Man sues Alabama for not recognizing his computer marriage

An Army veteran with a history of filing long-shot lawsuits is suing the state of Alabama for not recognizing his marriage to his computer, according to court records.  

Chris Sevier filed a federal lawsuit on August 31 in Alabama’s Northern District alleging his rights along with three other plaintiffs were violated by Gov. Kay Ivey, Attorney General Steve Marshall and Blount County Probate Judge Chris Green. 

In the past, Sevier, who describes his sexual orientation as ‘machinist’, has filed several lawsuits in Texas and Utah along with a suit in Colorado seeking to force a baker to make a wedding cake for him and his computer ‘bride’. 

In the Alabama filing, Sevier claimed that he ‘married an object in New Mexico with female like features’. He claims that he asked Green to either recognize the union between him and his Macbook or issue him a new marriage license.

Sevier is pictured above

Chris Sevier (above), an Army veteran with a history of filing long-shot lawsuits, is suing the state of Alabama for not recognizing his marriage to his computer, according to court records

Sevier (above) filed a federal lawsuit on August 31 in Alabama's Northern District alleging his rights along with three other plaintiffs were violated by Gov. Kay Ivey, Attorney General Steve Marshall and Blount County Probate Judge Chris Green.

Sevier (above) filed a federal lawsuit on August 31 in Alabama’s Northern District alleging his rights along with three other plaintiffs were violated by Gov. Kay Ivey, Attorney General Steve Marshall and Blount County Probate Judge Chris Green.

In the Alabama filing, Sevier claimed that he 'married an object in New Mexico with female like features'. He claims that he asked Green to either recognize the union between him and his Macbook (file above) or issue him a new marriage license. 

In the Alabama filing, Sevier claimed that he ‘married an object in New Mexico with female like features’. He claims that he asked Green to either recognize the union between him and his Macbook (file above) or issue him a new marriage license. 

‘Defendant Green issues marriage licenses to individuals who self-identify as homosexual, but he refuses to issue marriage licenses to zoophiles, machinists, and polygamists license on a basis that can only be described as procedurally arbitrary,’ the complaint states.

The other plaintiffs involved in the suit are John Gunter Jr., Whitney Kohl and Joan Grace Harley. 

They are described as polygamists and claim they were denied a license to marry each other, according to the suit. 

Green told that the plaintiffs involved in the lawsuit did not request to marry each other in person, but only called to inquire about getting licenses. 

‘I just said I wouldn’t do that in Blount County. No way, no how,’ Green said. 

Sevier (above) is also a former attorney from Tennessee who was charged previously with stalking and harassing both country star John Rich and a 17-year-old girl

Sevier (above) is also a former attorney from Tennessee who was charged previously with stalking and harassing both country star John Rich and a 17-year-old girl

State law does not grant Green the authority to issue polygamist licenses or marriage licenses for people trying to wed an ‘inanimate object’, he added. 

The complaint states Marshall and Ivey allegedly violated the plaintiff’s constitutional rights by giving ‘special treatment’ to gays and lesbians but not ‘machinists’ or polygamists. 

The lawsuit argues that the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that legalized same-sex marriage across the country was the work of  ‘moral relativist (sic) who have infiltrated the bench like a cancer (and) cannot be permitted to monkey with the Fourteenth Amendment just because they believe that ‘the ends justify the means.”

Sevier is a former attorney from Tennessee who was charged previously with stalking and harassing both country star John Rich and a 17-year-old girl. 

Earlier this year, Sevier (above) pushed for pornography taxes in 13 states

Earlier this year, Sevier (above) pushed for pornography taxes in 13 states

Earlier this year, he pushed for pornography taxes in 13 states, according to The Daily Beast.  

In 2014, he filed a motion to the 10th US Circuit Court of Appeal arguing that if same-sex couples were allowed to wed, he should be able to tie the knot with his laptop.

The amateur model claimed computers were his ‘preferred sexual object’ and enjoyed sex with the devices more than with ‘real women’.

He tried to marry the device, which he said was laden with porn, but the licence was rejected by Utah officials on the grounds of ‘sexual orientation’.

His actions bear similarities to Her, a Spike Jonze film in which the protagonist, played by Joaquin Phoenix, falls in love with his operating system (voiced by Scarlett Johansson). Jonze picked up the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay. 

Sevier has previously sued Apple claiming the tech giant should have blocked him from accessing porn when he, apparently by accident, typed ‘F*** instead of Facebook into Google.

Sevier went on in the complaint to allege ‘unfair competition’ between the porn stars and his wife, brought about by his use of the Apple product, and thus ‘interference of the marital contract’.