Marine’s wife who threw water over his lover faces jail

Polish-born Monika Fourie arrives at Plymouth Crown Court in Devon today, where she was convicted of GBH with intent

A scorned wife is facing jail after being convicted of knowingly pouring boiling water over her husband’s mistress after finding her in the marital home.

Monika Fourie, 34, was today convicted of GBH with intent and released on bail ahead of sentencing so she could make arrangements to look after her daughter.

The Polish-born defendant wept and there was wailing from the public gallery as she was convicted of attacking 24-year-old love rival Hannah Stokes.

Fourie had told the court during the week-long trial that she felt like someone was ‘stabbing her in the head’ after discovering Miss Stokes at her home.

She walked in on her unfaithful Royal Marine husband Wouter and found him with his new lover in their lounge with their young child upstairs the day after he confessed to their four-month affair.

Plymouth Crown Court heard Fourie poured first a mug and then a kettle of boiling water over the head and chest of Miss Stokes, causing terrible burns.

She was treated for second degree partial thickness burns down to her navel and had surgery for a perforated eardrum.

Wouter Fourie

Hannah Stokes

Fourie walked in on her unfaithful Royal Marine husband Wouter Fourie (left) and found him with his new lover Hannah Stokes (right) in their lounge

Fourie admitted causing grievous bodily harm in the incident in Plymouth, Devon on October 24, 2015 but denied it was done with intent.

She was found guilty by a jury which rejected her claims that she that had no memory at all of the incident and had not intended to harm Miss Stokes.

Summing up, Judge Paul Darlow said on the night of the attack the defendant was ‘uncommonly calm.’

A jury rejected Fourie's claims that she that had no memory at all of the incident and had not intended to harm Miss Stokes (pictured)

A jury rejected Fourie’s claims that she that had no memory at all of the incident and had not intended to harm Miss Stokes (pictured)

He added: ‘She sighed and said ‘aren’t you going to introduce us? She told Wouter to go upstairs and check up on their daughter, he said no – that he wasn’t going to look, but she asked again and insisted. Monika filled the kettle and clicked the button.

‘(Hannah) described how Monika Fourie was on the kitchen side. Hannah said “she came towards me with a cup in her hand. She threw water straight in my face. I was in shock but didn’t realise what it was immediately.

‘”I jumped to my feet and she was on the left. The pain was excruciating and I couldn’t make it stop. She picked up the kettle and she came towards me, I knew what was coming. I said ‘please don’t’ and she grabbed my hair to pull my face up.

‘”My face was on fire and I realised the rest of my body had been hit with the water. Behind me I could hear glass smashing and when I was outside I didn’t know where I was. 

‘”I saw her come round the side of the house and she ran toward me and grabbed my hair. Within minutes of this water touching my skin was peeling. I was treated for second degree burns. I just wanted to pretend it hadn’t happened”.

Fourie admitted causing grievous bodily harm but denied it was done with intent

Fourie admitted causing grievous bodily harm but denied it was done with intent

‘She went to the police initially because she wanted advice and was told by the police that they couldn’t do anything unless she made a formal complaint, even though she said “I feared I would die and Monika Fourie would come after me again. I was convinced she wasn’t quite done with this”.’

The judge also drew the jury’s attention to two doctors who gave evidence during the trial who gave conflicting accounts of whether Fourie had any memory of the incident.

He added: ‘Both doctors commented that they saw her current grief as genuine.’

Ali Rafati, defending, said the sentencing guidelines were clear for offences such as this. He asked to adjourn sentence so Fourie could make the necessary arrangements for her young daughter ahead of a custodial sentence.

He said: ‘The couple’s daughter has found it difficult to cope with. She is a young intelligent girl and it is with her in mind that I make this application to adjourn the sentence.’

Sentencing was adjourned until next Wednesday and Fourie was granted bail.