Man proposes to terrified girlfriend on Florida ride

  • Michael Garcia was determined to help Fallow Worth conquer her fear of rides
  • But he complicated her human slingshot experience with a marriage proposal
  • She was asked the question the moment before being shot 360 feet in the air
  • After the ride in Orlando, Florida, the couple announced their engagement 

This is the hilarious moment a boyfriend proposed to his girlfriend as she faced her fear of heights by being hurled 360 feet in the air. 

The video of Michael Garcia’s marriage proposal in Orlando, Florida, opens with the less-than-encouraging voice of terrified Fallow Worth saying: ‘I don’t want to do this.’

Undeterred, he reassures his ‘coasterphobic’ girlfriend, determined to conquer her fear by joining her on the human slingshot. 

Despite Ms Worth appearing on the verge of hyperventilation, he decides now is a good moment to begin his proposal and taps her knee trying to hold his girlfriend’s attention.

‘Baby, listen to me right now,’ he says. ‘I love you more than anything in life.

‘I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?’

‘Will you marry me?’ Mr Garcia produces a ring the moment before the couple are hurled into the air

Not your traditional response: Ms Worth shrieked as the slingshot catapulted her into the air, leaving Mr Garcia wondering whether she'd say 'yes'

Not your traditional response: Ms Worth shrieked as the slingshot catapulted her into the air, leaving Mr Garcia wondering whether she’d say ‘yes’

She barely has time to ask ‘are you serious?’ before her question morphs into shrieking as the couple are hurled into the night sky.

As Ms Worth covers her head with her hands, Mr Garcia stays impressively calm, keeps hold of the ring and asks again: ‘Will you marry me?’

Ms Worth covers her face with her hands after the ride throws the couple through the night sky and Mr Garcia keeps hold of the ring

Ms Worth covers her face with her hands after the ride throws the couple through the night sky and Mr Garcia keeps hold of the ring

The couple took a selfie after the proposal to announce their engagement after some understandable confusion on the ride

The couple took a selfie after the proposal to announce their engagement after some understandable confusion on the ride

His question is met with indecipherable screaming as the pod hangs in the air. 

Ms Worth breaks down sobbing as they return to the ground on October 14 and her boyfriend of two-and-a-half years asks: ‘Is that a yes?’

Having hurtled through the night sky, accepting a marriage proposal probably seemed far less daunting and the couple took selfies announcing their engagement once Ms Worth had calmed down.