Man fights off carjacker with coffee jar in Frankston, Melbourne

Man beats off pistol-wielding carjacker with a jar of INSTANT COFFEE despite being hit in the head with the gun

  • Jason was buying coffee and cigarettes at petrol station when he was attacked
  • The thug tried to steal his keys before hitting him on the head with his firearm
  • Jason fought the man off before he fled the area in an unregistered vehicle

By Eliza Mcphee For Daily Mail Australia

Published: 01:27 BST, 19 September 2019 | Updated: 01:52 BST, 19 September 2019

A man managed to fight off a pistol-wielding thug with a jar of instant coffee during an attempted car-jacking. 

The victim, known only as Jason stopped to buy the Nescafe Blend 43 and cigarettes at service station in Frankston, Melbourne on Tuesday night.

He was attacked as he was walking back to his car at around 9.40pm. 

The thief demanded Jason hand over the keys to his Mercedes but the 48-year-old fought back, swinging at him with the jar and kicking him.

‘He had a handgun there and he pointed it at me and he said ‘give me your f***ing keys,’ the Melbourne man told 7 News. 

‘As I kicked him he struck me on the top of the head with the firearm.’ 

The attacker then stole Jason’s cigarettes before fleeing the area in an unregistered maroon Commodore.

Jason, who was left with scratches on his forehead, admitted that the best thing to do would have been to give the thug his car keys.

Jason, 48, stopped to buy coffee and cigarettes in Frankston, Melbourne before the thug struck him on the head with his gun (pictured)

Jason, 48, stopped to buy coffee and cigarettes in Frankston, Melbourne before the thug struck him on the head with his gun (pictured)

The attacker then stole Jason's cigarettes before fleeing the area in an unregistered maroon Commodore

The attacker then stole Jason's cigarettes before fleeing the area in an unregistered maroon Commodore

The attacker then stole Jason’s cigarettes before fleeing the area in an unregistered maroon Commodore

‘I think most people probably should hand the keys over, but I’m sort of not one of those people,’ he said.

Police are still on the hunt for the man, describing him as being Caucasian and in his mid 20s.

He was wearing a grey top with a black bum bag as well as black pants and a maroon beanie.

Police are urging anyone with information to come forward. 

Jason (pictured) said he was determined not to left the thief rob him, kicking him and swinging at him with his coffee jar

Jason (pictured) said he was determined not to left the thief rob him, kicking him and swinging at him with his coffee jar

Jason (pictured) said he was determined not to left the thief rob him, kicking him and swinging at him with his coffee jar

