Maremma Sheepdog who protected Middle Island penguins in southern Australia retires

Sheepdog who protects penguin chicks from fox attacks in southern Australia retires due to arthritis after ten years of loyal service

  • Maremma sheepdogs used to guard penguins on Middle Island since 2006 
  • Project was started after repeated fox attacks cut the colony to just 10 penguins 
  • The penguin population on the island, off the Victorian coast, is now recovering 
  • One of the sheepdogs, Tula, is now retiring after nearly 10 years due to arthritis 

Tula the maremma sheepdog is retiring after spending nearly a decade protecting a colony of breeding penguins in southern Australia from fox attacks. 

The 11-year-old hound and her sister Eudy have been guarding Middle Island, just off the Victorian coast near Warrnambool, since they were two-year-old puppies.

But now the loyal servant has to give up her dayjob after suffering from pain in her joints. 

The 11-year-old hound (left) and her sister Eudy (right) have been guarding Middle Island, just off the Victorian coast near Warrnambool, since they were two-year-old puppies

Little Penguin chicks found in a burrow on Middle Island are an easy target for foxes so they sheepdogs are brought in to protect them

Little Penguin chicks found in a burrow on Middle Island are an easy target for foxes so they sheepdogs are brought in to protect them 

Tula with retirement cake

Tula the Maremma sheepdog is retiring after spending nearly a decade protecting a colony of breeding penguins in southern Australia from fox attacks

Tula the Maremma sheepdog is retiring after spending nearly a decade protecting a colony of breeding penguins in southern Australia from fox attacks

A new Maremma pup named Mezzo has been trained up to take over Tula's role, while Eudy will stay on for another season

A new Maremma pup named Mezzo has been trained up to take over Tula’s role, while Eudy will stay on for another season

‘She’s got a bit of arthritis so she finds it really difficult to get up all those flights of stairs on to the top of Middle Island,’ Middle Island Project coordinator Patricia Corbett told the ABC. 

A new Maremma pup named Mezzo has been trained up to take over Tula’s role, while Eudy will stay on for another season. 

Tula won’t be bored, however, as she will be taking on another role mentoring younger guardian dogs and protecting chickens at a farm where she spends the off-season. 

‘Maremmas don’t like to not have a job, so she’s going to be continuing on her role in a different way,’ Ms Corbett said. 

Middle Island is a breeding ground for Little Penguins, also known as Fairy Penguins, which are found along the southern coastlines of Australia and New Zealand. 

They are the smallest species of penguin measuring just 33cm on average and have a distinct blue colour on their backs fading to white on their bellies.  

Tula and Eudy take a final walk around Middle Island before Tula's retirement

Tula and Eudy take a final walk around Middle Island before Tula’s retirement 

A volunteer holding a Little Penguin chick from the colony on the island

A volunteer holding a Little Penguin chick from the colony on the island 

The Middle Island Maremma Project began in 2006 when the island’s penguin population plummeted to about 10 due to fox attacks.  

The Maremma dogs, originally bred to protect sheep herds, form a bond with the penguins and guard them against foxes which are common in the Warrnambool region. 

The idea that Maremmas could protect penguin colonies inspired the 2015 film Oddball based on the project. 

Except for a 2017 incident in which bad weather kept the dogs away and 140 Little Penguins were killed by foxes, the penguin colony has been recovering ever since the introduction of the dogs. 

Tula’s handlers will throw her a retirement party as a fitting send off for her years of hard work. 

‘We’re going to have a special cake for her. We’ll send her off in style,’ Ms Corbett said. 

Little Penguins, also known as Fairy Penguins, are common on the southern Australian coast

Little Penguins, also known as Fairy Penguins, are common on the southern Australian coast 

The Middle Island Maremma Project has been a success bringing the colony back from almost being wiped out

The Middle Island Maremma Project has been a success bringing the colony back from almost being wiped out