Malawi ‘vampire’ victims describe how they were attacked

Stories of midnight attacks by blood-sucking vampires is continuing to cause problems in Malawi, southeastern Africa.

‘Victims’ claim they are being attacked in the night by vampires, unlikely tales which have triggered deadly vigilante violence in the southern parts of the country.

At least seven people have been killed in one district, and earlier this year, UN workers and US Peace Corps volunteers were pulled out of the region.

Vampire victim: Jamiya Bauleni claims that a vampire entered her home in southern Malawi and sucked her blood in October

While UN staff have now returned, the stories of blood-sucking attacks continue. 

Jamiya Bauleni, a 40-year-old single mother, said that an attacker entered her home and sucked her blood at her home in Thyolo district.

‘This is not hearsay,’ she told a fascinated crowd in Ngolongoliwa village in the country’s south, which has been at the heart of recent panic over rumours of vampire activity. 

‘I know my blood was sucked. I saw light on the corner of my roof. I failed to stand up from my bed and felt something piercing my left arm,’ she said, pointing near her breast.

Her story is part of a long line of similar testimonies in Malawi, where belief in witchcraft and vampire activity is widespread and rouses revenge mobs that kill those suspected of black magic. 

Consequences: Allegations like those made by Bauleni and others like her have triggered killer mob attacks on supposed suspects

Consequences: Allegations like those made by Bauleni and others like her have triggered killer mob attacks on supposed suspects

Bauleni, who makes a living selling wild pea stew, said that before she fell unconscious she heard someone fleeing the scene.

She was taken to a clinic and later discharged after being given vitamin supplements, but she chose not to report the attack.

The latest bout of vampire rumours allegedly originated in Mozambique and spread across the border to Malawi’s districts of Mulanje and Phalombe, according to the United Nations.

At least seven people have been killed in Mulanje district after being hunted down, police say.

Strong belief: A view of Ngolongoliwa Village in Thyolo district in southern Malawi where reports and rumours of vampires are rife

Strong belief: A view of Ngolongoliwa Village in Thyolo district in southern Malawi where reports and rumours of vampires are rife

One purported victim, Florence Kalunga, 27, says she was sleeping alongside her husband in their home when she saw a light ‘like fire’.

‘I heard the door open. I felt something like a needle in my finger,’ she said.

The people targeted by vengeful mobs are often wealthier individuals in rural parts of the southern African country, where grinding poverty and poor educational standards are the norm.

Entrepreneur Orlendo Chaponda narrowly avoided an attack when 2,000 villagers, some carrying machetes and stones, stormed his home in Thyolo on September 30.

‘They said I was keeping blood suckers,’ said Chaponda, who was out at the time. ‘They could have killed me if they found me.’

He called the police who fired tear gas to disperse the crowd after a five-hour standoff.

‘There is no truth about blood suckers, but jealous people and thugs want to take advantage to attack rich people,’ Chaponda said.

‘If you have a nice car, you are a bloodsucker.’

Malawi’s national blood transfusion service – the only institution mandated by the government to collect blood for hospitals from volunteers – says that rumours of vampire activity have also begun to set back activity.

‘This issue has affected us a lot. It has prevented us from going to collect blood in the affected areas,’ said Bridon M’baya, medical director of the service.

Under attack: Orlendo Chaponda, standing outside the mill on his farm, was rescued from an attack by hundreds of armed villagers by a rapid police response to his call for help

Under attack: Orlendo Chaponda, standing outside the mill on his farm, was rescued from an attack by hundreds of armed villagers by a rapid police response to his call for help

At least 250 people have been arrested in Malawi over the mob violence, and 40 more arrested over similar crimes in neighbouring Mozambique.

Malawian President Peter Mutharika was even forced to step in and insist that the government had the situation under control.

‘There is no evidence of blood suckers. It’s a lie meant to destabilise the region,’ he said recently. ‘Those spreading rumours will face the law.’

Anthony Mtuta, assistant lecturer in anthropology at the Catholic University of Malawi, said the roots of the vampire scares were in ‘economic hardships and inequalities’.

‘It’s the rich versus the poor. The poor believe the rich are greedy and are sucking the blood of poor people,’ he said.

Malawi is largely reliant on foreign aid, but some locals view the assistance with suspicion.

‘To villagers, the thinking is that no gift is for free… you pay back through blood,’ said Mtuta.

He has researched the vampire phenomenon and has warned that violence would ‘resurface unless the government learns how to handle contemporary issues’.

McDonald Kolokombe, a clerk at the state-run Likhubula forest reserve, noted that the number of tourists visiting the Mulanje area had collapsed since mid-September.

‘The communities rely on visitors to feed their families working as tour guides, porters and selling curios,’ he said.

‘We are starving because of a bad rumour about blood suckers,’ added amateur tour guide Eric Yohane. ‘It is a big lie.’