Megan McKenna reveals she ‘whacked’ Big Brother in one of her iconic explosive meltdowns during reality series stint

Megan McKenna has revealed she once ‘whacked’ Big Brother during an explosive meltdown as she returned for the show’s Late and Live spin-off on Wednesday. 

The singer, 31, who starred on the celebrity version of the reality contest in 2016, was famed for her diary room outbursts when she got ‘hangry.’ 

In a hilarious confession, Megan recalled her worst ever tantrum in which she pushed the camera over after getting told off. 

She laughed: ‘Well, where do I start, the worst meltdown for me was when… I was actually backing someone up, for some background, and I may have over-exaggerated just a tiny bit. 

‘I ended up getting called into the diary room by Big Brother, being really badly told off, and I actually whacked Big Brother off the side.’

Oops: Megan McKenna, 31, has revealed she once ‘whacked’ Big Brother during an explosive meltdown as she returned for the show’s Late and Live spin-off on Wednesday

The singer, 31, who starred on the celebrity version of the reality contest in 2016, was famed for her diary room outbursts when she got 'hangry' (pictured in 2016)

The singer, 31, who starred on the celebrity version of the reality contest in 2016, was famed for her diary room outbursts when she got ‘hangry’ (pictured in 2016)

She added: ‘I smacked the camera. It was a really serious time for me. I am sorry Big Brother.’

Megan was pushed the the edge during her time on the show when she was put on food rations as part of a task. 

Big Brother had asked her to eat ‘crackers and figs’ while on rationing, with the singer left demanding food in the dairy room. 

The voice of Big Brother was heard saying: ‘Megan, the meals Big Brother has been providing during the task have been nutritionally balanced.’ 

To which Megan replied: ‘Are you joking? How the f**k are three crackers and one stupid fig nutritionally balanced?

‘Answer me that Big Brother. Three crackers and a f**king fig?’

Another explosive moment saw her label US reality star Tiffany Pollard ‘a ghetto c***’, before members of the show’s security team were forced to intervene. 

The iconic moments saw social media descend into a frenzy of memes as fans poked fun at her extreme rage via viral internet jokes.

In a hilarious confession, Megan recalled her worst ever tantrum in which she pushed the camera over after getting told off

In a hilarious confession, Megan recalled her worst ever tantrum in which she pushed the camera over after getting told off

Funny: 'I ended up getting called into the diary room by Big Brother, being really badly told off, and I actually whacked Big Brother off the side,' she recalled

Funny: ‘I ended up getting called into the diary room by Big Brother, being really badly told off, and I actually whacked Big Brother off the side,’ she recalled

While many likened Megan’s explosive outburst to Britney Spears’ public breakdown in 2007, others compared her to demonic horror movie characters from Carrie (1976) and The Exorcist (1974). 

At first, there was the suggestion that Megan – who broke down over cleaning  – had suffered from a ‘hangry’ (hungry and angry) disposition and should ‘Have a Snickers’.

Layering an image of the chocolate bar over a screengrab of her angry face, social media users used the brand’s famous advertising line, ‘You’re not you when you’re hungry. Have a Snickers!’ 

Perhaps funnier still was the suggestion that Megan’s anger was as scary as the demonic daughter in notorious horror film The Exorcist, with one user posting a meme of the chilling moment the character’s head spins all the way around. 
