McDonald’s customer blasts chain for dangerous McFlurry allergy mix-up

I narrowly avoided death by McFlurry! McDonald’s customer says he could have DIED after being given a Creme Egg-flavoured ice cream instead of the Caramel one he asked for despite repeatedly warning ‘lazy’ staff he was seriously allergic

  • EXCLUSIVE: Steven Georgiou is allergic to egg white – contained in Creme Eggs
  • Ordered Creme Egg McFlurry for his girlfriend and a caramel one for himself
  • Repeatedly told staff at north London drive thru not to mix them up, but they did
  • Said the ‘lazy’ error could have been deadly if he had not been paying attention  

A McDonald’s customer was wrongly given a Creme Egg McFlurry in a drive thru mix-up despite repeatedly warning staff he was seriously allergic to them. 

Property manager Steven Georgiou, 32, said the ‘lazy’ error by workers at the chain’s Finchley Lido branch in north London could have been deadly if he hadn’t been paying attention.

‘If I wasn’t being careful things could have been much worse,’ said Mr Georgiou, who ordered a Creme Egg McFlurry for his girlfriend and a caramel one for himself. ‘If I’m not treated or go to hospital things swell up until it’s fatal.’ 

Mr Georgiou after being hospitalised by an allergic reaction on another occasion

Steven Georgiou, 32, (left) said the ‘lazy’ error by McDonald’s workers could have been deadly if he hadn’t been paying attention. He is seen on the right after being hospitalised by an allergic reaction on another occasion 

Mr Georgiou has had to be taken to hospital ‘dozens’ of times for emergency admissions over his life due to allergic reactions. 

He is seriously allergic to eggs, making Creme Eggs dangerous because they contain egg white. 

Mr Georgiou entered the drive-thru with his girlfriend at around 8pm on April 10 and asked the assistant at the first window for a Caramel McFlurry for himself and a Creme Egg one for his girlfriend.

‘I specifically said to him “make sure you put the McFlurries into the right marked containers and know which one is which, I need to know exactly which one is which”.

‘The response from him was “tell the woman in the next window”.

‘But by the time I got there she was leaning out with the McFlurries in two generic looking containers. I stressed I needed to know which one was which so she pointed at one of them and said “this one”.’

How Creme Egg McFlurries DO contain real eggs  

McDonald’s ice cream is made from pasteurised milk and does not contain eggs. 

However, the inside of Creme Eggs includes real dried egg white, and other ingredients like paprika to achieve the egg-like colouring. 

This is included in McFlurries as part of the Creme Egg syrups. 

The other allergens in the product are milk, soy and sulphites.  

Caramel and Creme Egg McFlurries look virtually identical from the top, so it is hard to tell them apart unless they are in marked containers.

‘I was super careful,’ Mr Georgiou said. ‘So I took a tiny amount from the container she said was Creme Egg and rubbed it on my lips.

‘They swelled up almost instantly so I took one of my tablets.’

The medication counteracted the allergic reaction, and Mr Georgiou was able to return to the McDonald’s to tell them their mistake.

He said he spoke to a manager who gave him the correct McFlurry but ‘didn’t really apologise’.

Mr Georgiou complained to McDonald’s the next day, and received an email in which a member of staff apologised and said staff would be ‘more vigilant’ in the future.

He was promised meal vouchers but says he has still not received them. 

‘The whole fiasco was caused by the laziness of the staff and their negligence towards my serious allergy,’ he said.    

‘They don’t care, I spoke to a woman on the phone but her response was absolutely pathetic,’ he said. 

‘I’ve not even received any vouchers yet or heard anything else from them.’ 

A Creme Egg McFlurry

A Caramel McFlurry

When they are in the same containers, Creme Egg and Caramel McFlurries look virtually identical 

Mr Georgiou, who is also allergic to fish, nuts and sesame seeds, said he had gone through ‘numerous’ similar incidents in previous years, and believed there was a widespread lack of care towards people with allergies.

‘It happens all the time, it’s not just McDonald’s. Serving staff need to be more aware, because the results can be terrible.

‘We’ve seen that enough times in the news recently with people dying after eating the wrong things.’ 

A McDonald’s spokesman said: “As soon as this incident was brought to our attention, our customer services team sent a letter of apology and complimentary food vouchers to the customer.

“We have a number of procedures in place to avoid inaccurate orders and are disappointed that these were not followed in this case.’

The incident happened at around 8pm on April 10 at McDonald's Finchley Lido branch in north London

The incident happened at around 8pm on April 10 at McDonald’s Finchley Lido branch in north London