Man takes mirror selfies to document his sobriety over three years

A man who stopped drinking showed how much sobriety has changed him by documenting pictures of himself over the last three years. 

Kenny D, 37, who works as a railroad engineer decided to take mirror selfies of himself during his sobriety as a way to to mark every moment he received a new sobriety coin from Alcoholics Anonymous during his recovery.   

‘I took a picture of myself the day I got my first sobriety coin, 24 hours sober. I felt so ill and I looked so bad, I wanted to remember it so I wouldn’t forget,’ Kenny told Bored Panda. 

The beginning: Kenny D, 37, decided to document his sobriety through mirror selfies, including himself 24 hours after getting sober (pictured) 

Progress: Each of the selfies were taken when he received a new sobriety chip from Alcoholics Anonymous during his recovery. Left is 30 days sober and right is 60 days sober

Progress: Each of the selfies were taken when he received a new sobriety chip from Alcoholics Anonymous during his recovery. Left is 30 days sober and right is 60 days sober

Progress: Each of the selfies were taken when he received a new sobriety chip from Alcoholics Anonymous during his recovery. Left is 30 days sober and right is 60 days sober

Feeling better: The man decided to get sober after he relied on 12 to 24 drinks per day. Every mirror selfie (pictured is him at 90 days) showed his progress during recovery

Feeling better: The man decided to get sober after he relied on 12 to 24 drinks per day. Every mirror selfie (pictured is him at 90 days) showed his progress during recovery

He added: ‘The day I got my 30-day coin, I thought my look had changed drastically so I took another selfie.’

Alcohol-related problems started for Kenny when he was in college, but he confessed it didn’t become a ‘real problem’ until 10 years later. He would drink into excess to the point where he was consuming around 12 to 24 drinks per day. 

‘By 2016, I had gotten to the point that I would get drunk every day,’ he said.

‘I knew I had a problem but I didn’t know what to do. I used to stand in the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror and wish I wasn’t a drunk. I would wonder how I got this way. Sometimes I was just indifferent to whether I lived or died. I just wanted it to be over and I didn’t care how.’

The last time he drank, Kenny revealed, was when he was on vacation. 

For the trip, he bought himself a case of beer and told himself he would only have about three to four beers per night to ‘ration’ the amount. 

But then on the first night, Kenny had consumed 19 beers in the span of three hours, which convinced the man it was time to make a serious change in his life. 

‘Something inside me said, “Kenny, your life is no longer manageable,”‘ he said. 

Kenny contacted a friend he knew who previously got sober herself the year prior. She picked him up the following day and took him to his first 12-step meeting, and he has been sober ever since. 

His family was ‘skeptical’ at first by Kenny altering his life and deciding to get sober, so Kenny decided to keep his recovery mirror selfies to himself for the first year. 

Big deal: He has since lost 75lbs. since getting sober three years ago and has found a new set of 'spiritual principles' to live by. Pictured left is six months sober, right is nine months

Big deal: He has since lost 75lbs. since getting sober three years ago and has found a new set of 'spiritual principles' to live by. Pictured left is six months sober, right is nine months

Big deal: He has since lost 75lbs. since getting sober three years ago and has found a new set of ‘spiritual principles’ to live by. Pictured left is six months sober, right is nine months

Smiling: 'I do my best to not be resentful or spiteful or angry, though I am human and I have a tendency to forget sometimes,' he said. Pictured at one year sober

Smiling: ‘I do my best to not be resentful or spiteful or angry, though I am human and I have a tendency to forget sometimes,’ he said. Pictured at one year sober

Sharing the progress: Kenny has kept up with his mirror selfies because his transformation has inspired others in their sobriety. Left is 18 months and right is two years sober

Sharing the progress: Kenny has kept up with his mirror selfies because his transformation has inspired others in their sobriety. Left is 18 months and right is two years sober

Sharing the progress: Kenny has kept up with his mirror selfies because his transformation has inspired others in their sobriety. Left is 18 months and right is two years sober

Feeling great: Kenny is now three years sober (pictured) and said he now eats cleaner and exercises while living a more positive life

Feeling great: Kenny is now three years sober (pictured) and said he now eats cleaner and exercises while living a more positive life

‘I kept them to myself mostly for the first year, but I always took a selfie every time I got a coin. On my one-year anniversary, I took my picture and posted a side by side on Reddit and called it the Progression of Sobriety,’ he said. 

Sharing the post was Kenny’s way to be ‘uplifting’ to other people struggling with their own addictions, but he confessed to be shocked by the positive response.  

The response inspired him to continue to document his sobriety at every milestone with a signature mirror selfie.  

‘The biggest difference between myself now and three years ago is that today I live my life by a set of spiritual principles,’ he revealed.

‘From morning to night, I run all of my decisions through a sort of spiritual filter. I do my best to not be resentful or spiteful or angry, though I am human and I have a tendency to forget sometimes. I’m not a saint. If I have a problem that I can’t tackle with stuff in my normal spiritual toolkit, I get on the phone to my sponsor or another alcoholic-in-recovery.’

Not only has Kenny found a new set of ‘spiritual principles’ to live by, but he also altered his physical health by giving up drinking. 

He has lost 75lbs. in the last three years after getting sober. 

‘I eat much cleaner and I exercise now,’ he said, adding: ‘Three years into sobriety, every day is an awesome day and I can’t wait to experience the next awesome thing or meet the next awesome person whom I can learn something from.’