Whole plant CBD refers to a CBD product that utilizes all of the hemp plants.  This utilization means that all of the synergistic properties that come with fatty acids, rich terpenes, and secondary cannabinoids interact at a level and serve to enhance the product.

On the other hand, isolate CBD refers to a kind of CBD product that removes the terpenes, fatty acids contained in the plant. It has no taste or odor as it does not contain the psychoactive cannabinoid known as THC. It is at least 99% pure cannabidiol. So if you are currently reading this, you are trying to choose between acquiring any of the whole plant and isolate CBD products. Read on if you need help making the right choice.

Whole Plant vs. Isolate CBD (At a glance)

Whole Plant:

Ø Contains CBD and other naturally occurring plant compounds like fatty acids and terpenes

Ø When derived from hem it contains less than 0.3 percent of THC

Ø Undergoes fewer processes than CBD isolate

Ø Synergises with THC and other plant compounds

Isolate CBD:

v Is pure CBD (99%)

v Does not contain THC or other cannabinoids

v Does not contain terpenes

v Undergoes more processing than the whole plant version

v You get straight CBD when you use it

Although CBD isolate is a more concentrated form of cannabidiol, it will not get the user “high.” Conversely, the whole plant version, which is a combination of cannabinoids, plant compounds, and sometimes other herbs delivers what is known as “the entourage effect.”

Which Is Better?

Now that you a glimpse of what both products offer, you should be better positioned to decide which product works best for you. Whole plant CBD oil or Isolate CBD? Most informed folks tend to think that the first step to determining that is to ask yourself what you hope to achieve by when you use a CBD product.

This is because your preference is dependent on your specific situation. If boosting your consumption of naturally occurring nutrients is your intent, then your best bet is whole plant CBD oil.

But if you are all about the consumption of pure CBD in an amount that you can control, then you should stick with isolate CBD. Since isolate CBD is tasteless, it is also great for making “edibles” that contain cannabidiol.

One advantage isolate CBD has over the whole plant version, and the one which makes it the more attractive version is that it is easier to know exactly what you are using. And since it undergoes more processing, it is seen as the more refined version.

That said, the question “which is better” is best answered by the users’ intent and preference. After making up your mind on what you want, you will need your supplies from reputable hands that understand the business. With Danodan, you are guaranteed products that deliver full-spectrum, extra-special results. The best part is that they are hand-picked blends that are designed to provide a relaxed vibe without the “high.”