Man launched sex attack on young woman near the home of ex-Manchester City star Benjamin Mendy months after raping two teenagers at his own flat, court hears

A man launched a sex attack on a young woman near the home of ex Manchester City soccer star Benjamin Mendy months after raping two teenagers at his own flat, a court heard today.

Louis Saha Matturie, 42, raped complainants aged 19 and 17 after plying them with drink at his flat in two separate incidents in March and April 2021, Chester Crown Court was told.

He then went on to sexually assault a 22 year old woman in a car near the home of former City and France star Mendy in Prestbury, Cheshire in July, the jury was told.

Trial judge Steven Everett said that the scene of the alleged assault was ‘close to the home of a footballer called Benjamin Mendy, whom some of you may have heard about.’

The judge also told them that they would hear the name of Mendy, a ‘former Manchester City footballer,’ in the course of the trial.

Chester Crown Court (pictured) heard that raped complainants aged 19 and 17 after plying them with drink at his flat in two separate incidents in March and April 2021

Prosecutors allege that Matturie, who was referred to as Saha in court, raped the two teenagers after plying them with drink at lock down parties in his flat in Salford.

Prosecutor Benjamin Aina, KC, told the court that the two teenagers were vulnerable due to their age and consumption of alcohol.

Saha was between 39 and 40 at the time and there was ‘an obvious age difference’ between him and the two complainants.

Mr Aina told the jury: ‘There was an element of trust that existed between these young women and Saha. On the surface he came across as a funny, nice man providing free alcohol and a pleasant environment during a time when the country was in lock down and recovering from the Coronavirus pandemic.

‘It is the prosecution case that he took advantage of the environment and the vulnerabilities of the young women in this case.’

Matturie denies the rape of the 19 year old woman, known as Woman One, at her 19th birthday party in January 2021. He also denies the rape and sexual assault of a 17 year old, known as Woman Two, in April 2021.

He further denies the sexual assault of the 22 year old, known as Woman Three, near Mendy’s home in July 2021.

Mr Aina said that Woman One was having her 19th birthday party in her flat in March 2021 and one of the guests was Woman Two, who was 17.

The party was stopped by security guards in the early hours of the morning and Woman Two suggested they go to Matturie’s flat in Chapel Street, Salford where they arrived at 3am.

Mr Aina told the jury: ‘She had been to one of Saha’s parties before and it had been good.’

Woman One continued to drink alcohol and inhale from nitrous oxide balloons.

Mr Aina said: ‘Saha was making her alcoholic drinks in the kitchen. He did not appear to be drinking but he was taking the nitrous balloons. He seemed quite a funny person.

He then went on to sexually assault a 22 year old woman in a car near the home of former City and France star Benjamin Mendy (pictured), the court heard

He then went on to sexually assault a 22 year old woman in a car near the home of former City and France star Benjamin Mendy (pictured), the court heard

‘She remembered talking to people, mostly her friend, Woman Two. She was talking for approximately one hour and she then blanked out. She remembered nothing until she woke up in a different room, lying on a mattress on the floor, next to a bed.

‘She had wet herself all over her dress. Her hair was matted. Her face was in a mess. Saha was on top of her.’

Mr Aina said that Saha was raping her.

He added: ‘She described being confused. She did no really realise what was happening until it was all over. She got up to leave the mattress.’

Mr Aina told the jury that the teenager heard her friend’s voice in the corridor and told her: ‘We need to go, That was not a good situation. She did not give any more details.’

The court was told she was reluctant to go to the police and decided to report the incident after hearing that the same thing had happened to her friend a month later and it had not been ‘a one-off event.’

Mr Aina said: ‘She did not exchange Snapchat details with Saha. She has had no social media contact with him. There had been no flirting or sexual contact with him before she blacked out. He was double her age and she did not see him in that way.

‘She had not engaged in any conversation with him earlier in the night which might have suggested that she was either attracted to him or wished to engage in sexual activity with him. She had not consented to any sexual activity.’

Mr Aina said that Saha claimed that they had had consensual sex after kissing and dancing in the living room. He said that Woman One had not blacked out and was actively participating and volunteered to perform oral sex on him.

Mr Aina told the jury that one month after the alleged rape of Woman One, her friend Woman Two went back to Saha’s flat with another friend.

Jurors were told that woman Two was with a footballer called Haris Bouraima known as Ghost and they played a drinking game called Uno.

The complainant claimed she went for a nap and was followed by Ghost who got into bed with her. It is claimed she woke later and the man she thought was Ghost was still there.

The man started touching her and then had sex with her in the ‘spoon’ position, the court heard.

Mr Aina said she consented to sex with Ghost but when it was over and the man walked out of the room she realised it was not him.

She later phoned Saha and accused him of pretending to be Ghost and raping her.

Saha told police that the sex was consensual and it was in broad daylight and he could not have been mistaken for Ghost.

The trial continues tomorrow.
