Massacre school’s guard had been suspended for harassment

PARKLAND, Fla. (AP) – An unarmed security monitor who critics say could have stopped the Florida high school massacre was suspended last year for sexually harassing students.

The South Florida SunSentinel reported Thursday that 39-year-old Andrew Medina was suspended for three days after an investigation corroborated allegations by two female students. Records obtained by the paper say Medina asked one student out and made a lewd comment to another in February 2017, a year before the attack that left 17 dead. The students’ ages were not released.

A disciplinary panel recommended in October that Medina be fired, but the district instead suspended him.

Medina spotted shooting suspect Nikolas Cruz entering campus on Feb. 14 and recognized him as a potentially dangerous former student, but didn’t stop him.

Medina didn’t return a call Thursday from The Associated Press.


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