Man asks Reddit if he was in the wrong for wanting to name his baby after his dead ex

Husband furious after his wife dismisses his favourite baby name because it’s the name of his ex-girlfriend – sparking a heated debate

  • A man wanted to name his daughter in honour of his deceased ex
  • His wife hated the ‘weird’ idea and thousands sided with her
  • He was accused of reminding his wife she was second best 

A man has been slammed for trying to name his unborn child after his late ex-girlfriend – something his expectant wife said she is very uncomfortable with.

Nick* said he always imagined naming his child after his ex, Nancy, after she passed away, but he didn’t expect it to cause so many issues with his wife Rebecca*.

He thinks it would be the perfect way to ‘remember and honour’ his ‘best friend’ as he misses her everyday.

Thousands slammed Nick for his ‘thoughtless and cruel’ suggestion, accusing him of creating a constant reminder for his wife that she was his second choice.

However, he insists the idea was innocent and believes his wife must be feeling upset because she’s ‘insecure’ or suffering from pregnancy hormones.

A man has been slammed for trying to name his unborn child after his late ex-girlfriend – something his expectant wife said she was very uncomfortable with

Nick took to Reddit to ask if he was an as**ole for suggesting the name.

He explained that their baby is due in 12 weeks, and although they are not yet sure of the gender they have started to talk about names, which is when the issue arose.

‘I had a girlfriend for around six years before meeting my now wife. Unfortunately, she passed away and I was absolutely devastated. It’s still painful to think about and I always imagined naming a child in her memory,’ he explained.


Is it weird to name your baby after your late ex?

  • Definitely! 0 votes
  • Not really! 0 votes

Nick said he loves the name but his wife was ‘unimpressed’. 

‘She felt it was strange and didn’t make sense as Nancy had been my girlfriend. The way I see it is that Nancy was very important to me for a really long time,’ he said.

He broke up with Nancy two months after meeting his current wife, and she died two years later. 

‘She was my best friend and losing her was just a terrible thing. I feel as though it would be a great way to remember and honour a dear friend who I miss everyday,’ he added.

The issue has caused ‘a lot of issues’ between the expectant couple.

Nick said he dropped the suggestion and said it was important they both agreed on the name but he can’t understand why his wife is still upset about the issue.

Nick* said he always imagined naming his child after his ex, Nancy, after she passed away, but he didn't expect the issues it caused with his wife Rebecca*

Nick* said he always imagined naming his child after his ex, Nancy, after she passed away, but he didn’t expect the issues it caused with his wife Rebecca*

‘I don’t know if she feels insecure or maybe the pregnancy is stressing her but she just won’t drop it. I honestly don’t see the issue whatsoever’ he said.

Thousands of people sided with Rebecca and accused Nick of still being in love with Nancy.

‘It comes across as, ‘hey wife you’re my second choice, so lets name our kid after what would have been my first choice,’ one man said.

‘You can’t tell your pregnant wife you miss your ex even now as you prepare to bring a child into the world together,’ another added.

Several other people added that naming the child Nancy would serve as a ‘daily reminder’ for Rebecca about her husbands lost love. 

Hundreds thought the name Nancy was a ‘bizarre and outdated’ choice regardless of his ex.

‘Are we time traveling to 1970 to have this baby or?’ one woman asked. 

Nick accepted that he may have been in the wrong.

‘It seems like most people have said that I’m wrong in this situation which is understandable,’

‘I think I’ll apologise again and hopefully the situation will end there. It probably was a weird idea and maybe I wasn’t seeing that clearly as I’m still grieving to some extent,’ he said.

* Names have been changed 
