Matt Lauer seen one block from Today studio and NBC offices in New York City getting out of cab

 Did Matt Lauer stop by Today on Tuesday?

The disgraced anchor was spotted being dropped off in a cab on 51st Street in New York City on Tuesday morning, just one block away from 30 Rockefeller Center and NBC offices.

Lauer, who tried to keep his face hidden under a Yankees cap and sunglasses, scurried out of the cab and into a nearby entrance that provides direct access to his former place of employment via an underground concourse.

He also had a map of that underground concourse on his phone, and was carrying a leather binder and was as a case for his glasses.

Lauer’s publicist did not respond to a request for comment.

Nothing to see here: Matt Lauer was photographed being dropped off on 51st Street in new York City on Tuesday, just one block from NBC offices at Rockefeller Center

Lauer lurks: The disgraced anchor, 60, had a map of the underground concourse at Rock Center (left) on his phone (right) as he entered a building that connects to the passage

Mysterious Matty: Lauer tried to go incognito by hiding his face under a baseball cap and sunglasses

Mysterious Matty: Lauer tried to go incognito by hiding his face under a baseball cap and sunglasses

Lauer, 60, arrived for the meeting alone, and was blocks away from the only other offices he might be visiting in the city.

His lawyer, Williams Zabel, has offices on the east side of Manhattan, while his public relations firm, Rubenstein, is located nearby, but in the exact opposite direction of where he was walking when photographed.

NBC News’ workplace investigation into Lauer’s sexual misconduct was completed early last month, at which time the company shared the findings with the public.

The report revealed that on November 22, a ‘complainant alleged that Matt Lauer had engaged in inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace with her on several occasions in 2014.’

One day later, Lauer was asked about the claims being made by the employee.

‘During the interview, Lauer admitted to engaging in sexual activity with the complainant,’ stated the report.

‘The Company determined that his conduct violated Company policy and terminated Lauer’s employment on November 28, effective immediately.’

The report also revealed that NBC has cleared all senior employees and found no proof that any current executives had knowledge of Lauer’s misconduct.

In the wake of Lauer’s firing, more women came forward.

‘Within the two weeks after Lauer’s termination was announced publicly by NBC News on November 29, 2017, the Company received information about three additional women, who each alleged that Lauer had engaged in inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace with them in 2000, 2001 and 2007, respectively,’ read the report.

The report was sent along with a memo from Andy Lack, the Chairman of NBC Universal.

‘The last few months have been extraordinarily difficult, with our dedicated journalists doing some of our best work ever while we endured a painful period in the spotlight including a thorough and deserved examination,’ the memo stated.

‘This has been felt by everyone in the organization, most importantly several of our colleagues who were deeply affected. I admire their bravery and am profoundly grateful for their candor.’

Lack then added: ‘When we first told you about the decision to dismiss Matt Lauer, I said we had been presented with “reason to believe this may not have been an isolated incident.” As you will see in the report, that turned out to be the case.’

The CEO of Universal, Steve Burke, instructed General Counsel Kim Burke to launch her investigation to determine three things: whether ‘any current members of NBC News or Today Show leadership, News HR or anyone else in a position of authority in the News Division had any information about inappropriate workplace behavior by Lauer prior to November 27, 2017, and, if so, what, if anything, was done to address the behavior; if there have been other incidents of inappropriate workplace behavior in the News Division, and if so, whether such incidents were reported and addressed appropriately; and employees in the News Division are comfortable reporting concerns about workplace behavior, and if not, why not.’

Investigators ‘found no evidence indicating that any NBC News or Today Show leadership, News HR or others in positions of authority in the News Division received any complaints about Lauer’s workplace behavior prior to November 27, 2017.’

That discovery was bolstered by the four women who came forward as they all revealed that they did not tell their direct manager or anyone in a position of authority.

Lauer the loner: He arrived in a cab and was dropped off in the middle of the block, arriving alone and bringing a leather binder

Lauer the loner: He arrived in a cab and was dropped off in the middle of the block, arriving alone and bringing a leather binder

Back in the New York groove: It has been a little over a month since NBC News released the findings of the workplace investigation into Lauer's sexual misconduct

Back in the New York groove: It has been a little over a month since NBC News released the findings of the workplace investigation into Lauer’s sexual misconduct

One of the women did reveal that she told a manager about an ‘inappropriate interaction with Lauer where he placed his hand on her thigh and made a sexually suggestive comment.’

That was in 1996, and she was removed from assignments with Lauer from some time before her 2001 sexual encounter with the host.

This does however contradict a recent claim made by Ann Curry, which the report addresses as a footnote.

‘Ann Curry has stated in the press that, in 2012, a woman came to her claiming that Lauer had sexually harassed her and that Curry then told management at the time that they should be concerned about Lauer’s behavior toward women,’ reads the report.

‘In a discussion with the investigation team, Curry confirmed that she did not disclose to anyone in management that she had received a specific complaint. Curry declined to share with the investigation team the identity of anyone in management with whom she spoke at the time or the identity of the woman who came to her with a complaint about Lauer.’

That footnote closes out by stating: ‘The members of NBC News and Today Show leadership at the time with whom we spoke denied having any such conversation with Curry.’

Two of the four women also told investigators that they were of the belief that ‘former NBC News or Today Show leadership knew or must have known about Lauer’s alleged inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace.’

It is then noted in the report that all ‘former leaders’ interviewed ‘denied any such knowledge’ and that the investigation was ‘unable to otherwise substantiate it.’

A number of people that were interviewed also remarked about comments and jokes made about Lauer.

‘The investigation team also found that Lauer frequently engaged in sexual banter or joking in open working environments with other employees present or in a position to overhear his comments,’ according to the report.

‘While the nature and frequency of that conduct did not rise to the level of creating a hostile work environment, and no witnesses described it as such, it may have contributed to an atmosphere where some employees who may have had concerns assumed nothing would be done to address them, particularly given Lauer’s perceived importance to the News Division.’

The investigation also did not rely on interviews alone.

‘The investigation team also conducted targeted email account searches and reviews, including the email accounts of Lauer and NBC News and Today Show leadership, reviewed text messages on Lauer’s work-issued phones, and reviewed other relevant documents and information,’ the report explained in detailing the methods of investigation.

‘NBC Universal Legal department records and HR records for both NBC Universal and the News Division were reviewed, together with records from the Comcast NBC Universal complaint helplines and web portal, to determine whether there were any prior complaints about Lauer.’

One of the women who engaged in sexual activity with Lauer, Addie Collins Zinone, spoke about her month-long affair in interviews last year.

That incident occurred in 2000 when she was just a 24-year-old production assistant at Today.

While Zinone said the relationship was consensual, she added that the power dynamics had made her later regret the relationship.

She said that Katie Couric helped get her a job at Today right out of college and that she and Lauer had a professional working relationship right up until her last weeks on the show.

It all changed around June 2000, when Zinone got an instant message from Lauer one day, complimenting her on her appearance.

At the time, Lauer was already married to his second wife, Annette Roque.

Zinone went on to reveal the two first had sex in a dressing room, with Lauer informing her they had less than 15 minutes to finish, and the last  

In 2001, a married NBC staffer claimed she woke up in Matt Lauer’s office with her pants halfway down her legs after having sex with the anchor until she passed out in an interview with The New York Times.

The woman told The New York Times that the longtime Today Show host’s assistant had to take her to see a nurse after the alleged encounter in 2001.

The former employee, who was in her 40s at the time, said Lauer first made advances towards her while covering a story away from their New York headquarters in the late 1990s.

She described moving away from him during a car journey to the airport because he was sitting ‘uncomfortably close’, to which he apparently replied: ‘You’re no fun’.

Then, in 2001, she claims the married Lauer summoned her to his office at 30 Rock in New York to discuss work. She says he then used a button under his desk to lock the door and then told her to unbutton her blouse.

She said the veteran broadcaster then stepped out from behind his desk, pulled out a chair, bent her over, and started having sex with her until she fell unconscious.

The woman told The Times she woke up a while later on the floor of his office with her pants halfway down her legs, prompting his assistant to take her to seek medical attention.

The ex-staffer, who has not been named, is one of a string of women who have come forward accusing Lauer of sexual misconduct.

She did not tell NBC about the alleged incident at the time because she thought she could have done more to stop Lauer’s actions, and she left around a year later.

Lauer has been married for almost 20 years to wife Annette, a former model who was born in the Netherlands.

The two wed in 1998, just one year after he was made a co-anchor of the show.

Lauer and his wife have three children – Jack, and Romy and Thijs -who live in East Hampton with their mother while their their father stays in the city alone from Monday through Thursday in an Upper East Side bachelor pad.

His first marriage, to television producer Nancy Alspaugh, ended in divorce in 1988.

Lauer was also briefly engaged to television newscaster Kristen Gesswein, but they split in 1996, two years before he married Annette.

Lauer and his wife came close to splitting back in 2006 after Annette filed court papers stating that he husband valued his work over his family and was ‘extremely controlling.’

Furthermore, Annette claimed at the time she suffered ‘cruel and inhuman’ treatment at the hands of Lauer, who also demonstrated ‘extreme anger and hostility towards her.’

Matt filed his own legal action days later, saying any ‘cruel and inhuman treatment’ he may have exhibited was ‘provoked’ by his wife.

The pair will reportedly divorce, though there had been no news of a court filing at this time.