Man tweets image of hilarious ad for worn wedding dress

A woman’s unusual response to her failed marriage has gone viral after she posted a hilarious ad for her wedding dress.

Taped to a refrigerator door in a shared office kitchen in San Francisco, the typed out ad simply reads: ‘Wedding dress for sale. Worn once by mistake. Call Stephanie.’  

Posted on Twitter by the woman’s co-worker Joe Rivano Barros, the typed out sign quickly went viral and has received over 29,000 likes since it was added on January 8.


Runaway bride: Twitter user Joe Rivano Barros tweeted the hilarious ad posted by a woman trying to sell her used wedding dress after she wore it 'by mistake'.

Runaway bride: Twitter user Joe Rivano Barros tweeted the hilarious ad posted by a woman trying to sell her used wedding dress after she wore it ‘by mistake’.

He captioned the picture with: ‘Hemingway ain’t got sh*t on this’.

Joker: Joe shared the sign after seeing it posted on the fridge in his office

Joker: Joe shared the sign after seeing it posted on the fridge in his office

The ad is written in the style of Ernest Hemingway’s famous six-word story: ‘For sale, baby shoes, never worn.’  

According to a popular urban myth, Hemingway’s friend asked the legendary author to write a novel using only six words.

The American writer’s pioneering short story style is also often referred to as flash fiction. 

But despite Joe’s apparent lack of appreciation for the ad’s creative literary flair, Twitter users have taken to the comments section to praise Stephanie’s concise message and writing style.

Twitter user @hroethgar wrote: ‘Not bad, but “Worn in error” would have been more pithy’.

And @doughermouse typed: ‘Perhaps more concise, but as far as overall delivery goes, I think Stephanie got it down pat! “Once”-important to include in an ad format. “By mistake”-more casual, lends to the specific wit and tone. Just my literary opinion though, haha’.



Legal eagle: Seeing an opportunity to poke fun at the woman's heartache, another employee added a handwritten message advertising consultation about divorce or legal separation

Legal eagle: Seeing an opportunity to poke fun at the woman’s heartache, another employee added a handwritten message advertising consultation about divorce or legal separation

Defense: Twitter users sprang to Stephanie's defense and suggested her clever take on an unfortunate situation was inspired 

Defense: Twitter users sprang to Stephanie’s defense and suggested her clever take on an unfortunate situation was inspired 

Burn: Another tweeted his appreciation for her humor 

Burn: Another tweeted his appreciation for her humor 

User @karldrinkwater added: ‘It’s the short story format that keeps on giving.’

And @susanhillwriter shared her own experience with a similar ad: ‘My fave was in a local paper. ‘Mother of the bride outfit for sale. Similar to the Queen’s. Nicer hat.’

An updated version of the sign, posted a couple of hours later, has also received a lot of attention, thanks to the response written underneath.

Seeing an opportunity to poke fun at the woman’s heartache, another employee added a handwritten message advertising consultation about divorce or legal separation.

They named the Bay Area Law Group and also included a phone number.