Malcolm Turnbull attacked online for controversial upload

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has faced backlash online after sharing a photo of himself kissing his granddaughter, Alice, while holding a beer during Saturday’s Sydney Swans v Essendon Bombers AFL game.

While Mr Turnbull innocently labelled the occasion ‘multitasking’, many social media users were quick to point out potential issues with the post. 

Some accused him of being an irresponsible child-minder, while others took the opportunity to blast him for ‘wasting’ money on the upcoming postal plebiscite.

Malcolm Turnbull divided his online audience on Saturday after sharing a controversial photo of himself at Saturday’s AFL game against the Sydney Swans and Essendon Bombers

Mr Turnbull (middle right) and wife Lucy (middle left) welcomed their newest grandchild Alice Lucinda Turnbull-Brown into the world in August last year. They are pictured with their daughter Daisy (right), James Brown (left) and grandson Jack

Mr Turnbull (middle right) and wife Lucy (middle left) welcomed their newest grandchild Alice Lucinda Turnbull-Brown into the world in August last year. They are pictured with their daughter Daisy (right), James Brown (left) and grandson Jack

One took a stab at his definition of ‘multitasking’, opting to put their own spin on the meaning: ‘Wasting 150 million dollars and watching the footy at the same time. #multitasking,’ they wrote. 

Another echoed similar thoughts: ‘Multitasking by wasting tax payers money whilst insulting LGBT community.’

A particularly annoyed commenter implied Mr Turnbull was resting on the child’s head due to his ‘lack of spine’. 

One commenter took a stab at the PM's  definition of 'multitasking', opting to put their own spin on the meaning

One commenter took a stab at the PM’s  definition of ‘multitasking’, opting to put their own spin on the meaning

Ouch! Social media users weren't gentle with telling the PM how they really feel 

Ouch! Social media users weren’t gentle with telling the PM how they really feel 

Another disgruntled social media user posed a controversial question about the prospect of his grandchild being homosexual.

‘Well I hope the kid is not gay or he will be a second class citizen because of you!,’ they wrote. 

Perhaps the most hotly debated topic was the matter of him consuming alcohol while nursing a young child. 

Someone pointed out the prospect of Mr Turnbull's grandchild being homosexual

Someone pointed out the prospect of Mr Turnbull’s grandchild being homosexual

Hot water: The PM's online audience weren't happy after he uploaded a photo from Saturday's football game holding his grandchild and a beer at the same time 

Hot water: The PM’s online audience weren’t happy after he uploaded a photo from Saturday’s football game holding his grandchild and a beer at the same time 

‘Do you HAVE to drink alcohol whilst holding that baby? What is wrong with soft drink?,’ one concerned follower wrote. 

Another was particularly irritated, writing: ‘Does anyone see anything irresponsible with an adult hold(ing) a baby and juggling a beer? And when was drinking while holding a child OK?’

Continuing: ‘I find it disgusting to see people breathing grog all over baby’s but sadly I’m not surprised by Malcolm doing it.’

The most hotly debated topic was the matter of him consuming alcohol while nursing a young child

The most hotly debated topic was the matter of him consuming alcohol while nursing a young child

Angered followers even suggested Mr Turnbull staged the photo to target as many social groups as possible in a last-ditch attempt to win over voters.

‘Drinking beer, kissing babies, AND watching footy… you’d think he must be a politician.’

‘Must have an election date in mind,’ another added. 

While the photo attracted more than 7,000 likes, the prime minister certainly divided his audience. 

Though the photo’s comment box was predominantly plagued with negativity, many praised the politician’s work and commended him on taking time out to enjoy time with his family at the footy.

Disgruntled followers suggested Mr Turnbull staged the photo to target as many social groups

Disgruntled followers suggested Mr Turnbull staged the photo to target as many social groups

Tension: The photo's comment box was predominantly plagued with negativity blasting Mr Turnbull for being irresponsible

Tension: The photo’s comment box was predominantly plagued with negativity blasting Mr Turnbull for being irresponsible