Man accidentally shares photos of kinky ropes on his bed

A man trying to share a sweet photo of his girlfriend ended up disclosing much more than he originally intended, all because of one single detail.

Maison Vallance, of Murfreesboro, Tennessee, took to Twitter to share the snap of his partner Meghan, who can be seen curling up in bed holding up a burgundy T-shirt and flashing a bright smile at the camera.

Originally, Maison, 22, took the photo to show his mother he had found the shirt she had given him. But rather sweetly, he decided Meghan was ‘too pretty’ not to share the picture, and posted it on his Twitter account for all to see.

How it all began: Maison Vallance, of Murfreesboro, Tennessee, took to Twitter to share the snap of his partner Meghan, who can be seen curling up in bed holding a T-shirt

Details: Originally, Maison, 22, took the photo to show his mother he had found the shirt she had given him, but someone promptly pointed out the red ropes tied around the headboard

Details: Originally, Maison, 22, took the photo to show his mother he had found the shirt she had given him, but someone promptly pointed out the red ropes tied around the headboard

Oopsy: Maison (pictured with Meghan) simply replied the ropes were 'for constraining purposes', before adding in another message that he sent the full picture to his mother

Oopsy: Maison (pictured with Meghan) simply replied the ropes were ‘for constraining purposes’, before adding in another message that he sent the full picture to his mother

However, someone promptly noticed there was more in the picture than Maison intended to display.

The eagle-eyed Twitter user pointed out that there are red ropes wrapped around the bed’s headboard, and asked what they were for.

In Maison’s photos, the bright red string loops around a hook and has a loop tied on one side.

‘I’m going to regret this as soon as I ask, but the ropes…..?’ the Twitter user asked.

Maison simply replied ‘For constraining purposes’, which the other person deemed eloquent, although Maison made it clear that in his mind, there is ‘nothing eloquent about it’.

Words: The Twitter user who noticed the ropes asked Maison what they were for, but said she would probably regret asking the question

Words: The Twitter user who noticed the ropes asked Maison what they were for, but said she would probably regret asking the question

Blunder: Maison seemed to fully grasp the extent of his blunder when he added: 'Ok just realized I sent this to my mom with THE ROPES ATTACHED TO MY HEADBOARD.....'

Blunder: Maison seemed to fully grasp the extent of his blunder when he added: ‘Ok just realized I sent this to my mom with THE ROPES ATTACHED TO MY HEADBOARD…..’

Saved by technology: It appears that Maison's mother didn't get to see the unintended rope shot in its full glory, because it became cropped after he texted it to her

Saved by technology: It appears that Maison’s mother didn’t get to see the unintended rope shot in its full glory, because it became cropped after he texted it to her

He seemed to fully grasp the extent of his blunder when he added: ‘Ok just realized I sent this to my mom with THE ROPES ATTACHED TO MY HEADBOARD…..’

Other Twitter users found the mishap hilarious, and Maison’s horrified tweet has now received more than 211,000 likes and has been shared more than 59,000 times.

However, it appears that Maison’s mother didn’t get to see the unintended rope shot in its full glory.

When her son texted it to her, the image automatically became cropped to make it fit in a preview slot.

According to Maison, his mother never tapped on the picture, and thus, never saw its full-size version.

‘Luckily she didn’t click the picture to see the ropes,’ he wrote in a subsequent tweet next to an amused emoji.

Maison later made fun of himself by sharing a couple of photos of himself with Meghan, writing in the caption: ‘You could say I got her “tied down”. Thankful for this angel.’