Melbourne woman goes on racist rant at Asian shop worker

An Asian shop worker was subjected to vile racist abuse by an angry customer who called him a ‘dog’ dozens of times.

The shocking rant last more than three minutes after the shop attendant started filming her inside his convenience store in Melbourne.

The agitated woman made constant references to his ethnicity, and accused him of planting cameras in her home, and giving her fake money.

An Asian shop worker was subjected to vile racist abuse by an angry customer (pictured) who called him a ‘dog’ dozens of times

‘I’ll show you who the Triad is, it’s me. You’re a piece of s**t… you’re a nobody,’ she said at the beginning of the video.

‘You’re a dog, you’re a big dog, your own people are going to f**k you, that’s how much of a dog you are.

‘You know what you’re doing right now? You’re looking into my private life, listening in my own home and not you’re filming me.’

The woman, dressed in a tracksuit and white turtleneck, then bizarrely accused him of giving her fake money while holding up a receipt and five-dollar note.

The woman, dressed in a tracksuit and white turtleneck, then bizarrely accused him of giving her fake money while holding up a receipt and five-dollar note

The woman, dressed in a tracksuit and white turtleneck, then bizarrely accused him of giving her fake money while holding up a receipt and five-dollar note

She followed this up by aggressively pulling three different fingers at him, accompanying one (pictured) by saying 'here's this in Chinese too'

She followed this up by aggressively pulling three different fingers at him, accompanying one (pictured) by saying ‘here’s this in Chinese too’

She followed this up by aggressively pulling three different fingers at him, accompanying one by saying ‘here’s this in Chinese too’.

Then she threw a plastic bag across the shop while haughtily saying ‘here, take my rubbish, go on’.

‘Wanna ring my bells?’ she said before chiming the service bell dozens of times while singing what sounded like a nursery rhyme about a dog.

The woman ended her baffling singalong with ‘doggie dog dog, you wanna eat some dog?’ before repeatedly calling him a ‘Triad doggie’ who ‘f**ks your own kind’. 

'Wanna ring my bells?' she said before chiming the service bell dozens of times while singing what sounded like a nursery rhyme about a dog

‘Wanna ring my bells?’ she said before chiming the service bell dozens of times while singing what sounded like a nursery rhyme about a dog

'Get your cameras out of my house, you hear me,' she continued, aggressively pointing at the shop worker's camera while staring straight at it

‘Get your cameras out of my house, you hear me,’ she continued, aggressively pointing at the shop worker’s camera while staring straight at it

She then began hitting the bell again while saying dog over and over until a customer or other staff member of Middle Eastern appearance finally pushed the bell off the counter to make her stop. 

‘Get the f**k away from me, don’t you touch me,’ she said, immediately turning on the man who intervened.

She then demanded he go outside: ‘You can wait outside, this is my shop, get the f**k outside… can’t you see we’re in the middle of filming here?’ 

When he refused, the woman decided she herself would go outside and ‘wait for them’, but not before a few parting shots.

The video abruptly ended when she threw the open sign off the door on her way out, causing the shop attendant to yell 'hey, what are you doing?'

The video abruptly ended when she threw the open sign off the door on her way out, causing the shop attendant to yell ‘hey, what are you doing?’

‘Are you going to call yourself Mohammad, you raping dog? You perverted s**t,’ she said, facing the camera.

‘Get your cameras out of my house, you hear me,’ she continued, aggressively pointing at the shop worker’s camera while staring straight at it.

The video abruptly ended when she threw the open sign off the door on her way out, causing the shop attendant to yell ‘hey, what are you doing?’

It was not known when the video was filmed, nor what sparked the racist tirade.