Marriage equality ‘Vote No’ mums speak out after result

A mother who was the face of the ‘Vote No’ same-sex marriage campaign has vowed to continue ‘fighting the mainstreaming of gender theory’, despite yesterday’s result.

Marijke Rancie rose to prominence early on in the marriage equality debate, sharing her often controversial views through the ‘PoliticalPostingMumma’ Facebook page.

Putting her face to TV and media ad campaigns, as well as her viral videos, she told how she feared what would be taught in Australian classrooms if the vote was ‘yes’.

Like other mothers who fronted the ‘no’ campaign, as a result she was subjected to a mass of vile abuse – with ‘yes’ trolls going as far as to even send gay pornography.

Taking to Facebook in the wake of Wednesday’s result, Ms Rancie said she would be ‘gracious in defeat’, but that the result won’t stop her pushing to stop the ‘creepy’ agendas she claims are being taught in schools.


Marijke Rancie (pictured) rose to prominence early on in the marriage equality debate, sharing her often controversial views through the ‘PoliticalPostingMumma’ Facebook page and blog

In a post after Wednesday's result, Ms Rancie vowed to continue 'fighting the mainstreaming of gender theory' and also to stamp out 'creepy' sex education from being taught in schools

In a post after Wednesday’s result, Ms Rancie vowed to continue ‘fighting the mainstreaming of gender theory’ and also to stamp out ‘creepy’ sex education from being taught in schools

‘Although I feel disappointed and have a deep sense of concern, I will be gracious in defeat,’ Ms Rancie wrote, just hours after the ABS’ announcement.

‘I hope they prove me a liar. I hope that our concerns were “red herrings”… I suspect not… I suspect all our concerns are warranted.

‘Almost 40% of Australians that voted had concerns and voted ‘No’… with that comes accountability to their dismissal of our concerns. We will hold them to account.

‘I will never stop fighting the mainstreaming of gender theory as a truth… I will never stop fighting the hyper sexualisation of our children and I will never stop fighting paedophilia.

‘As for me sorry to disappoint you leftist trolls I’m not going anywhere. I will continue to speak up for kids to be free from your creepy Marxist agendas.’

Her defiant stance in the wake of Wednesday’s result comes after she revealed some of the vitriol sent her way to Daily Mail Australia in September.

Ms Rancie (second from left) featured as the face of the 'Vote No' campaign alongside other mums including Heidi McIvor (centre) and Cella White (second from right)

Ms Rancie (second from left) featured as the face of the ‘Vote No’ campaign alongside other mums including Heidi McIvor (centre) and Cella White (second from right)

Ms Rancie, Ms McIvor (left) and Ms White (right) revealed to Daily Mail Australia the vitiolic abuse they had received at the hands of ‘Vote Yes’ trolls after their TV ads aired in September

‘The abuse and vitriol has been absolutely intense. I probably read about 200 to 300 abusive comments about myself a day,’ Ms Rancie said.

‘Probably the worst ones are the threats of harm toward me or my kids or those that are sexual in nature. 

‘I think because I am a woman I receive more sexual threats and harassment.

‘I had a troll send me gay porn. He was the only troll that I responded to. Afterward I felt guilty that because I had interacted it was my fault.’ 

Ms Rancie, who currently works as a Liberal staffer, recently mentioned she would be supporting a controversial bill tabled in parliament by Senator James Patterson.

Ms Rancie said she received as many as 300 trolling comments a day at the height of the abuse

Ms Rancie said she received as many as 300 trolling comments a day at the height of the abuse

Among the shocking abuse sent was gay porn and messages threatening her and her family

Ms Rancie, who currently works as a Liberal staffer, recently mentioned she would be supporting a controversial bill tabled in parliament by Senator James Patterson

Ms Rancie, who currently works as a Liberal staffer, recently mentioned she would be supporting a controversial bill tabled in parliament by Senator James Patterson

The mother-of-two from Victoria backed the bill pushing for those against same-sex marriage to be able to refuse to assist or serve LGBTIQ couples.

Posting a photo of herself standing alongside Sen. Patterson, Ms Rancie told 11,000 followers their ‘noise is being heard’.

‘I have no problem with anyone else living their freedoms, as long as it doesn’t encroach on the freedoms of others,’ she wrote.

Ms Rancie claimed an opposing bill by gay Labor Senator Dean Smith ‘does not have adequate protections’.

Ms Rancie (right) joined former Prime Minister Tony Abbott in supporting the 'Vote No' campaign

Ms Rancie (right) joined former Prime Minister Tony Abbott in supporting the ‘Vote No’ campaign