Marketing Tips For Tradies

It does not matter how much of a good tradie you are, without customers, you are never going to be able to build your business.

There will always be customers out there who are looking for the service that you are offering. However, they need to be able to find you when you are needed. There are several ways that you can spread the word about your business.

Word Of Mouth

Word of mouth is one of the oldest methods of advertising that there is, but it is also one of the most effective. If customers are happy with the job that you do, then they are more likely to recommend you to others.

You may want to think about offering some sort of incentive for customers who refer other people to your business.

Have A Mobile-Friendly Website

An increasing number of people use their smartphones to search online for a product or service.

Therefore, you need to make sure that your website is mobile-friendly. Customers should be able to find all the information that they need about your business quickly and easily.

Get A Google My Business Listing

A Google My Business listing will help you increase your presence online.

These listings are often displayed above the search results and so can really help to get your business noticed. Customers can leave a review of your service and the more positive reviews you have, the better you will rank in Google.

Get Listed In High-Quality Relevant Local Directories

Getting listed in high-quality local directories can help in a few ways.

  • First traffic going to a high-quality local directory can end up on your directory listing, see your contact details, and contact you to hire you for the service that you offer.
  • Second, links to your website from a high-quality directory can help your website get ranked in search engines like Google and that in turn can bring more customers to you.
  • Third, there are citations (your business name, address, and phone number) in a local directory, especially those marked up with schema or structured data (this is a computer language that tells search engines exact information about something).

Directory citations can help your Google My Business listing rankings. This again can help you get found by more customers.

Attend Networking Events

It can be helpful for you to attend networking events with other tradies.

You may be able to make connections with other businesses that complement yours that would be able to recommend you to their customers. You can also return the favor and this could lead to increased business for both of you.

Make Use Of Social Media

You can also use social media for networking with other tradies. Social media is also useful for connecting directly with potential customers. You can post photos of the work that you have done and ask customers to leave reviews that can be read by others.

In this digital age, Facebook stands as one of the most influential platforms, offering immense potential for businesses to thrive.

Automation software for Facebook such as CUCOMM allows businesses to effortlessly locate their desired target audience with precision, elevating their sales and amplifying their reach.

Have Your Logo On Your Work Vehicle

There is a good chance that you will take your work vehicle with you on most jobs.

If you have your logo and contact details on the vehicle then it is more likely to get noticed. If it is something memorable then you may be the first company people think of when they need the service that you provide.

Letterbox Drops

Dropping leaflets about your business through letterboxes can also help you raise awareness of your business.

This works best if you put them through letterboxes on streets where you have done some work. This means that people who are interested in you doing some work for them will be able to see an example of your work firsthand.

Get Feedback From Customers

When you have completed a job for your customers, you should ask them for feedback about the work that you have done. If there was something that they didn’t like, then this is something you can improve in the future.

If they are happy with the service you can ask them to write a testimonial which you can show to other customers.

Make It Easy For Your Customers To Get Hold Of You

You need to make sure that potential customers have a range of options when it comes to getting in touch with you. Include your email address as well as your phone number for people who do not like speaking on the phone.