Man caught at Manchester Airport with bullets avoids jail

Suleyman Kilincarslan (pictured leaving Manchester Magistrates’ Court) was given a three month jail sentence suspended for a year after bullets were found in his coat pocket

A grandfather triggered a security alert when he was caught with ten bullets in his coat pocket.

Suleyman Kilincarslan was due to board a flight back to his native Istanbul from Manchester Airport on October 15 after attending his granddaughter’s wedding in Stoke-On-Trent. 

But security staff stopped the 69-year-old retired chef when they discovered the ammunition in his clothing.

Test showed the 7.65 Browning calibre rounds were in working order, with one having markings consistent with having been loaded into a pistol. 

At Manchester Magistrates’ Court the father-of-three was given a three month jail sentence suspended for a year after he argued it was tradition in his home country for revellers to fire bullets in the air at christenings and weddings.

He said the ammunition may have been left in his pocket following one such celebration, although no guns were fired at his granddaughter’s wedding.

Mr Kilincarslan, who lived in the UK for some 24 years before retiring back to his native Istanbul, had faced up to five years in jail over the seizure. 

The court heard he was stopped last October some three weeks after he arrived back in the UK with his wife of to attend the family wedding.

Prosecutor Carl Miles told the court a security guard at the airport searched Mr Kilincarslan after he triggered alarms on the x-ray machine. 

He added: ‘He searched the clothing and found a cluster of bullets. The defendant was asked what was in the jacket and replied ‘coins, some coins’. 

‘But ten bullets were found in the outside pocket of the coat. He shook his head and said ‘no, no’ when they showed them to him at which point the police were contacted. The bullets were sent for forensic analysis.’

Tests showed the bullets were capable of being used, though no firearm was found. 

Mr Kilincarslan told officers he had no idea the bullets were in his coat pocket and would have ‘thrown them away’ had he realised.

Mr Kilincarslan was due to board a flight back to his native Istanbul from Manchester Airport on October 15 after attending his granddaughter's wedding in Stoke-On-Trent

Mr Kilincarslan was due to board a flight back to his native Istanbul from Manchester Airport on October 15 after attending his granddaughter’s wedding in Stoke-On-Trent

He was detained in the UK ahead of his appearance at court this week.   

Mr Kilincarslan’s defence lawyer Paolo Passerini said: ‘He is a man aged almost 70 and the biggest loss for him today is the loss of his good name.   

‘The defendant doesn’t possess a firearm himself but at celebrations [in Turkey] people have given him ammunition to put in his pocket and hold for them whilst they go and fire hand guns into the air.

‘That’s how these bullets came to his possession. It’s not an offence in Turkey and they have probably been there for some time. 

‘He was totally unaware of the items, he’s not tried to smuggle bullets in or out, he’s had them quite legitimately in his possession in Turkey – and he simply forgot about them.

‘His lack of knowledge is irrelevant, it may seem harsh but that’s the reality, it shows how tight we are in this country on security. This was not an intentional offence. 

‘Both he and his wife have had their passports taken and been in the country for an elderly gentleman suffering from anxiety he wants to know what’s happening. 

‘He has had four heart operations and just wants to go home.’

Mr Kilincarslan was detained in the UK ahead of his appearance at court this week, where he was given a suspended sentence and ordered to pay £200 in costs

Mr Kilincarslan was detained in the UK ahead of his appearance at court this week, where he was given a suspended sentence and ordered to pay £200 in costs

An employee from the probation service said Mr Kilincarslan has several ailments which require him to take medication, leading to memory lapses.

The spokesman said police had his boarding pass and passport ready so he could return to Turkey.  

Mr Kilincarslan was also ordered to pay £200 in costs. 

Magistrate Michelle Haffner told him: ‘We have listened to your solicitor and we have taken everything into account. For the next 12 months – and the future really – no more crimes.’