Man loses phone on roller-coaster finds it still recording

  • James Sirocco was riding The Giant Dipper in San Diego, California
  • He thought it was a good idea to record his thrill ride on his cell phone
  • About 40 seconds into the ride the phone goes flying through the air
  • The phone manages to continue recording people in bikinis and swim trunks passing by from the ground 
  • Within two minutes the phone and owner are reunited, and it’s pure bliss for Sirocco who can’t believe his luck  

A man visiting a theme park in California thought it was a good idea to record his roller-coaster ride on his phone. 

James Sirocco was at Belmont Park in San Diego and was excited to be riding the Giant Dipper. 

In the video the excited tourist exclaims ‘The Giant Dipper! In Belmont Park! Here we go!’ As he goes up and over to the first drop he screams ‘Rock and roll here we gooo!’ 

James Sirocco was at Belmont Park in San Diego and thought it was a good idea to record his roller-coaster ride with his cellphone

The ride is well documented for all of 40 seconds showing it's excited owner taking dips and enjoying the ride

The ride is well documented for all of 40 seconds showing it’s excited owner taking dips and enjoying the ride

The phone flies out of Sirocco's hands before amazingly landing  safely on the ground. It records people walking by who are non the wiser to the phone videoing them as they pass by

The phone flies out of Sirocco’s hands before amazingly landing  safely on the ground. It records people walking by who are non the wiser to the phone videoing them as they pass by

He is able to record the ride for all of 40 seconds before the phone goes flying from his hands. 

The phone goes flying through the air before landing on the ground, while amazingly still recording.

As the recording continues, now from the ground, with the owner still on the ride, people at the park walk by in bikinis and swimwear, oblivious to the fact that they are being captured on camera from the ground.

 Within two minutes, the very lucky tourist’s face pops on camera again as he is reunited with his still recording phone.

The excited tourist finds his phone within two minutes of it flying from his hands

The excited tourist finds his phone within two minutes of it flying from his hands

Excited? Sirocco is understandably shocked he was able to recover his phone, and its still working 

Excited? Sirocco is understandably shocked he was able to recover his phone, and its still working 

Sirocco is laughing and saying ‘Really? And it’s working! Whooohoo!’

In his YouTube video caption Sirocco writes of his phone’s adventures: ‘I’m the luckiest guy in the world! I just drop my phone on the roller coaster and I get it back! The gods of rock and roll were on my side.’