Mark Geyer calls in lawyers over social media claims daughter features in sex tape with Tyrone May

Penrith Panthers legend calls in the lawyers over false social media claims that his daughter features in a sex tape video with NRL star Tyrone May

  • NRL legend has called his lawyers over false claims his daughter was in sex tape
  • Mark Geyer says social media claims his daughter was involved are defamatory
  • Current Panthers player Tyrone May was arrested and charged over the tapes
  • A false rumour that it was Geyer’s daughter involved was spread on Facebook

Penrith Panthers legend Mark Geyer has sought legal advice over ‘false and defamatory’ allegations regarding his daughter and an NRL sex tape.

Geyer, 51, confirmed that he had ‘engaged lawyers’ to deal with the incorrect speculation surrounding Montanna, 22, on Tuesday morning.

The retired hardman is ‘angry and his family devastated’ after Montanna was wrongly linked to a video allegedly involving current Panthers player Tyrone May.

Penrith Panthers legend Mark Geyer has reportedly has sought legal advice over false allegations made on social media that his daughter (pictured together) was involved in a sex tape

It comes a day after he was seen in the comment section of a Facebook page (pictured) which claimed his daughter Montanna was involved 

It comes a day after he was seen in the comment section of a Facebook page (pictured) which claimed his daughter Montanna was involved 

Geyer took action after the false allegations regarding his daughter was made on a rugby league fan page on Facebook on Monday. 

A post, appearing to be from Geyer, was published demanding to know who the administrator of the group was.  

‘Can someone tell me where/who runs this page, and where they operate (sic) of??? NOW!!,’ Geyer said.  

His comments and the post itself were subsequently removed.

Geyer released a statement through Triple M confirming he had consulted with lawyers. 

Rugby league star Tyrone May (left) was arrested on Tuesday after handing himself into police

Rugby league star Tyrone May (left) was arrested on Tuesday after handing himself into police

‘I have today engaged Brydens Lawyers to act on behalf of my daughter, Montanna, for the purpose of taking action against those who have published false and defamatory material which has caused incredible distress for my family,’ he said.

‘On the advice of the solicitors, I do not propose to make any further comment.’

On Tuesday May, 22, was arrested and charged with filming and sharing sex tapes with two women without their knowledge.

Geyer is seeking legal advice after social media claimed the woman in the sex tape (pictured) was his daughter

Geyer is seeking legal advice after social media claimed the woman in the sex tape (pictured) was his daughter

New South Wales Police say they were told the sex itself was consensual, but they were unaware they were being filmed.

May was charged with two counts of recording intimate image without consent, and two counts of disseminate image without consent.

He was granted conditional bail and will reappear in court in May. 

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