Married Essex woman grabbed man’s groin at Christmas party

Jane Hill admitted battery after grabbing a man’s bottom and groin at a Christmas party

A married woman licked the face of a man at a Christmas party before touching his bottom and grabbing his groin.

Jane Hill, of Benfleet, Essex, repeatedly touched the man whilst in ‘high spirits’ at the boozy festive party in 2015, a court heard.

She was originally charged with sexual assault, but admitted battery yesterday and was given a conditional discharge at Maidstone Crown Court.

The court heard 55-year-old Hill was said to have been ‘engaging in physical contact’ with a number of male guests before turning her attention to the victim.

The man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, believed Hill’s actions were meant to shock him rather than being done in a sexual manner.

Hill first kissed him on both cheeks at the part in Dartford, Kent, and then licked his face.

Prosecutor Daniel Benjamin said: ‘He reacted by making it clear he didn’t like it and walked away. 

‘Later, she approached him again, placed her hand on his bottom, over clothing, and moved her middle finger. He again walked away.

‘For the final time, following a discussion about the touching that had gone on, she reached forward, effectively taking hold of the area around his genitals.’

Rebecca Randall, defending, said Hill’s actions were the result of a woman who ‘misjudged’ the situation and ‘went a little too far’.

‘She is sorry, regrets her actions and regrets any offence caused,’ she added.

Giving Hill a conditional discharge, a judge told her: 'You have fallen from grace in a pretty major way'

Giving Hill a conditional discharge, a judge told her: ‘You have fallen from grace in a pretty major way’

Passing sentence, Judge Jeremy Carey said Hill should be ashamed for the way she ‘misbehaved’ that evening.

He said: ‘You pestered [him] by behaving inappropriately to him, no doubt having had something to drink and being in high spirits, and knowing that he didn’t want your attention.

‘I don’t sentence you on the basis there was any sexual element because the sexual allegation is not pursued.

‘But you did put your hand on his backside, you did put your hand on his groin and you licked his face.

‘These batteries were persistent in their nature and unwarranted. You have fallen from grace in a pretty major way.

‘You have lost your good name and the reality is you will never forget it, and nor should you.’

Lawyers for Hill told Maidstone Crown Court that she had 'misjudged' the situation

Lawyers for Hill told Maidstone Crown Court that she had ‘misjudged’ the situation

Hill was given a one-year conditional discharge and ordered to pay £750 court costs.

Her husband, Kevin, pleaded guilty to assaulting the same man and causing him actual bodily harm at a previous hearing.

The 53-year-old is awaiting sentence in relation to the attack, which happened the day after the party.