Man’s lucky escape in Redfern after he heard a loud ‘crack’ before fig tree fell on his luxury car

Man’s near-death escape after he heard a loud ‘crack’ and then watched as his luxury sports car was crushed by an enormous fig tree

  • A massive fig tree crushed a car in Redfern, Sydney, at about 9am on Tuesday 
  • Driver, Jason Chong, was only left with a few scratches on his hand from crash
  • Mr Chong said he was lucky and thanked people that helped him escape the car
  • Maintenance on the other fig trees will be done regularly to ensure future safety 

The driver of a luxury sportscar driver escaped death by mere centimetres after a massive fig tree suddenly fell on top of his vehicle.

Jason Chong was on his way to his workplace at Maroubra in Sydney on Tuesday when a large fig tree fell on top of his car as he drove near Redfern Park about 9am.

Mr Chong said he heard a loud ‘crack’ just seconds before the tree came crashing down. 

Scroll down for the video. 

Jason Chong was on his way to his Maroubra workplace on Tuesday when a large fig tree fell on top of his car at Redfern Park about 9am

He told Nine News he’s very lucky to be left with just a few scratches from the incident.

‘I was about to move forward but then I heard a “crack” so I stopped for a second thinking “what’s going on?” and this whole tree just came crashing down,’ he said. 

‘Wow, literally not half a metre and I probably would not be standing here.’

Mr Chong also took the opportunity to thank the people that jumped in to help immediately after the crash. 

‘I got out through the passenger side, people had to drag me out. Everyone was very nice,’ he said.

Several witnesses and viewers of videos shared online joked Mr Chong should capitalise on his luck to buy a lottery ticket.

Yianni Zinonos saw the crash unfold and shared several videos of the shocking scene online. 

Mr Chong said he heard a loud 'crack' just seconds before the tree came crashing down

Mr Chong said he heard a loud ‘crack’ just seconds before the tree came crashing down

Mr Chong's vehicle was destroyed in the crash but he was miraculously left unharmed - with the exception of a few scratches on his hand

Mr Chong’s vehicle was destroyed in the crash but he was miraculously left unharmed – with the exception of a few scratches on his hand

‘That’s just unbelievable that the guy is OK,’ he posted.

‘This is an unbelievable sight, a whole tree fell on top of this car on the corner of Redfern Street and Chalmers Street.’

A City of Sydney council spokesperson told Daily Mail Australia the tree was cleared away soon after the accident and council is monitoring the remaining trees.

‘The City of Sydney’s tree maintenance provider was on site within 20 minutes to assist emergency services with the clean-up and removal of the tree,’ the spokesperson said.

‘The tree was safely removed and the road re-opened within an hour of the incident occurring.

‘The City’s tree maintenance provider organised a qualified arborist to undertake a visual inspection of the park trees along Redfern Street. 

‘No further issues were identified – the trees will continue to be monitored.’
