Manchester driver arrested after car smashes into teens

A 16-year-old boy was arrested after the car he was driving ploughed into the wall of a house seriously injuring two teenage girls as they walked along the road with friends.

The teenager was detained after the vehicle, believed to have been stolen, veered onto the pavement in Longsight, Manchester.

A group of four girls were walking along Elsdon Road when the car crashed into three of them.

The vehicle then drove over a garden bush and smashed into the wall of a house.

Two girls, both aged 16, were seriously injured in the crash and a third was left with bruising.

The vehicle drove over a garden bush and smashed into the wall of a house in Manchester

The two seriously injured teenagers were taken to the Manchester Royal Infirmary, with one suffering a broken arm and the other a fractured hip.

Police were called to the scene and a 16-year-old boy was arrested on suspicion of theft of a motor vehicle and driving above the legal limit of a controlled drug.

The boy has since been released on bail, pending further inquiries.

Shocked eyewitnesses reported hearing a ‘loud bang’ and came rushing out of their houses and saw the aftermath of the smash.

Akbar Zaman, 35, who lives opposite, said: ‘I came out and the car had gone right through the bushes into garden, and into the wall of the house.

‘The front of the car was a mess and there was smoke coming from the bonnet.

‘I straight away ran to the driver, he was just sat there, he didn’t try to run or anything.

‘At first I didn’t realise he had hit anyone but then I heard screaming and I found both the girls, one on either side of the car and they were in a bad way. I told them not to move and rang 999.’

Mr Zaman added: ‘Loads of people had also run out from the other houses, and luckily there was a doctor nearby who took over until the paramedics arrived.

Police were called to the scene and a 16-year-old boy was arrested on suspicion of theft of a motor vehicle and driving above the legal limit of a controlled drug

Police were called to the scene and a 16-year-old boy was arrested on suspicion of theft of a motor vehicle and driving above the legal limit of a controlled drug

‘The police also came and shut off the road. Some of the family of the girls turned up as well and things were getting pretty heated.

‘It was just chaos. I’ve never seen anything like that in my life before. When I first saw it I was convinced someone had been killed. I hope they are okay and make a full recovery.’

A spokesman for Greater Manchester Police said: ‘We were called just before 5.35pm on September 1 to reports of a collision involving a vehicle and pedestrians on Elsdon Road.

‘A 16-year-old boy was arrested on suspicion of theft of a motor vehicle and driving above the legal limit of a controlled drug. He has been released for both of these offences under investigation, pending further inquiries.’

Any witnesses or anyone with further information is asked to call GMP on 101, or Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.

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