Massive lines form to buy explosive Trump tell-all

Massive lines have been forming to buy a bombshell-filled book containing sensational claims about Donald Trump’s time as president.

Publishers of the explosive ‘Fire and Fury’, by Michael Wolff, moved the sale date for the book forward four days due to ‘unprecedented demand’.

Pictures have emerged of long lines forming with readers hoping to get their hands on a copy of the expose that quotes key Trump aides expressing serious doubt about his fitness for office. 

Large crowds were seen inside Kramerbooks & Afterwords Cafe in Washington DC and there were reports that the 75 copies available had sold out within 15 minutes with the doors having started selling at midnight.

Huge lines have been forming in US bookstores after a bombshell-filled book containing sensational claims about his time as president hit the shelves. this was the scene at Kramerbooks & Afterwords Cafe in Washington DC

Publishers of the explosive 'Fire and Fury', by Michael Wolff, moved the sale date for the book forward four days to 9am ET today due to 'unprecedented demand'. Readers lined up at midnight to get their hands on a copy at a bookstore in Washington DC

Publishers of the explosive ‘Fire and Fury’, by Michael Wolff, moved the sale date for the book forward four days to 9am ET today due to ‘unprecedented demand’. Readers lined up at midnight to get their hands on a copy at a bookstore in Washington DC

Large crowds were seen inside Kramerbooks & Afterwords Cafe in Washington DC and there were reports that the 75 copies available had sold out within 15 minutes with the doors having started selling at midnight

Large crowds were seen inside Kramerbooks & Afterwords Cafe in Washington DC and there were reports that the 75 copies available had sold out within 15 minutes with the doors having started selling at midnight

It comes after the US President lashed out at the book, dismissing it as ‘full of lies’ after threats of legal action failed to block its release.

Publishers responded to a cease-and-desist letter by moving forward by four days the release of ‘Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House’ by author and political muckraker Michael Wolff.

‘I authorized Zero access to White House (actually turned him down many times) for author of phony book! I never spoke to him for book. Full of lies, misrepresentations and sources that don’t exist,’ Trump tweeted.

‘Look at this guy’s past and watch what happens to him and Sloppy Steve!’ Trump wrote – a possible reference to Steve Bannon, his former chief strategist, or Steve Rubin, the publisher of Wolff’s book.

Pictures have emerged of long lines forming with readers hoping to get their hands on a copy of the expose that quotes key Trump aides expressing serious doubt about his fitness for office

Pictures have emerged of long lines forming with readers hoping to get their hands on a copy of the expose that quotes key Trump aides expressing serious doubt about his fitness for office

Fire and Fury by Michael Wolff was available for sale at the at Kramerbooks & Afterwords Cafe at midnight, but reportedly sold out in 15 minutes

Fire and Fury by Michael Wolff was available for sale at the at Kramerbooks & Afterwords Cafe at midnight, but reportedly sold out in 15 minutes

Publishers responded to a cease-and-desist letter by moving forward by four days the release of 'Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House' by author and political muckraker Michael Wolff

Publishers responded to a cease-and-desist letter by moving forward by four days the release of ‘Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House’ by author and political muckraker Michael Wolff

Some took to Twitter after being left disappointed having missed out on buying a copy this morning

Some took to Twitter after being left disappointed having missed out on buying a copy this morning

The book – which paints Trump as mentally unstable and far out of his depth – includes extensive quotes from Bannon, who also received a ‘cease and desist’ order from Trump’s attorneys.

‘Your publication of the false/baseless statements about Mr. Trump gives rise to, among other claims, defamation by libel, defamation by libel per se, false light invasion of privacy, tortious interference with contractual relations, and inducement of breach of contract,’ Trump’s lawyers said in the letter to Wolff.

In the book, excerpts of which were published this week, Bannon is quoted accusing Trump’s eldest son Don Jr of ‘treasonous’ contacts with a Kremlin-connected lawyer, and saying the president’s daughter Ivanka, who imagines running for president one day, is ‘dumb as a brick.’ 

But it is Trump himself who is cast in the most unfavorable light by a series of his top aides.

The book claims that for ‘Steve Mnuchin and Reince Priebus, the president was an ‘idiot.’ For Gary Cohn, he was ‘dumb as shit.’ For H.R. McMaster, he was a ‘dope.’ The list went on.’

White House issued a scorched-earth dismissal of the book, its author and his sources.

Michael Wolff, 64 (right) is the man behind the sensational tell-all from Donald Trump's first months in the White House, and now the president is trying to stop the book before it's released on January 9

Michael Wolff, 64, is the man behind the sensational tell-all from Donald Trump's first months in the White Hous

Michael Wolff, 64 (right) is the man behind the sensational tell-all from Donald Trump’s first months in the White House, and now the president is trying to stop the book before it’s released on January 9

‘I don’t think (Americans) really care about some trash that an author that no one had ever heard of until today, or a fired employee, wants to peddle,’ said White House press secretary Sarah Sanders, calling the book ‘complete fantasy.’

Behind the scenes, though, Trump has been enraged by the betrayal by Bannon – a man who engineered the New York real estate mogul’s link to the nationalist far right and helped create a pro-Trump media ecosystem.

‘He called me a great man last night. He obviously changed his tune pretty quick,’ Trump said in the White House’s Roosevelt Room Thursday.

Sanders suggested that Bannon’s employer, Breitbart News, should consider firing him. 

He wasn’t fired, but Bannon’s main financial backer is formally cutting ties with him, The Washington Post reported.

‘I support President Trump and the platform upon which he was elected,’ the newspaper quoted billionaire conservative donor Rebekah Mercer as saying.

Her family has had no contact with Bannon for months, nor has it given money to support his political agenda, ‘nor do we support his recent actions and statements,’ she was quoted as saying.

Lawyer Charles Harder, who has represented Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner and former pro wrestler Hulk Hogan in the past, wrote a scathing 11-page letter to Henry Holt & Company and its newest star author Michael Wolff

Lawyer Charles Harder, who has represented Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner and former pro wrestler Hulk Hogan in the past, wrote a scathing 11-page letter to Henry Holt & Company and its newest star author Michael Wolff

Bannon, who left the White House in August, is also quoted in the book as saying that the investigation by special counsel Robert Mueller into Russian interference in the 2016 election will focus on money laundering.

The investigation by Mueller, a former FBI director, is looking into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to help get him elected – a charge the president has repeatedly and vehemently denied.

Russia-related allegations in the book also ensnare Don Junior, who took a meeting with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya in June 2016 after an intermediary promised material that would incriminate Trump’s Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.

Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and then campaign chairman Paul Manafort also attended the meeting at Trump Tower in New York. 

‘The three senior guys in the campaign thought it was a good idea to meet with a foreign government inside Trump Tower in the conference room on the 25th floor – with no lawyers,’ Bannon was quoted as saying in the book.

‘Even if you thought that this was not treasonous, or unpatriotic, or bad shit, and I happen to think it’s all of that, you should have called the FBI immediately,’ he said.


  • Steve Bannon described Don Jr’s Trump Tower meeting with Russians as ‘treasonous and unpatriotic’ and thinks he will ‘crack like an egg’ under the pressure of the Russia investigation
  • Bannon said there’s ‘zero’ chance Donald Trump didn’t know about the meeting and said Don Jr likely ‘walked them to his father’s office’
  • First Lady Melania Trump openly wept on the night her husband won the election – and the tears ‘were not of joy’
  • The whole campaign from the top down thought Trump would lose and everyone had planned for defeat, with Trump himself planning a TV network because he would be ‘the most famous man in the world’ 
  • Trump and Melania sleep in separate bedrooms and he demanded a lock on his bedroom door against the wishes of the Secret Service
  • Trump orders McDonald’s so he’s not poisoned, told staff not to touch his toothbrush and strips his own bedsheets  
  • Trump regularly sits in bed eating a cheeseburger at 6.30pm while calling his friends and watching three TVs 
  • Rupert Murdoch called Trump a ‘f***ing idiot’ after a phone call and billionaire backer Tom Barrack said ‘he’s not only crazy, he’s stupid’ 
  • Trump’s aides say he doesn’t read and ‘for all practical purposes is no more than semi-literate’ 
  • Trump would try to bed his friends’ wives by goading their husbands to cheat while the wife listened in on speakerphone
  • White House Communications Director Hope Hicks dated married Corey Lewandowski and Trump later told her: ‘You’re the best piece of tail he’ll ever have.’
  • The president called acting attorney general Sally Yates a ‘c***’ after she refused to enforce his immigration ban
  • Sean Spicer, then press secretary, said ‘you can’t make this s*** up’ after his first briefing and went on adopt the phrase as his personal mantra
  • Trump tells the same stories three times in ten minutes and forgot a succession of old friends’ names at a Mar-a-Lago party
  • He called Jared Kushner a ‘suck-up’ and said he should never have let Ivanka and her husband move to Washington
  • Among his verdicts on his staff: Bannon ‘looked like s***’, Reince Priebus was a midget and Kellyanne Conway was a crybaby
  • Among his staff’s verdicts on him: ‘dope’, ‘dumb as s***’, ‘hopeless idiot’, ‘just a f***ing fool’, ‘lost his mind’, ‘incapable of functioning in his job’
  • Trump wondered what a ‘golden shower’ was after reading reports about the notorious Russian dossier
  • Trump offered to marry Morning Joe’s Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough – and mocked Jared Kushner for saying he’d do it
  • Ivanka Trump jokes with friends about her father’s hair secrets: He had a scalp reduction, combs over from the sides, and uses Just for Men badly

Wolff’s book – which he says is based on interviews with Trump, his senior aides and others – makes a litany of shocking claims, including Trump’s belief that he installed Mohammed bin Salman as Saudi Arabia’s crown prince.

‘We’ve put our man on top,’ Trump is said to have claimed to friends.

The book also claims that Trump considered appointing a friend to the Supreme Court vacancy filled by Neil Gorsuch, eats food from McDonald’s because he believes it to be safe from poison, and that his team did not believe he was capable of winning the election.

‘Shortly after 8pm on Election Night, when the unexpected trend – Trump might actually win – seemed confirmed, Don Jr. told a friend that his father, or DJT, as he calls him, looked as if he had seen a ghost. Melania was in tears – and not of joy,’ it said.