Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are impersonated by SAS officer and his wife

An SAS officer and his wife stood in for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle as Special Forces rehearsed security measures ahead of next month’s royal wedding.

The couple will marry in a ceremony attended by 600 guests in St George’s Chapel in the grounds of Windsor Castle on May 19.

With just under three weeks to go before the big day, more than 40 SAS soldiers along with police officers from the Counter Terror Command and Royal Protection Squad gathered at the regiment’s headquarters in Hereford to prepare, the Express reports.


An SAS officer and his wife stood in for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle (pictured) as Special Forces rehearsed security measures ahead of next month’s royal wedding

The rehearsal included transforming the Credenhill barracks into a replica of Windsor High Street and practising for threats including suicide bombers as well vehicle, chemical and knife attacks.

An Iraq veteran and his wife, who is thought to work at the SAS base, were asked to play the role of the bride and groom – as various drills were carried out.

One involved the pair behind swept into a ballistic blanket and ushered to safety as part of a dry run for a grenade attack.

Police officers from the Counter Terror Command are in charge of the security operation on May 19, but Special Forces are set to take over in the event of a major incident.

Police officers from the Counter Terror Command are in charge of the security operation for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's wedding on May 19

Police officers from the Counter Terror Command are in charge of the security operation for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding on May 19

Preparations for the security operation began with a visit to Windsor – where officers walked the route of the royal procession to assess possible access points for would-be attackers.

In Hereford, a large map of the area was used to plan reactions to incident.

Sources say a secondary escape route has been planned to ensure officers can whisk the bride and groom to safety, according to the Express.

Officers and soldiers are also set to mingle with crowds in plain clothes in order to identify threats throughout the day.

The couple will marry in a ceremony attended by 600 guests in St George's Chapel in the grounds of Windsor Castle on May 19

The couple will marry in a ceremony attended by 600 guests in St George’s Chapel in the grounds of Windsor Castle on May 19

Prince Harry and Ms Markle have invited 600 guests to their wedding and a lunchtime reception afterwards at Windsor

Another 200 will attend a private evening event at nearby Frogmore House. No political leaders are among the invitees.

Instead, the guests will be people who have an existing direct relationship with the bride or the groom.

However, the couple have invited 1,200 members of the public into the grounds of Windsor Castle as part of the celebrations.