A young woman, who has won multiple martial arts World Championships, credits Tai Kwon Do with her ability to walk after breaking her back in a horrifying car accident.
Dubbed the ‘Queen of Kicks’, professional martial artist Jewelianna Ramos, 19, from Miami, Florida, won her first world title at the age of 13 at the International Martial Arts Festival in Disney’s ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex.
‘I won that and have been a featured athlete every year since,’ she said. ‘I have also won two world titles in the North American Sport Karate Association which hosts huge competitions all over and people from all over the world come to compete at the highest level.’
Queen of Kicks: Jewelianna Ramos, 19, is a professional martial artist from Miami, Florida
Young age: She won her first world title at the age of 13 at the International Martial Arts Festival
Able to walk: Jewlianna said that it it because of martial arts that she is able to walk after she was in a car accident
‘I have been involved in martial arts since the age of three and my father was my instructor. It runs in my blood. I’m 19 years old now, been training for 16 years and competing for ten years.’
‘I have multiple world titles in traditional forms and traditional weapons. I’m best known for my sword and as queen of kicks for high strong kicks.’
Jewlianna is a third degree black belt in Jhoon Rhee style Tae Kwon Do and is currently testing for her first degree.
She credited martial arts with helping her become more confident and disciplined as well as overcome issues she had after her terrifying car accident.
In November 2015, she herniated three vertebras and fractured other small bones in a car accident and said that it is because of martial arts, that she is walking today.
In her blood: She has been involved in martial arts since the age of three and has been competing for ten years
Well known: Jewelianna said that she is best known for her sword and for her high strong kicks
Confident and disciplined: She credits martial arts for her helping her become more secure
Soul and body: Jewelianna said that not only did martial arts save her life but the martial arts mindset saved her soul
Flexibility: Doctors said that if it wasn’t for her back flexibility and being in such good shape, she could have lost the ability to walk
Burned: The car accident caused Jewelianna to hit her head on the wheel. She was also burned from the air bags
She said: ‘I was the first car at the light, I got a green arrow and I began to turn as a car going 70 miles per hour and texting ran his red light and hit the front axle of the passenger side, making my car spin while the seat belts fractured, bruised and cut me.’
‘I hit my head on the wheel and the air bags burnt me. When I got out the man in the other car refused to get out of the car and say sorry or confront me. I was by myself so I called my parents who were only 15 minutes away, thank god.’
‘I had so much adrenaline but when it subsided and I was in the ambulance, the paramedic kept assuring me that he was watching my vitals and that if I stayed positive, I would make it to the hospital.’
When she got to the hospital, doctors immediately put her on morphine. She said that it would make her laugh so hard that she would move and cry and laugh at the same time from the drug and the pain.
Depressed: After that, she went into a depression and her parents stayed with her day in and day out praying and crying
Saved her soul: For months after the accident, she had severe anxiety
All around her: She said that she was able to ‘hear, smell, and feel that car accident’
Fear: Her parents feared that she could have been paralyzed if she had back surgery
Painful memories: Jewelianna’s car was completely destroyed in the horrific accident
She added: ‘They took me to do my first set of tests and when they got the results they said I was not allowed to move, not an inch, and to start my IV for potassium and more morphine because I was no longer allowed to eat a crumb of food or a drop of water.’
‘They then told my parents that I was being prepared to go into back surgery any moment. My father refused and they took me back for more tests to make sure that if I was going to have back surgery it was absolutely necessary.’
‘My parents feared that I could have been paralyzed or they could cause damage to my spine.’
Doctors ran more tests so for three days, she had no food and water and doctors were constantly reminding her that she may walk again, if she was lucky, but that martial arts was done for and that she would not be active again.
‘I went into a depression and my parents stayed with me day in and day out praying and crying with me,’ she said.
‘They finally came in on the morning of the fourth day to say that the final test they did came in and that I didn’t need surgery but plenty of physical therapy, that if it wasn’t for my back flexibility and being in such good shape I could have lost it all.’
Traumatized: Jewelianna didn’t even drive for a year and a half and is still reminded of the accident even now
Panic: And when she did drive, she had a panic attack and her body even started to harm itself
No food: After her first set of tests, doctors said she could not eat a crumb of food or drink a drop of water
Mediating: Doctors prescribed her Xanax but instead of drugs, she used her breathing and mediating
Anything: She said that martial arts taught her that she can overcome ‘anything with my mind’
‘In reality martial arts saved my life, martial arts mindset saved my soul. For months to come and even now I can still hear, smell, and feel that car accident. Even when my mom is driving sometimes I will freak because certain roads or turns remind me of it.’
Jewelianna didn’t drive for a year and a half and when she did, had a panic attack and her body even started to harm itself by creating too much stomach acid that it burned the lining of her stomach.
She said: ‘Doctors prescribed me with Xanax, which I knew was highly addictive and even used as a street drug.’
‘I said no way and little by little, by using my breathing and meditation I had learned through the martial arts to overcome pain and stress, I used it to overcome my fear of driving and now I just recently bought a brand new car with my boyfriend because we are always on the road.’
She added: ‘The martial arts taught me that I can overcome anything with my mind.’
After eight months of physical therapy, she trained for two months and competed at an international event and won first and second.
Stronger: With help from martial arts, she believes that her mental is stronger than her physical
Can do anything: Jewelianna thinks martial arts can help people overcome anything
Changing lives: She said that martial arts has helped change people’s lives and ‘connect with yourself’
Surprise: Jewelianna said that martial arts can surprise people and make them able to do things they never thought they could
Stronger and better: Jewelianna said that martial arts makes ‘you mentally and physically strong’
No limits: Jewelianna realized that with martial arts, she has ‘no limits’
‘I then realized that martial arts gave me no limits – that my mental was stronger than my physical.’
Jewelianna thinks martial arts can help people overcome anything after her recovery from her significant injury.
‘It is for anyone of any age. It has helped change people’s lives and it makes you connect with people and yourself. It makes you mentally and physically strong. It is my passion and through that I have impacted so many people,’ she said.
‘Martial arts isn’t meant to be everyone’s passion but it is important that everyone knows how to defend themselves. Martial arts can surprise you. You will be able to do things you never thought you could.’
‘Even the smallest thing could start an avalanche so be the change you want to see in the world because you could start something that changes the world.’