Megan Newton’s mother demands ‘police should pay’ for daughter’s murder

Megan Newton’s heartbroken mother demands ‘police should pay’ after ex-officer’s son, 19, was freed from drugs arrest just HOURS before he raped and murdered her 18-year-old daughter

  • Megan Newton was sexually assaulted and stabbed to death by Joseph Trevor 
  • She offered him a place to stay for the night when he was too drunk to go home
  • Megan’s mother Sarah Newton has now hit out at police for releasing him earlier
  • Trevor, 19, had been picked up with a bag of ketamine earlier in the evening  

The mother of an 18-year-old who was raped and murdered by the son of a former police inspector has said ‘police should pay’ for her daughter’s death. 

Megan Newton was sexually assaulted and stabbed to death by Joseph Trevor, now 19, after she gave him a place to stay when he was too drunk to go home.

Harrowing CCTV captured football coach Megan letting Trevor – an old school friend – into her home in Stoke-on-Trent before he subjected her to the attack then murdered her.

Police had detained Trevor and seized a bag of drugs from him earlier in the night before releasing him, because he was ‘unfit’ for interview. 

Years before, aged 15, Trevor had been accused of sexually assaulting a 14 year-old girl and he was arrested at school, it emerged in court. 

Megan’s mother Sarah has now launched a scathing attack on police, claiming the force ‘should be held accountable’.  

She also claimed Trevor had ‘protected him through his parents’.

Megan’s mother Sarah has launched a scathing attack on police, claiming the force ‘should be held accountable’

Megan Newton (pictured) offered 'old school acquaintance' Trevor back to her flat 'as an act of kindness' after he got intoxicated on drink and drugs

Megan Newton (pictured) offered ‘old school acquaintance’ Trevor back to her flat ‘as an act of kindness’ after he got intoxicated on drink and drugs

Joseph Trevor (pictured), who had been a friend of hers at school, was jailed for life after he admitted two counts of rape and one of murder at Stafford Crown Court

Joseph Trevor (pictured), who had been a friend of hers at school, was jailed for life after he admitted two counts of rape and one of murder at Stafford Crown Court 

Ms Newton told the Sun Online: ‘Questions need to be asked as to how Joseph came to be release before he killed and raped Megan, and the police should be held accountable.

‘If the police had done their jobs and not protected him through his parents, she would be here today.’

In a scathing Facebook post, she added: ‘Staffordshire police should pay, he should have never been allowed out, drugs and drunk.’

On what was to be the first day of his trial on Monday, Trevor admitted murder and two counts of rape at Stafford Crown Court.

Jailing him for life with a minimum term of 22 years for the ‘appalling crime’, Judge Michael Chambers QC said Trevor carried out a ‘brutal and sustained attack, conducted in a most callous way in her own home’.

Ms Newton, pictured with her daughter, claimed Trevor had 'protected him through his parents'

Ms Newton, pictured with her daughter, claimed Trevor had ‘protected him through his parents’

Ms Newton is seen giggling with Trevor, who was invited to stay at her Stoke flat

After the 'sustained and violent' killing, Trevor left her battered, naked body on the bed

This chilling footage shows Trevor follow her into her home at 3.45am last April 20, before he raped and strangled Ms Newton before stabbing her nine times (pictured)

CCTV captured  Trevor following Megan into her home in Stoke-on-Trent at 3.45am on April 20 last year.

Inside her flat, he raped Megan before strangling her and stabbing her at least nine times.

Megan had given him a place for the night after bumping into him at the Kiln nightclub in Newcastle-under-Lyme, after finishing her shift at a chip shop at 10pm. 

Earlier in the evening he had been drinking as well as taking ketamine and possibly cocaine and had been picked up by police.

Officers took him to the station and confiscated a bag of ketamine before releasing him, telling him he would need to return at a later stage. 

Staffordshire Commissioner Matthew Ellis said: ‘This was a tragic incident, and my sympathies are with Megan’s family. The IOPC has assessed this case and dealt with it accordingly.’ 

The IOPC has been contacted for comment.