Man who stored women’s genitalia faces 25 years in jail

A gun dealer who drugged women before cutting away and storing the victims’ genitalia in jars faces 25 years in jail for his crimes. 

Peter Frederiksen, from Denmark, was convicted of 36 charges including rape, conspiracy to commit murder, perverting the course of justice and illegal possession of weapons at his trial in South Africa.

The defendant made headlines around the world in September 2015 when police raided his home and found women’s body parts stored in his garage along with a sick diary in which he logged the procedures he had carried out.

According to his wife and another victim, he had forced his victims to drink drug-laced alcohol which rendered them helpless during the ‘surgery’ at his filthy home.

Gun dealer Peter Frederiksen  (pictured in court in 2015) who drugged women before cutting away and storing the victims’ genitalia in jars faces 25 years in jail for his crimes

Officers raided the house many months after his wife repeatedly made complaints about abuse, which went unanswered. 

It was only when Frederiksen himself reported his wife to social services, that detectives descended on his scruffy, modest home in Bloemfontein and made their grisly discovery, which included 21 bags of female genitalia in a padlocked freezer in the garage and two more recent samples drying on hooks nearby. 

Diaries in the Dane’s handwriting which had neatly logged the names of victims, their body parts and dates of ‘procedures’, were seized along with anaesthetic drugs and surgical instruments.

His wife, Anna Matseliso Molise, who had also had part of her genitals removed, was to be the state’s chief witness against Frederiksen, until she was gunned down with four bullets following his arrest. 

The court accepted the prosecution’s case that Frederiksen had organised the ‘hit’ on his wife while in custody, paying a cell mate to arrange her execution.

In the witness box, giving evidence in his own defence, the Dane said the pornographic material involving young girls found at his home was part of a ‘research project’ he was involved with on ‘traditional African rituals’.

‘I gathered this material because it is important to society,’ he told the court through a Danish interpreter, adding that the project was almost complete at the time of his arrest. 

Peter Frederiksen, from Denmark, was convicted of 36 charges including rape, conspiracy to commit murder, perverting the course of justice and illegal possession of weapons at his trial in South Africa

Peter Frederiksen, from Denmark, was convicted of 36 charges including rape, conspiracy to commit murder, perverting the course of justice and illegal possession of weapons at his trial in South Africa

‘I do not like child pornography at all, the pictures are not for sexual purposes but for research.

Following the shocking discovery at his home, Frederiksen gave an interview to Danish newspaper Ekstra Bladet, in which he blamed his wife’s interest in witchcraft for the body parts found in his freezer.

Investigators believe that all of Frederiksen’s victims were from the tiny landlocked enclave of Lesotho, where he lived for some time from 2000 and met and married his wife.

He will be sentenced this week for assaulting his wife, possessing child pornography, possession of an unregistered anaesthetic drug, contravening the Immigration Act, contravening the Firearms Control Act and illegal possession of firearms. He is expected to face up to 25 years behind bars for his crimes.

Judge Johaann Daffue, presiding over his trial at the Bloemfontein High Court demanded to know how the Dane had been given residency in South Africa and a licence to open a gun shop, despite having been a fugitive from justice in his homeland following a conviction on weapons charges in 2006. 

Charges relating to the the mutilation of seven women whose clitorises had been removed and frozen in neatly labelled bags, were dropped due to a loophole in the law. 

The judge ruled that removal of human issue without consent of a person is not illegal in South Africa, even if it takes place on unlicensed premises. He recommended that the gap in the current law be reviewed and corrected.