Meghan is sleeping at Sandringham Has the world gone mad? 

It’s like a future episode of The Crown, right there. The dilemma! The Queen’s grandson wants to bring his gorgeous fiancee to Christmas at Sandringham, an all-family affair with a detailed timetable for the arrival of guests, room plans, meals, embossed menus and place cards, and a festive schedule engraved in stone.

Which is lovely! But it’s also unprecedented. Harry and Meghan are engaged but not yet married.

Plus, thus far the Royals have followed very proper and Victorian etiquette for this formal family celebration. Di, Fergie, etc were not included until their heads were firmly in the noose, sorry, I mean until they’d trooped up the aisle and down again.

The Queen’s grandson wants to bring his gorgeous fiancee to Christmas at Sandringham, an all-family affair with a detailed timetable for the arrival of guests, room plans, meals, embossed menus and place cards, and a festive schedule engraved in stone

And yet Miss Markle is going to be glad-handing churchgoers on Christmas Day like a crested, copper-bottomed member of the Firm.

When Princess Diana wobbled before her nuptials, her sisters warned she couldn’t bolt as her face was ‘already on the tea-towels’, and the gift shop on the Sandringham estate has already stocked up with Harry-Meghan ‘merch’ to commemorate the engagement (even a gold-plated spoon, if you’re short of stocking fillers).

I’m afraid I found myself reacting like a starchy matron to these festive arrangements. I found myself Lady Bracknelling out loud: ‘Sandringham? Sandringham? For CHRISTMAS?’

I even spent time wondering about the… you know… possible constitutional improprieties of the visit. I imagined the conversation between the Queen and Prince Philip, perhaps over a Dubonnet, before Blue Planet II.

‘But Lilibet,’ I could hear Philip saying, ‘don’t be a goose. They’ve been living together in sin already. We had that Blair woman and her blessed contraceptive cap to Balmoral, didn’t we?’ And then I hear the Queen. ‘Yes, darling, but like it or not I am – for the time being anyway – the head of the Church as well as head of state and One mustn’t be seen to endorse such… casual arrangements [for this is how I would imagine Her Maj to refer to premarital sex], particularly at this time of year. I have my Christmas Message to think of…’ I take a rather old-fashioned line on all this. For what it’s worth, I don’t think Meghan should stay under the same roof as Her Majesty over Christmas, even if she’s put in a separate bedroom.

Which is lovely! But it¿s also unprecedented. Harry and Meghan are engaged but not yet married. Plus, thus far the Royals have followed very proper and Victorian etiquette for this formal family celebration

Which is lovely! But it’s also unprecedented. Harry and Meghan are engaged but not yet married. Plus, thus far the Royals have followed very proper and Victorian etiquette for this formal family celebration

I approve of the antique custom which preserves some distinction between the single and married state, even if it’s a false one, and remember an old lady once saying to me: ‘In the old days, one got engaged and then saved oneself for one’s wedding night, though it was a bit like being given a pony for one’s birthday, then not being allowed to ride it until Christmas.’

Daisy, the deja vu beauty 

When I see snaps like this of Star Wars star Daisy Ridley grinning, I can’t help seeing Keira Knightley. Does anyone share my confusion? I know no two snowflakes (in the old sense of the word) are the same but the Creator clearly did not break the mould when he made La Keira. 

It goes without saying that MY adult offspring’s girlfriends and boyfriends are welcome to stay chez moi, in the same bedroom, at any time of year – but, as you are no doubt thinking as you read that, ‘well, she would say that wouldn’t she. She’s not the Queen’.

Quite so. My fears, however, have been allayed on hearing that an elegant solution might have been found by the wise heads of the Royal Households – and that MegHar are staying up the road with WillKat, in Anmer Hall.

Phew! And meanwhile we can also rejoice that the Facebook relationship status of Meghan and Harry will go from ‘engaged’ to ‘married’ on May 19 at St George’s Chapel in Windsor.

Which leaves only one remaining dilemma, and this one for Meghan, as she races about the retail emporia of Kensington doing her Christmas shopping. What do you buy for the woman who owns everything… and all her relatives?

  • Jeremy Vine of Radio 2 has pleaded for the term ‘dad dancing’ to be banned as it discourages men from strutting their funky stuff under disco balls… and I agree. Men need to be chivvied like donkeys on to the dancefloor – only to slink away at the earliest opportunity. It’s very depressing. I know most social events are organised by women for the benefit of other women, but the least chaps can do (after we’ve done all the work) is give us the occasional twirl. Dad dance like nobody’s watching, chaps – women will love you for it. 

Quotes of the week 


Oxford Dictionaries’ word of the year – it means a significant cultural, political or social change arising from the actions or influence of young people.

‘What guy in their right mind agrees to get married on FA Cup Final day? #SchoolboyError.’

Twitter user cannot believe Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are marrying on the same day as football’s showpiece event.

‘Why do so many people with severe asthma become professional cyclists?’

Broadcaster Jeremy Vine after Tour de France winner Chris Froome was found to have double the limit of a legal asthma drug in his system.

‘Now is the time for male-friendly spaces, equipped with enormous televisions and reclining chairs, to be set up where men can recover from man flu in safety.’

Dr Kyle Sue, who found that men suffer more from flu because they have weaker immune systems.

‘I don’t have to be very clever.’

Brexit Secretary David Davis – he previously claimed EU negotiations would be the ‘most complicated of all time’.

‘Why don’t Southern Rail guards share Advent calendars? They want to open the doors themselves.’

Christmas cracker joke voted among the best this year by TV channel Gold.

‘Welsh most definitely, foreign possibly, but definitely not English.’

Welsh football chief Jonathan Ford sparks a racism investigation after ruling out an Englishman as his country’s next manager.

‘Twenty-four hours where I don’t see a single person.’

Dame Maggie Smith, when asked to describe her perfect Christmas present.

The inside story from my jungle hero

The world and his wife ask me how my father got on in the jungle. Herewith exclusive father-daughter snippets. ‘There was nothing to do. So you just sat on a log all day. Piece of cake.’ What about the trials? (The grisly sight of a camper scoffing a lady pig’s translucent rubbery front bottom will forever haunt me.) ‘Pas de probleme,’ my father insisted. ‘I did one with a chap called Amir Khan – said he used to be the welterweight champion of the world – where we were whirled around and they rained bugs on you. Piece of cake, but he screamed like a baby.’ And Toff (crowned Queen Of The Jungle)? ‘Total sweetie’ (She calls him ‘Glam-pa’.) I know I am partial but I do think the patriarch – and his indelible positivity – has done us all proud.