Man-eating tigress is ELECTROCUTED in India

A tiger which killed four villagers in central India has died after being electrocuted, an official said Sunday, ending a hunt by armed rangers for the beast.

A court in Maharashtra state issued a shoot-to-kill order Friday against the two-year-old female tiger after its latest victim, a woman, died earlier this month.

But efforts to capture or kill the tiger were called off after it strayed against an electric fence near a village early Saturday.

Called off: The hunt for the tiger (not pictured) was called off after it strayed against an electric fence erected to keep wild animals away and died

‘She died at 2:30 am after getting electrocuted. We have recovered the body,’ Rishikesh Ranjan, field director of Pench Tiger Reserve said.

‘The fencing was erected by the villagers to keep away wild animals, especially boars.’ 

The two-year-old female tiger was initially captured in July after killing two villagers and injuring four others in Brahmapuri in Maharashtra state.

It was later released into the nearby Bor Wildlife Sanctuary but went on to attack and kill another two people.

The latest attack, which saw a woman killed by the tiger last week, prompted authorities to take action and approve a shoot-to-kill order against the tigress, named ‘Kala’.

Hungry: The tigress (not pictured) was captured and released into a wildlife sanctuary in after killing two people in July, but has gone on to attack and kill another two people since

Hungry: The tigress (not pictured) was captured and released into a wildlife sanctuary in after killing two people in July, but has gone on to attack and kill another two people since

‘She has killed four people and injured four others. We can shoot her but we would prefer to capture and tranquilize her,’ Mr Ranjan said at the start of the hunt last week.

Ranjan said officials were tracking the tiger using GPS and wanted to catch her as soon as possible because she is ‘spreading panic amongst villagers’.

‘In her last killing she consumed a major chunk of the victim’s body,’ he said.

Tigers do not generally attack humans, but some experts believe they can get a taste for human flesh if they have attacked once.

India is home to more than half of the world’s tiger population with some 2,226 of the animals roaming its reserves, according to the last count in 2014.

Dozens die every year, sometimes at the hands of poachers, while reports of man-animal conflict are not uncommon.

Wildlife activists say they occur when humans encroach into tiger corridors.

In October last year armed forest guards shot dead a man-eating tiger in northern India.

It was blamed for killing three villagers, including a woman outside Jim Corbett National Park in Uttarakhand state.

Villagers celebrated by parading with the dead animal’s carcass for nearly three hours.