Man is thrown in jail for a MONTH after his doctor wife wrongfully accused him of rape

Doctor falsely accused her husband of rape after he found out she was having an affair and refused to speak up even when he was thrown in jail for a MONTH

  • The man, known as ‘DC’, had his life torn apart by the false rape allegations
  • He even went to prison for a month but the case was later dismissed by a judge
  • DC was claiming $1 million damages from NSW police and prosecutors
  • His estranged wife claimed he raped her in their marital living room in 2015
  • But his lawyer claimed CCTV footage of the incident shows it was consensual  

A man whose life was ruined after he was falsely accused of rape by his opioid-addicted wife has settled his $1million claim against police outside of court.

Identified only as ‘DC’ in court, the man suffered ‘severe mental anguish’ from being thrown in prison for a month, after his estranged wife – a doctor – claimed he raped her.

The allegation came three weeks after they split in May 2015, after DC discovered his wife was having an affair, according to a statement of claim lodged in the NSW Supreme Court.

She is a medical specialist with a ‘serious opioid addiction’, according to The Australian.

Her estranged husband believes she made the allegations fearing he would tell her medical colleagues about her addiction to Tramadol. 

Police and prosecutors had pursued the charges despite being shown CCTV footage from the home showing the sex was consensual, his lawyer claimed in court. 

A medical professional who was having an affair falsely accused her husband of rape when they spit up

DC later lodged the damages clean against NSW police and prosecutors, but it has now been settled out of court days before a hearing was due to start.  

He claims that the pair had consensual sex at their matrimoial home on June 15 2015 after they briefly reconciled.

The court heard they had been exchanging romantic messages afterwards, but the communication soon soured and stopped. 

But two months later, the man was arrested at Sydney airport when he returned from a work trip to Europe – and was put in jail for a month. 

His lawyer, Greg Walsh, told The Weekend Australian that trying to clear his name had taken ‘a very heavy toll on him’, saying he ‘should never have been arrested and charged in the first place’. 

Mr Walsh said it was a ‘stark example of … a pattern of ideological bias’ in sexual assault cases by prosecutors.

‘There seems to be a trend that anybody accused of sexual assault must be guilty, which completely overrides the presumption of innocence,’ Mr Walsh said.

The man's laywer told New South Wales' Supreme Court (pictured) that police had ignored critical evidence that his wife was lying

The man’s laywer told New South Wales’ Supreme Court (pictured) that police had ignored critical evidence that his wife was lying

‘These are ideologically driven prosecutions — even in the absence of hard evidence — and it is a considerable concern.’

He told the Supreme Court that the police and prosecutors ignored critical evidence and failed to test his estranged wife’s allegations.

This includes stark CCTV footage showing the couple having consensual sex, the court heard.

Despite this video evidence, he claimed prosecutors then laid even more charges at DC, including attempted anal and vaginal rape. 

The prosecutor later denied every seeing the CCTV video. 

After a ten-day trial in 2017, all the charges against DC were thrown out after Judge Mark Williams issued a rare Prasad direction – which tells the jury there is not enough evidence to convict.

Judge Williams called the man’s wife’s evidence ‘demonstrably false’.