Man charged with animal cruelty after attacking two horses

A 20-year-old man accused of attacking two horses has been charged with animal cruelty

A central Queensland man who sprayed two horses in the face with a fire extinguisher in a drive-by attack has been charged with animal cruelty.

The 20-year-old man allegedly attacked horses Kenny and Bailey around 9.30pm on January 5 as they pulled a carriage through Rockhampton’s CBD.

Police said the attack was carried out from a car, which slowed as it passed the popular Clydesdales and then sped away after the horses had been doused with chemicals.

‘Shocked. I’m just totally shocked,’ said carriage driver Steven May. 

‘I was bewildered about anyone even contemplating doing something like that.’ 

The offender allegedly leaned out the window and sprayed the fire extinguisher into Kenny and Bailey’s face before driving away. The horses were seen by a vet for minor injuries.

‘It seems like an act that by any set of standard norms is completely unacceptable,’ Inspector David Peff told the ABC. ‘Clearly the level of social media commentary and the level of public interest in this would tell me that the entire community is pretty much disgusted by the act.’

‘[Owner] Steve has had to flush our eyes & Bailey has some nasal discharge,’ the Kenny the Clydesdale page posted to Facebook shortly after the incident.

Mr May told 7NEWS that Bailey was still suffering from conjunctivitis a day later after ‘copping a faceful of the white powder’.  

A subsequent post showed a video of the horses recovering from the painful ordeal the next morning with a fresh bale of hay for breakfast.

The alleged attacker handed himself into police after the footage was shared online and was charged on Monday with two counts of animal cruelty. 

He will appear in Rockhampton Magistrates Court on January 31 facing two charges.

CCTV captured the moment that the man sprayed chemicals onto the horses from his vehicle

Well-wishers took to Facebook to express their relief that both of the Clydesdales will recover

Well-wishers took to Facebook to express their relief that both of the Clydesdales will recover

Shocked and upset Rockhampton residents have flocked to Kenny’s Facebook page to express their condolences and outrage.

‘Great news. Hopefully he has learnt a very important lesson,’ wrote one woman, while another was not so gracious: ‘What type of a***hole does this? There has to be harsh consequences for this turd then throw him out of town.’

Another called the attacker a ‘d*ck’, and suggested that he be made to help Mr May: ‘He should be made come & help…everyday for the next year to feed water & pickup your sh*t as punishment.’

Several more well-wishers expressed their relief that the horses will recover and their gratitude that the police pursued the case.