Meet the fortune-teller dubbed ‘POLISH Ken Doll’

With razor sharp cheekbones, perfect brows and plumped lips – Poland has now got its own answer to the ‘Human Ken Doll’.

TV psychic medium, Michal Przybylowicz has been the talk of the Polish media for his startling likeliness to a plastic action figure.

But despite his incredible appearance, the star recently said in an interview with Polish magazine that his looks are down to beauty treatments and not plastic surgery. 

‘I do not abuse the treatments of aesthetic medicine,’ he said. ‘It is more care with cosmetics.

The fortune-teller claims his look is purely down to the plumping and smoothing effects of hyaluronic acid.

Michal Przybylowicz (pictured) has been compared by Polish media to a Ken Doll

Michal has been likened to the country’s ‘Polish Barbie Doll’, Anella An an architect from Poznań. 

After spending around £30,000 on plastic surgery, she gained her nickname as well as nearly one million followers. 

A fellow lover of selfies, nearly every photo on Michal’s Instagram account is of himself, displaying an unbelievably smooth face and piecing eyes. 

Michal goes under the pseudonym ‘Wrozbita Michael’ for his TV appearances where he conducts a wide range of mystic practices. 

Michal's Instagram is full of selfies and snips from his various TV appearances and shoots

Michal’s Instagram is full of selfies and snips from his various TV appearances and shoots

He claims to be able to read people's future using Tarot cards, crystal balls and the stars

He claims to be able to read people’s future using Tarot cards, crystal balls and the stars

The Tarot card reader claims to be a model, and shares snaps of himself on his Instagram

He says that he has the ability to predict national and even global events

He told Polish magazine that he plans on having no further surgery and the treatments he has now are hyaluronic acid based

He works with Tarot cards, numerology, hypnosis, paranormal phenomena, magic and horoscopes.

One of the more remarkable sides to his career is his ability to speak to the dead. 

He told that he communicates with ghosts to find missing people. 

He says he can speak to the dead and often uses his skill to locate missing people 

He says he can speak to the dead and often uses his skill to locate missing people 

His sharp cheekbones, exaggerated lips and chiseled jaw he admits are the work of surgery but has said that he has given it up now

His sharp cheekbones, exaggerated lips and chiseled jaw he admits are the work of surgery but has said that he has given it up now

He refuses, however, to predict death as it goes against his work ethos. As well as working with the deceased, he claims to predict political, economic and national forecasts.

As well as this, he told that he can also predict global phenomena. The part time model is also eager to advise on matters of love, health, career and finances.

Despite being in touch with supernatural abilities and claims to be able to see into the future, he puts emphasis on the fact that he doesn’t have one hundred percent accuracy.He told that he believes no one has the ability to be fully certain.