Melania Trump’s tweet about being healthy backfires

Melania Trump’s attempt to encourage healthy living backfired on Friday when quick-witted critics told her to apply her advice in her own home before sharing it with the world.

To commemorate American Heart Month, the First Lady tweeted: ‘February is American Heart Month. 

‘I encourage parents to take this opportunity to teach children about the importance of a healthy diet and exercise.’ 

It was innocent enough, but Twitter critics pounced on the opportunity to hit back with joking references to the president’s McDonald’s-heavy diet. 

Melania Trump tweeted about health and exercise on Friday afternoon and was met with ridicule

Melania's tweet was met with jokes from Trump critics who referred to the president's diet and lack of exercise regimen 

Melania’s tweet was met with jokes from Trump critics who referred to the president’s diet and lack of exercise regimen 

‘So a dozen diet cokes, Big Macs, filet-o-fish sandwiches, over-cooked steaks with ketchup (which is not a side vegetable) paired with a belief that exercise uses up your life energy isn’t the way to live? Please, tell us more,’ said one commentator. 

‘You should encourage your husband the importance of diet and exercise. 

‘Tweeting is not exercising. Unless you call it exercising your fingers?’ another said.

‘Maybe teach your very fit and healthy husband about these things,’ said another. 

Others preyed on the cause, American Heart Month, and said: ‘Be nice if your husband had one… maybe he needs a transplant. Or a divorce.’ 

Fit as a fiddle: Despite his love of cheeseburgers and Diet Coke, the president's doctor last month confirmed that he was in 'excellent' health

Fit as a fiddle: Despite his love of cheeseburgers and Diet Coke, the president’s doctor last month confirmed that he was in ‘excellent’ health

Melania has spent the last several weeks taking a backseat from public life amid the scandal of an alleged affair between her husband and a porn star before he became president. 

She returned to the spotlight for the State of the Union and has since been seen again with Trump and their son, Barron, arriving in Florida. 

She has said little of the president’s health which, after much debate and dispute and despite his love of cheeseburgers, was deemed to be good by his doctor last month.  

‘The President’s physical exam today at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center went exceptionally well. 

‘The President is in excellent health and I look forward to briefing some of the details on Tuesday,’ Ronny Jackson said.     

Melania, who has spent much of the past two weeks apart from the president, returned to his side after the State of the Union and was seen arriving in Florida with him on Friday 

Melania, who has spent much of the past two weeks apart from the president, returned to his side after the State of the Union and was seen arriving in Florida with him on Friday