been several studies showing that CBD might also help with diabetes and Parkinson’s disease, but more research is needed to find real evidence of its possible effects.

CBD oil is therefore always a food supplement and not a medicine, as is sometimes thought.

Applications of CBD in skincare

In addition to the benefits that CBD may offer for your health, CBD also has a positive effect on the skin. For example, the substance can both soothe and purify the skin, making skin problems (such as redness) a thing of the past.

In addition, the skin is cared for thanks to vitamins A and D, and radiant skin is also part of the deal. So it’s no wonder that CBD has conquered the beauty market. CBD oil is processed in various types of products, from oils to creams.

Celebrities are embracing the use of CBD products

Well-known users of CBD products include Whoopi Goldberg, Morgan Freeman, Nate Diaz, Kim Kardashian, Alessandra Ambrosio, Jennifer Aniston, and Gwyneth Paltrow. Kim Kardashian regularly goes public with her CBD obsession.

Her baby shower is an example of this, but she also says she is a big fan of the Korean spa Pellequr in Los Angeles, where CBD is processed in all products and treatments. Fun fact: At the end of 2019, Kim Kardashian has been overtaken by CBD in terms of popularity.

For the first time, CBD was searched more than the name Kim Kardashian on the internet. In addition, Gwyneth Paltrow is one of the most famous CBD enthusiasts. Through her own lifestyle brand Goop, she promotes (the use of) CBD products.

On her website, you can find articles and studies about CBD products. You can even find recipes for real CBD cocktails! So make sure your boxing for the CBD products is made to stand out!

Is the packaging of CBD that important?

YES, it is! A role in the quality of CBD is its packaging.

CBD products can degrade when exposed to air, so make sure your product’s packaging is airtight and has a safety seal. Loose lids, malfunctioning closures, or holes that allow air to enter the packaging are just a few reasons why you should not buy a product.

In addition, they should be compact and easy to carry if you want your customers to take your hemp-based CBD products on a trip. Check that the packaging is not too large for the amount of product it contains. If so, choose another option.

What’s really important when shopping for CBD oils is that you choose one that comes in dark-colored glass, which prevents sunlight from breaking down the CBD and making it useless.

Packaging and boxes for CBD products

CBD is processed in products such as oil, cosmetic products, ointment, cream, shampoo, and many more products. Producers do everything they can to package these CBD products as beautifully as possible.

The options are limitless, however the packaging for CBD products is often differently designed than for your containers, tins, zip lock bags, or customized pre-roll packaging. These are some options to have the best offer in your store.

  • Counter display: It’s perfect to display small products such as cosmetics or mini shampoos.
  • Mailbox shipping box! In most countries, you can ship CBD products, make sure your logo is visible but be discreet as possible.
  • Square box: A printed square box is the perfect business card for your company.

And you can easily store your products in a comfortable square box. You can spend a little bit more on the outside boxes than on what’s inside. Most CBD products are in oils and come in glasses bottles from the producer.

Eco-friendly packaging

Packaging represents environmental challenges. To reduce the ecological footprint, it is necessary to make more responsible products and opt for sustainable packaging solutions. But how do you switch to ecological packaging to protect your products?

There are many solutions to reduce the impact on the environment.

How do you recognize environmentally friendly packaging?

To recognize eco-friendly packaging, all you need to do is ask yourself and your supplier the right questions. Of course, the design needs to be cool and outstanding but for users in the CBD world, the motto is “the greener, the better”.

Is the material renewable or recycled? A renewable material is a material composed of natural resources that is replenished after use and consumption, generation after generation.

Is the packaging reusable or recyclable? Recyclable packaging can be collected, processed, and reused as raw material or goods. The recyclability of packaging depends on its nature and composition. For example, a mono-material is easier to recycle.

Does it have a low carbon footprint? By choosing the right film, using the right machines, and reducing the size of the box, you help to reduce your ecological footprint.

Is your packaging suitable for the size of your products?

Custom packaging is the best way to achieve this and reduce packaging consumption.