MAUREEN CALLAHAN: Alicia Keys, Gigi Hadid, Harry and Meghan… Woke celebrities love to condemn social-justice ‘crimes’ – so why so coy when it comes to horrific Hamas terror?

Et tu, Alicia Keys?

In this moment – Hamas beheading Israeli babies, gang-raping girls and throwing one female hostage, a tattoo artist, near-naked and unconscious in the back of a pick-up truck, spitting on her and yanking her by the hair while literally setting other women and Jews on fire – Alicia Keys, feminist singer of shero-anthems, posts this:

‘Question: What would you do if you weren’t afraid of anything??? Tell me your truth… I’ve had my eye on paragliding…’

That last line was accompanied by ‘side-eye’ emojis and a photo of Keys wearing a militaristic racing jacket in the Palestinian colors of green, black, red and white.

What could she possibly have been referencing?

If you, like me and many other rational, clear-eyed people out there, thought Keys was praising the Hamas terrorists who paraglided into an Israeli music festival — where is her self-interest? — killing, raping and kidnapping the young people gathered there for little more than a week ago — well, you’re not alone.

In this moment – Hamas beheading Israeli babies, gang-raping girls and throwing one female hostage, a tattoo artist, naked and unconscious in the back of a pick-up truck, spitting on her and yanking her by the hair while literally setting other women and Jews on fire – Alicia Keys, feminist singer of shero-anthems, posts this…

The American non-profit StopAntisemitism called her out on Twitter: ‘Is this some sick ode to the Hamas terrorists that infiltrated Israel, killed over 1300 people, beheaded babies, raped women and kidnapped Holocaust survivors?’

‘You’re thinking of paragliding into what?’ Rabbi Shmuley Boteach asked. ‘Into Israel and shooting and killing people? I’m struggling to find the words because we are all in a state of shock that the world has no morality.’

Some things you can’t walk back. Some things, at this moment especially, cannot be explained away by claiming naivete.

You can’t be a street-savvy New Yorker, a proud biracial woman who grew up in the world’s greatest melting pot, as Keys has, and say you had no idea what you were posting.

But watch her try. After this backlash, Keys swiftly deleted her post and issued a statement saying the paraglider comment was ‘COMPLETELY unrelated in any way to the recent devastating loss of innocent lives. My heart has been breaking… I pray for and stand for peace.’

Note what’s not in her statement: A full-throated repudiation of Hamas. Support for the Jewish people, who have suffered their greatest loss of life since the Holocaust. Or a call for the safe return of over 200 hostages taken by Hamas, babies among them.

So sorry, Alicia: I don’t buy it.

If you weren’t being flip, if you weren’t mocking the unspeakable savagery committed by Hamas, why the suggestive side-eye emojis?

Why hide behind your one-time manager, the Israeli-American Guy Oseary, who jumped on social media in your defense?

‘There’s talk of an anti-Semitic post that my dear friend Alicia Keys had up on her Instagram,’ Oseary wrote. ‘I can confirm to anyone in my [Jewish] community that needs to hear it: It’s NOT true.’

Keys swiftly deleted her post and issued a statement. Note what’s not in her statement: A full-throated repudiation of Hamas. Support for the Jewish people, who have suffered their greatest loss of life since the Holocaust. Or a call for the safe return of the hostages taken by Hamas, babies among them. So sorry, Alicia: I don’t buy it.

Keys swiftly deleted her post and issued a statement. Note what’s not in her statement: A full-throated repudiation of Hamas. Support for the Jewish people, who have suffered their greatest loss of life since the Holocaust. Or a call for the safe return of the hostages taken by Hamas, babies among them. So sorry, Alicia: I don’t buy it.

Why hide behind your one-time manager, the Israeli-American Guy Oseary (pictured), who jumped on social media in your defense? ‘There’s talk of an anti-Semitic post that my dear friend Alicia Keys had up on her Instagram,’ Oseary wrote. ‘I can confirm to anyone in my [Jewish] community that needs to hear it: It’s NOT true.’

Why hide behind your one-time manager, the Israeli-American Guy Oseary (pictured), who jumped on social media in your defense? ‘There’s talk of an anti-Semitic post that my dear friend Alicia Keys had up on her Instagram,’ Oseary wrote. ‘I can confirm to anyone in my [Jewish] community that needs to hear it: It’s NOT true.’

Wonder what Oseary’s BFF Madonna, who has always been pro-Israel, thinks of this. Or his other clients in U2, who offered public support to Israel right after the attacks.

Let’s be direct: Condemning terrorists, baby murderers, rapists and anti-Semites is a low bar to clear.

So it’s not a little astounding that the Hollywood community — normally so vocal on worthy causes from Black Lives Matter, to climate justice, to diversity and inclusion, to #MeToo — have been comparatively silent on this.

Does anyone remember #BringBackOurGirls?

Prominent stars such as Angelina Jolie, Anne Hathaway, Bradley Cooper, Emma Watson, Ellen DeGeneres, Cara Delevingne, Harrison Ford, The Rock, Salma Hayek, Amy Poehler and, yes, Alicia Keys, took to social media and red carpets in 2014 to demand that the terrorist group Boko Haram safely return the almost 300 Nigerian girls they had kidnapped and taken hostage.

Prominent stars, including Keys, took to social media in 2014 to demand Boko Haram safely return the Nigerian girls they had kidnapped.

Prominent stars, including Keys, took to social media in 2014 to demand Boko Haram safely return the Nigerian girls they had kidnapped.

There was no both-sides-ism. No hand-wringing over the geopolitical trauma that must have caused these poor, oppressed ‘freedom fighters’ to kidnap and terrorize innocents. Nope, just a bright line drawn by civilized people, liberals and conservatives both, that this was a crime beyond the bounds of war.

How about Blackout Tuesday?

In the wake of George Floyd’s murder, a day of protest was declared, with every user of social media encouraged to post only a black square. To not post said square was to identify — whether you were aware of Blackout Tuesday or not — as a white supremacist.

How is it that none of these standards, self-imposed by an ever-virtue-signaling left, are compelled today?

How is it that half-Palestinian supermodel Gigi Hadid hasn’t been abandoned by top fashion houses, even as Israel condemned her outrageous statement this week?

Over the weekend, Hadid posted: ‘There is nothing Jewish about the Israeli government’s treatment of Palestinians. Condemning the Israeli government is not antisemitic and supporting Palestinians is not supporting Hamas.’

The State of Israel replied directly to Hadid: ‘Have you been sleeping the past week? Or are you just fine turning a blind eye to Jewish babies being butchered in their homes? Your silence has been very clear about where you stand. We see you.’

This was followed by another post tagging Hadid that showed a photo of bloodied children’s clothes and toys. ‘If you don’t condemn this,’ it read, ‘your words mean nothing.’

Naturally, it’s been silence from Hadid since.

How is it that none of the standards, self-imposed by an ever-virtue-signaling left, are compelled today? How is it that half-Palestinian supermodel Gigi Hadid hasn’t been abandoned by top fashion houses, even as Israel condemned her statement this week?

How is it that none of the standards, self-imposed by an ever-virtue-signaling left, are compelled today? How is it that half-Palestinian supermodel Gigi Hadid hasn’t been abandoned by top fashion houses, even as Israel condemned her statement this week?

The State of Israel replied directly to Hadid: ‘Have you been sleeping the past week? Or are you just fine turning a blind eye to Jewish babies being butchered in their homes? Your silence has been very clear about where you stand. We see you.’ This was followed by another post tagging Hadid that showed a photo of bloodied children's clothes and toys. ‘If you don't condemn this,’ it read, ‘your words mean nothing.’ Naturally, it’s been silence from Hadid since.

The State of Israel replied directly to Hadid: ‘Have you been sleeping the past week? Or are you just fine turning a blind eye to Jewish babies being butchered in their homes? Your silence has been very clear about where you stand. We see you.’ This was followed by another post tagging Hadid that showed a photo of bloodied children’s clothes and toys. ‘If you don’t condemn this,’ it read, ‘your words mean nothing.’ Naturally, it’s been silence from Hadid since.

John Galliano lost his job as Dior’s creative director for anti-Semitism in 2011. His career has never recovered.

Yet Kylie Jenner, who has nearly 400 million Instagram followers, deleted a statement in support of Israel within hours of posting it. Guess you can’t risk selling lip kits.

By the way — where’s Oprah? We just learned this week that she reportedly approached Mitt Romney to run on a presidential ticket together in 2020. Oprah denies it, of course, but this has just been published in Romney’s authorized biography, and he has not refuted it.

So someone who ostensibly thinks she could be the leader of the free world, who is otherwise America’s secular leader, can’t find the moral compass to wholeheartedly support Israel?

Oprah ran to Maui as soon as the wildfires cooled. But her one statement here, which reads in part that ‘the murderous terrorist attacks by Hamas must be condemned’ — curiously passive voice, no? — is hidden behind a $35 dollar paywall at

Should such a statement not be free reading?

Those other social justice warriors, Oprah’s one-time best pals Harry and Meghan, have been awfully quiet, too.

Meghan in particular loves bleating about her support of women and children’s rights — so where is she in all this? Meghan, who ran herself uninvited to Uvalde after that horrific school shooting in May last year and was photographed in front of a memorial? Doesn’t she have some time and thought to spare?

To be fair, H&M did release a statement via their non-profit Archewell. On-brand as ever, it was gutless and vague, opening with this platitude: ‘We stand against all acts of terrorism and brutality’ — perhaps raising the implication that Israel, too, is at fault here.

It went on: ‘We are supporting our partners and organizations on the frontlines in Israel to provide the urgent aid needed, and to help all innocent victims of this unconscionable level of human suffering.’

Then again, Harry and Meghan have the little matter of attending to two accused anti-Israel employees of a non-profit they’ve helped fund.

As exclusively reported Tuesday, Elise Joshi, 21-year-old executive director of the Archewell-supported activists ‘collective’ Gen Z for Change, has in recent days been posting various statements about the war online including one that read: ‘To start and end with condemning Hamas only fuels the widely recognized apartheid state… I stand with Palestine and all anti-colonial movements.’

She also accused the White House of ‘condoning ethnic cleansing’.

Harry and Meghan have the little matter of attending to two accused anti-Israel employees of a non-profit they’ve helped fund. As exclusively reported Tuesday, Elise Joshi, 21-year-old executive director of the Archewell-supported activists ‘collective’ Gen Z for Change, has in recent days been posting various statements about the war online.

Harry and Meghan have the little matter of attending to two accused anti-Israel employees of a non-profit they’ve helped fund. As exclusively reported Tuesday, Elise Joshi, 21-year-old executive director of the Archewell-supported activists ‘collective’ Gen Z for Change, has in recent days been posting various statements about the war online.

Joshi (pictured) said in one post: 'To start and end with condemning Hamas only fuels the widely recognized apartheid state… I stand with Palestine and all anti-colonial movements.’ She also accused the White House of 'condoning ethnic cleansing’.

Joshi (pictured) said in one post: ‘To start and end with condemning Hamas only fuels the widely recognized apartheid state… I stand with Palestine and all anti-colonial movements.’ She also accused the White House of ‘condoning ethnic cleansing’.

Additionally, the group’s Jewish founder, 19-year-old Aidan Kohn-Murphy, has posted saying, ‘We are seeing before our eyes war crimes that Israel is committing against Palestine and that must be addressed and called out.’

A call to Archewell for comment has gone unreturned.

Compare the Sussexes’ statement to the one released by a spokesperson for the Prince and Princess of Wales last week: ‘The horrors inflicted by Hamas’s terrorist attack upon Israel are appalling; [William and Kate] utterly condemn them.’

They even added that the Jewish nation had a ‘right to self defense’.

That’s it! Hardly difficult to say, is it? Yet an overwhelming majority of celebrities either refuse to denounce Hamas or seem to support them.

How will liberal Hollywood back Joe Biden in 2024, after the president unequivocally inveighed against Hamas and offered America’s unyielding aid, militarily and otherwise, to Israel?

He’s been in Tel Aviv today, meeting Prime Minister Netanyahu and reaffirming that support.

Here’s a modest proposal. Having lived under the oppression of the far-left – one that can get you canceled for misgendering or failing to adhere to trans orthodoxy or opposing ‘defund the police’ — how about we now hold this same group to a simple, clear-eyed standard:

Either denounce a barbarous terrorist organization – which, by the way, is dedicated to exterminating not just Jews, but also gay people, women, the trans community and all kinds of minorities – for what it is, or suffer the reputational consequences.

Look no further than Alicia Keys, who is about to find out.
