Melbourne officer tells alleged gang member to ‘shut up’

A Melbourne police officer has been captured on camera telling a young alleged gang member to ‘shut the f*** up’ after cornering him with a growling police dog.

The footage was taken in Werribee after officers closed three streets to search for a group of African teens who allegedly stole a car before crashing it and fleeing, according to A Current Affair.

‘I’m scared!’ the young man can be heard screaming as the police dog snarls.


A Melbourne police officer has been captured on camera telling a young alleged gang member to ‘shut the f*** up’ after cornering him with a growling police dog (pictured)

Apex and MTS graffiti is seen scribbled onto a shelf at a Werribee airbnb

Apex and MTS graffiti is seen scribbled onto a shelf at a Werribee airbnb

‘Shut the f— up,’ the police officer replies.

‘Shut up, d—head. Shut up.’

The officer is then heard trying to place why he recognises the young man.

‘I know you from, over in, you’re on bail for robberies,’ he eventually says.

Melbourne resident Danielle Beaton told A Current Affair the video shows how the young alleged gang members are ‘good to do the crime but when they’re getting arrested they say they’re scared and they claim pity.

Mrs Beaton, her husband Eric, and their two daughters, are moving to the Gold Coast at the end of January after being terrorised by what they claim are African street gangs.

The family were forced to implement increased security measures after five burglary attempts in the past year.

‘It used to be you had a fire plan to protect your family, now you need to have a break and enter plan to keep your family safe,’ Eric Beaton told A Current Affair. 

The Beatons have been terrorised by what they claim are African street gangs, forcing the family to increased security measures after five burglary attempts in the past year

The Beatons have been terrorised by what they claim are African street gangs, forcing the family to increased security measures after five burglary attempts in the past year

Their two young daughters also hide weapons around the house, stashing knives in various places should they need further protection

Their two young daughters also hide weapons around the house, stashing knives in various places should they need further protection

The family say they have been ‘crying for help’ tackling the threat, but feel so let down by law enforcement they have had to resort to extreme measures.

They have turned their bathroom into a ‘safe room’, where the children are instructed to hide in case of emergency.  

Their two young daughters also hide weapons around the house, stashing knives in various places should they need further protection. 

'I'm tired of worrying, it's time to go live life now, get out of here,' Mr Beaton said

‘I’m tired of worrying, it’s time to go live life now, get out of here,’ Mr Beaton said

They say they have been targeted by African gang members five times in the past 12 months, including a break and enter attempt, a house burglary and three attempted carjackings.

The Beatons say they are devastated to be leaving family and friends, and for pulling their girls out of school, but they see no other option than to flee.

‘We’ve built our life here, but we don’t see that life as worth it any more, because we feel like we’re in danger,’ Mrs Beaton said.

‘I’m tired of worrying, it’s time to go live life now, get out of here,’ Mr Beaton added.   

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