Married At First Sight’s Tracey confronts Davina over Dean affair

It was one of the most scandalous plotlines Married At First Sight has ever seen.

Davina Rankin wreaked havoc on Tracey Jewel’s relationship with Dean Wells when she tried to steal him behind the author’s back.

And on Tuesday night’s episode Tracey finally confronted her rival in an explosive showdown.

'I don't know you. I don't f**king care': Married At First Sight's Tracey confronts Davina over the Dean 'affair' but the controversial Instagram model admits she doesn't regret a thing

‘I don’t know you. I don’t f**king care’: Married At First Sight’s Tracey confronts Davina over the Dean ‘affair’ but the controversial Instagram model admits she doesn’t regret a thing

Pulling Davina away from the others at the dinner party, Tracey told Davina she wanted her to be made accountable for her actions.

‘I’m really happy with Sean but I want you to know that one of the main reasons dean and I didn’t work was because of what you did,’ Tracey told Davina bluntly.

But Davina played dumb, asking ‘what did I do?’ and later added: ‘I’m so confused right now’ 

An incensed Tracey was having none of Davina’s innocent act and fired back: ‘Are you kidding? Dean was mine.

‘You took away our chance to make it work.’ 

However, the surgically enhanced Instagram model remained unrepentant, saying, ‘I feel like we’re wasting time’ and explained she had no regrets about her behaviour when it came to trying to seduce Dean.

A less-than-impressed Tracey hit back:  ‘Are you the type of woman who’s happy to steal another woman’s man? ‘

Keeping eerily calm, Davina replied: ‘What? I thought your boyfriend was hot. But he didn’t want to be with you.’ 

 Becoming more enraged by the minute, Tracey said it was a matter of respect and that Davina lacked any of that for her during the experiment.

However, Davina didn’t seem to let that bother her.

‘I don’t know you. I don’t f**king care. You’re getting very worked up about something that you don’t care about. 

‘Now you have a new boyfriend and now you’re still talking about Dean. You sound crazy,’ 

On hearing that, Tracey replied: ‘Really? I’m the crazy one? You know what, if you think that, this is a waste of time’ and stormed out of the room.

Still apparently not feeling any remorse for her actions, Davina agreed, commenting: ‘It is a waste of my time, I could be brushing my teeth.’