Man with Britain’s largest penis reveals the downsides – from getting thrown out of yoga because others assumed he was aroused to being used by a date who wanted to show him off on OnlyFans

A man with the biggest penis in Britain has revealed that being so well-endowed comes with a number of problems.

According to Matt Barr, 40, who made the comment while appearing on This Morning today, he first realised he had a bigger penis (measuring in at more than 12 inches) than his peers during showers after PE.

And he said that despite the myth that bigger is better, as a shy youngster, he wanted to be ‘normal’ like his peers.

In addition, he added, the size of his penis comes with its own set of problems, including difficulties when he was dating.

Matt explained: ‘It’s difficult, because it’s not something you really spring on people as a surprise, because it just does scare people away generally. 

Matt Barr (pictured) has the biggest penis in Britain. He appeared on This Morning today to discuss his experiences

‘But obviously [you don’t want to be] creepy and bring it up too early. [So] how you start that conversation?’

He added that the size of his penis had got him into trouble once during a yoga class, when he was asked to leave as it was thought he was aroused due to the size of his appendage.

According to Matt: ‘I was wearing a very baggy shirt and shorts [but because of the] yoga positions, people just got the wrong idea. 

‘And that’s the way it sometimes goes, but you can you can dress normally, baggy clothing, and it’s not too difficult.’

But that wasn’t the worst experience he has had  – describing a worse situation, Matt revealed that once he went on a date, during which the woman he was seeing had an ‘ulterior motive’.

While Matt thought it was a ‘normal date’, it turned out he’d been asked out by the woman as she wanted him to appear on her OnlyFans and use him to make money.

When This Morning host Ben Shephard asked if Matt had considered having an operation to minimise the size of his penis, he explained that he likely wouldn’t.

Matt explained: ‘I have looked into this – it’s very expensive surgery, it costs about £15,000 roughly. 

Matt's penis measures in at more than 11inches, giving him the biggest penis in Britain (size demonstrated by Ben on This Morning)

Matt’s penis measures in at more than 11inches, giving him the biggest penis in Britain (size demonstrated by Ben on This Morning)

‘It’s not done very often. It’s only done normally, in the cases of tumours and things like that. In the case of normal function, it’s not common.’

Speaking about Matt’s situation, Ben noted that ‘people are very mistaken about what benefits and gives you in life’ – and that it must be tricky for Matt to talk about, as he is quite shy and it’ an intimate subject. 

According to Ben: ‘It’s fascinating, because you can you can imagine that the majority of people watching will be going “what an absolute gift to be able to stand there and have more than more than enough”. 

‘Would you say having a smaller penis would mean you’d be happier than having you big one?’

Matt (pictured, right) with This Morning hosts Ben Shephard (pictured, left) and Cat Deeley (pictured, centre)

Matt (pictured, right) with This Morning hosts Ben Shephard (pictured, left) and Cat Deeley (pictured, centre)

Matt jokingly replied that there are more positive qualities a person can have, like ‘the good looks of Ben Shephard’.  

Discussing how tricky it is discussing the intimate topic as someone who is shy, he said: ‘I’m trying to dispel some of the stigmas. 

‘I don’t see why there’s any difference talking about this and talking about your breasts or any other bodily part…it’s not sexualised. It’s just a fact of life.’

To discuss the issue further, Matt has written a book about his predicament, titled A Long Story: Life With One Of The World’s Largest Penises.

While he has no specific release date as of yet, he revealed it is likely to hit shelves next year. 
