Man jailed for assaulting his friend and another man with a ‘cat o nine tails’ improvised whip

  • Man has been jailed for assaulting his friend with ‘cat o nine tails’ over a $50 debt
  • Matthew Stuart, 50, was sentenced to two years and seven months in prison
  • Stuart went to his friend’s home January last year to talk about the debt

A man has been jailed for assaulting his friend and another man with an improvised ‘cat o nine tails’ whip over a $50 debt. 

Matthew Stuart, 50, was sentenced this week to two years and seven months in jail by a Melbourne court. 

At present, he has already spent 16 months in custody. 

Mr Stuart hit the other man with an improvised whip that was described to the court as ‘like a cat-o’-nine-tails’ (stock image), which improvised with electrical cables and a PVC pipe

Mr Stuart went to his friend’s home in Seaford last year to talk about the debt. 

Mr Stuart punched the man, purposefully wearing his rings so that he could ‘do more damage’ to him. 

He then hit the other man with an improvised whip that was described to the court as ‘like a cat-o’-nine-tails’, according to

The homemade whip was made up of electrical cables and a PVC pipe. 

Mr Stuart was also angry at the men because one of them threatened to give his girlfriend heroin, according to Victoria County Court Judge Mandy Fox.

Mr Stuart pleaded guilty to illegal possession of a sawn-off shotgun, which police found in his home. 

‘I’m sorry I did it, I’ve lost two friends because of it,’ Mr Stuart told the court. 

He was reportedly on two community corrections when the incident occurred. 

‘I hope you take advantage of this opportunity and don’t return to drug use and criminal activity when you’re released,’ Judge Fox told the former drug user.

Mr Stuart punched his friend while purposefully wearing his rings while he hit the other man with an improvised whip (stock image)

Mr Stuart punched his friend while purposefully wearing his rings while he hit the other man with an improvised whip (stock image)
