Australia’s most radical abortion law will allow late terminations and to abort unwanted girls – and most bizarrely makes no mention of women, writes MARK LATHAM
This week the controversial New South Wales abortion bill goes to an upper house vote.
With the Berejiklian Government ripping itself in two over attempts to rush the legislation through parliament, people are starting to see some of the more bizarre aspects of the bill.
In line with today’s PC madness, it makes no mention of women. It constantly refers to ‘a person’ having an abortion, but never a woman.
This echoes Greens MP Jenny Leong’s wacky declaration in parliament two weeks ago that: ‘There are people who have uteruses who are not women’.
Think of that the next time you are watching the footy or walking past a building construction site.
PC madness: Radically extreme abortion bill – which refuses to mention women – reeks of leftist hypocrisy and is another step towards a police state, writes Mark Latham (pictured)

Activists hold placards during a rally outside the New South Wales Parliament house in Sydney
The Greens are always saying we need to ‘respect the science’ when it comes to climate change but when it comes to biological science, they have invented the fantasy of men having babies.
In the common law, abortions in NSW have been permissible since an important court ruling in 1971.
Those pushing the proposal now before parliament – a cross-party cabal of Greens, Independent, Labor and Left-wing National and Liberal MPs – want to remove abortion from the NSW Crimes Act.
This would have been a straightforward task if they had been open about it, engaged in public consultation and started with a moderate, commonsense bill.
Instead, they have tried to ram through Australia’s most radically extreme abortion laws without adequate safeguards for late-term abortions, gender selection abortions (parents who only want boys) and medical mistake abortions (where the baby is born alive).
The religious freedom of doctors and nurses not to participate in the process has also been wiped.

NSW Police speak to a woman during a rally outside the New South Wales Parliament house in Sydney,
I’ll be moving an amendment this week to ensure that no medico is made to do anything they regard as morally wrong.
Whenever governments coerce people to act against their religious and moral code, we move one step towards a police state.
The people of NSW, conservatives in particular, have every right to feel betrayed by Gladys Berejiklian.
She has allowed a bill to be rushed through parliament that has the Greens and Labor Left cheering on its extremism.
She knew the bill was coming, telling the media, she ‘kicked it down the road because I didn’t want to deal with it before the (March) election.’
She kept the voters and some of her own MPs in the dark.
No wonder they are now calling her sneaky and counting the numbers to get rid of her.