Man dies of a pulmonary embolism after landing in Ibiza

A British holidaymaker collapsed and died as he arrived in Ibiza just minutes after he sent a text to his fiancee saying how much he loved her.

Builder Paul Birchall, 51 was due to join a friend’s stag party had texted partner of six years Andrea Houseman, 47, to say he had arrived safely as he touched down on the island’s San Jose International Airport.

But shortly afterwards as he reached passport control Mr Birchall, from Bolton, Greater Manchester was taken ill after suffering a blood clot in his leg during the Jet 2 flight from Manchester.

Builder Paul Birchhall sent a text message to his fiance Andrea Houseman, right, after landing in Ibiza saying he had arrived safely moments before he collapsed because of a blood clot

Mr Birchall, pictured, collapsed in the terminal of Ibiza airport after leaving the aircraft

Mr Birchall, pictured, collapsed in the terminal of Ibiza airport after leaving the aircraft

An inquest into Mr Birchall's death heard he collapsed after reaching passport control  

An inquest into Mr Birchall’s death heard he collapsed after reaching passport control  

Attempts were made by friends and a doctor on board the flight to resuscitate the father of two but he was pronounced dead shortly after his sudden collapse on June 15 this year.

Spanish doctors initially believed Mr Birchall had succumbed to ‘Economy Class Syndrome’ – where passengers develop a blood clot in their leg by remaining seated in an aircraft for more than six hours. 

But during an inquest into his death in Bolton a Home Office Pathologist ruled out the possibility claiming his death could have come at any time regardless of the three-hour flight.

Dr Patrick Waugh, revealed that Paul had died from a sudden blockage in the lungs known as a Pulmonary Embolism which was caused by deep vein thrombosis. He also stated that the deceased was also suffering from heart disease.

He told the hearing: ‘This is a common condition where you develop a blood clot in your leg and that block travels all the way up to your heart and gets stuck in your lungs which obstructs blood getting to your lungs and causes you to collapse.

Mr Birchall's inquest heard it took 30 minutes for paramedics to arrive following his collapse

Mr Birchall’s inquest heard it took 30 minutes for paramedics to arrive following his collapse

‘In cases where clots are affected by flying, it tends to happen in long haul flights of around nine to twelve hours – this flight was no longer than three hours. He was already feeling unwell in the flight meaning that the clot had already formed.

‘I feel it is unlikely the flight is what caused the clot.

‘Paul also appeared to have narrowing of the arteries supplying the heart which can cause a heart attack. In his position, if he has a clot in his leg and is struggling to breathe already and has narrowing to his heart that isn’t good.’

A friend and fellow member of the stag party, Sean Hines told the inquest: ‘We had all agreed to meet at a public house and we got a minibus to the airport. Paul arrived late as always and so probably only had time for one pint before we left.

‘He just said that he had heartburn and that was it and he went and brought some ‘Rennie’s.’ He wasn’t drinking heavily at all and he slept for most of the flight but did continue to complain of feeling unwell.

Mr Birchall's inquest heard he was feeling unwell while on the flight from Manchester

Mr Birchall's inquest heard he was feeling unwell while on the flight from Manchester

Mr Birchall’s inquest heard he was feeling unwell while on the flight from Manchester

‘We got to passport control and I just saw Paul fall to the floor. There was a soldier and a medic nearby and a doctor who got off the plane also tried to assist. It took about 30 minutes for the paramedics to arrive but there were people trying to perform CPR.’

Paul’s sister, Vivienne Birchall told the hearing: ‘Paul was one of five children and we were a very close family. He was a grafter and someone who work hard. He had been previously married and had two children but got divorced in 2013.

‘At the time of his death he had been engaged to Angela and they both liked to go on holiday to the Mediterranean. He was a social drinker and on the 15th of June was flying to Ibiza on a stag party.

Mr Birchall's GP confirmed he had complained of muscular skeletal chest pain in 2016

Mr Birchall’s GP confirmed he had complained of muscular skeletal chest pain in 2016

His inquest heard Mr Birchall probably had a blood clot on his lung before boarding the flight

His inquest heard Mr Birchall probably had a blood clot on his lung before boarding the flight

Mr Birchall's inquest found the cause of his death was due to a pulmonary embolism 

Mr Birchall’s inquest found the cause of his death was due to a pulmonary embolism 

‘He had felt a bit unwell before the holiday but he isn’t one for suffering.. It was an afternoon flight and he had two or three pints at the airport – he wasn’t drinking as heavily as his friends. His death came as a complete shock to us. There were over 300 people at his funeral.

What is deep vein thrombosis (DVT) 

 Deep vein thrombosis is a blood clot that develops usually in the larger veins passing through the muscles of the calf and thigh. 

DVTs can cause pain and swelling. 

The clot in some cases can break off and block blood vessels in the lung, causing a pulmonary embolism.  

One in ten people with a DVT will suffer a pulmonary embolism which requires immediate medical attention. 

DVTs affect around one in a thousand people in the UK, but is more common in people over 40. 

Also women taking the combined contraceptive pill and hormone replacement therapy are at lightly higher risk.  

 During long-distance journeys of six hours or more, people can reduce the risk of developing a DVT by drinking water and performing leg exercises or getting up and walking a short distance.  


Coroner’s officer Zena Hartingdon said: ‘Paul had been an air passenger travelling from the UK to Ibiza and died on his arrival into San Jose international airport. He was travelling with friends on a stag party and had complained of heartburn and taken some medication.

‘On arrival he collapsed and was declared deceased at the airport. There was no medical history or any health problems the family felt needed to be bought to our attention.’

In a report Mr Birchall’s GP confirmed that he had presented some muscular skeletal chest pain in 2016 but had not received any medication from the surgery over the past four years.

Civil Aviation Guards at the airport provided a statement saying there was ‘commotion’ and ‘chaos’ in the arrival area of the European Union. They described a number of disturbed passengers and a man lying face up with people crowded around him. They commented that he appeared purple in colour.

Recording a conclusion of death by natural causes, Coroner Timothy Brennan said: ‘I find the medical cause of death as Pulmonary Embolism. Paul died on June 15, 2017 in Ibiza Airport.

‘He had a history of muscular skeletal chest pain in 2016 and in the days prior to his trip abroad the deceased had been complaining of chest pain for which he was self-medicating.

‘On June 15 he was an air passenger and on arrival to the airport having been complaining of feeling unwell suffered a sudden collapse. Despite immediate resuscitation and medical intervention he died.

‘I make clear this clearly isn’t a case that has anything do with “Economy Class Syndrome” or the fact that he was on a stag party. Paul seemed like a decent, hardworking and popular individual and the fact that 300 people attended his funeral is evidence of that.’

Following the hearing, Mr Birchall’s family said in a statement: ‘We miss Paul and just wish that he could come back, we will never get over it.

‘At 6.15pm when he landed in Ibiza he texted Andrea to tell her that he loved her. He was so excited about the trip, he loved a party. If we knew he was ill we would never have let him go on that stag party. It is just such a sad story.’

Mr Birchall who worked for civil engineering firm George Cox and Sons leaves behind his daughter Jamie, aged 26, and son Christopher, aged 24, as well as his mother Eileen Birchall, aged 72. He was the oldest of four siblings, including Vivienne, Julie Birchall, Michael Birchall and Sandra Birchall.

Mr Birchall’s sister Vivienne said at the time of the tragedy: ‘He was a family man and he absolutely loved Andrea, they stuck together like glue. She says she has lost her best friend. Andrea has two granddaughters and they both loved him lots.

‘We are all devastated. He was funny, loving, he loved a good time. It has left a huge hole in our family now.’