Melissa Browne’s tax items surprising things you never knew you could claim back

It’s that time of year again where you need to start thinking about your tax.

With the end of financial year fast approaching, many are rushing around the clock to spend money on unnecessary items just for the sake of claiming them back.

Before you go any further, there are everyday things you can claim on that you probably didn’t know were tax deductible. And almost certainly, you already own.

Speaking to Daily Mail Australia, accountant Melissa Browne rounded up the surprising items you can claim back to maximise your tax return.

Here, the financial advisor, from Sydney, shared her top tips to ensure you get the best deal possible.

Accountant Melissa Browne has rounded up the surprising items you can claim back to maximise your tax return

At the start of every financial year, the finance expert suggested putting one specific credit card aside for all your work-related purchases.

‘So when it comes to tax time, you can go through your bank statement, and claim everything, all in one statement,’ she said.

‘At tax time, sit down with your bank statements and calendar and remind yourself what you did over the year. Did you travel for that conference? Stayed overnight? Had any snacks or foods during that work trip? Or did you work at home for a month?

‘Go through, and figure out what exactly you did monthly. You’d be surprised at what you can claim back.’

And if you’ve lost your receipt, Ms Browne said there are other ways around it.

‘So if you paid cash at the market, you’re probably stuck there. But if you paid with your card, your bank statements are proof of claim,’ she said.

If your job involves working outdoors, you can claim back on makeup products with SPF

If your job involves working outdoors, you can claim back on makeup products with SPF


If your job involves working outdoors, you can claim back on makeup products with sun protection.

‘One item that most people don’t realise they can claim on are makeup products with SPF,’ Ms Browne said. 

‘So if we’re outdoors, driving or under fluorescent lights, and your makeup has SPF in it, then you can claim back on foundation, moisteriser, lip gloss and even sunscreen.’


You can’t claim a deduction for the cost of buying prescription glasses because it’s a private expense – but you can claim back on sunglasses if you’re required to protect your eyes at work.

If your job requires you to work outdoors, you may claim the cost of protective sunglasses because you’re exposed to risk of eye damage from sunlight. 

Women can claim back on handbags on the condition they carry work-related items such as iPads, calculators, stationary, diary, or laptops

Women can claim back on handbags on the condition they carry work-related items such as iPads, calculators, stationary, diary, or laptops

The surprising things you can claim on

  • Makeup with SPF
  • Sunglasses and sunscreen
  • Women’s handbags
  • Hair straighteners
  • Garden gnomes 
  • Subscriptions
  • Home electricity
  • Phone and internet bills
  • Dogs
  • Adult toys and costumes
  • Accommodation, flights and meals
  • Pool tables, ping pong tables, gaming consoles and TV
  • Artworks
  • Donations 


In recent years, the Australian Tax Office revealed women can claim back on handbags on the condition they carry work-related items such as iPads, calculators, stationary, diary, or laptops.

‘The ATO commissioner delighted women everywhere when he said “handbags could be tax deductible”,’ Ms Browne said.

To be eligible to claim back on handbags, she said the item must be large, preferably big enough to hold a laptop – and not just a ‘small clutch’.

And if you have a handbag for a tablet or iPad and a separate handbag for a laptop, Ms Browne said you can potentially claim a percentage on both.

Hair straighteners

Hairdressers can claim back on tools or equipment such as hair straighteners, hairdryers and products because they use it for work.

‘So you can claim back on GHD products, and even subscriptions with hair or fashion magazines because they are look for inspiration and Hair Expo,’ Ms Browne said.

‘Of if you’re attending Fashion Week for information, there’s enough there to claim back on accommodation, travel and food.’

Hairdressers can claim back on tools or equipment such as hair straighteners, hairdryers and products because they use it for work

Hairdressers can claim back on tools or equipment such as hair straighteners, hairdryers and products because they use it for work


Many people take work home with them so there are many tax deductible things you can claim back.

‘You can claim 44 cents per hour on your home electricity use,’ she said.

‘So if you’re working from home, keep a diary so you know what you’re using. Electricity covers light, gas and heat.’


She explained you can also claim on your home bills if you are working from home.

‘The obvious two are telephone and internet,’ Ms Browne said.

‘If you’re working from home, and checking your emails from home, or switching your data over so you don’t use your credit, that’s working from home.

‘I’ll say to people “are you using your phone for work? Checking emails? Buying phone apps on your phone?” You are potentially using up data and phone costs.’


For many professions, you can claim back on stationary, diaries, calendars and other stationary items to the extent you use them for work. 

You can claim a deduction for pay-TV subscriptions such as Netflix and Stan if you can prove that you are required to access the channels as part of your work 

You can claim a deduction for pay-TV subscriptions such as Netflix and Stan if you can prove that you are required to access the channels as part of your work 


People working in the media industry can claim a deduction for that part of the cost of subscriptions, including magazines and newspapers, that relates to you using them for research.

You can claim a deduction for pay-TV subscriptions such as Netflix and Stan if you can prove that you are required to access the channels as part of your work.

‘It really depends,’ Ms Browne said.

You can claim a tax deduction for pay-TV subscriptions such as Netflix and Stan if you can prove that you are required to access the channels as part of your work

‘If your job requires you to do research and you need to keep up to date with all the business news, so you’re subscribed to CNN, then you can absolutely claim back a portion of your TV subscription.

‘But if you’re watching Stranger Things on Netflix, then no, you can’t claim it back.’

And it’s not just media employees who are able to claim tax deductions on subscriptions.

‘If I’m an art teacher, I can subscribe to art magazines, Vogue or have a theatre subscription so I can be up to date with all the events – so I can claim back a percentage,’ she said.


You can claim a tax deduction on dogs that’s used to provide security for your business premises because it’s deemed to be working as it serves a productive function of the business.

Consequently, the guard dog is a capital asset of the business.

‘You can’t claim back on your French bulldog but if it’s a guard dog for your business, then yes, you can potentially claim back on that dog,’ Ms Browne said.

‘They must be chained up, it’s not being let loose at a dog park. They are a breed for protection and for work-related purposes.

‘If you do try to claim back on your dog, you must put together a great case on why you’re claiming that and how you’re using it for work.’ 

You can claim a tax deduction on dogs that's used to provide security for your business premises because it's deemed to be working as it serves a productive function of the business

You can claim a tax deduction on dogs that’s used to provide security for your business premises because it’s deemed to be working as it serves a productive function of the business

If you work in the adult entertainment industry, you can claim back on sex toys, costumes, lingerie, cosmetics and hair care

If you work in the adult entertainment industry, you can claim back on sex toys, costumes, lingerie, cosmetics and hair care

Adult toys and costumes

If you work in the adult entertainment industry, you can claim back on sex toys, costumes, lingerie, cosmetics and hair care.

You can claim a deduction for consumable items you use solely for earning income, including condoms, lubricants, gels, oils and tissues. 

Surprisingly, you can even claim a tax deduction for the cost of dance classes you take to maintain your existing dance skills, or to learn new skills.

‘So if you’re a sex worker, and you are required to wear a uniform or use those toys for work, then yes, you can claim a percentage on those,’ Ms Browne said.

‘Or if you’re working for a women’s magazine and you need to purchase them in order to write an article, then sure, you can put it in a claim.

‘But if it’s for personal use, no, you can’t claim them back. It must be work-related.’

Garden gnomes

Garden gnomes are among those unusual items you can potentially claim back if you’re a landlord or property investor.

‘If I have a rental property and need to dress up the property with garden gnomes, sure, you can claim that back,’ Ms Browne said.

‘If it’s less than $300, then you can claim it outright. But the question I have in that case would be “am I spending a garden gnome for my rental or just doing it for the sake of a tax deduction? Because sometimes, it’s just not worth it.

‘There are other potential items you can claim back, like a dishwasher, heated towel rack, a hills hoist [clothesline] or even a clock that you’ve purchased for the tenants.’

Garden gnomes are among those unusual items you can potentially claim back if you're a landlord or property investor

Garden gnomes are among those unusual items you can potentially claim back if you’re a landlord or property investor


Self-education expenses are deductible when the course you are studying has a sufficient connection to your current employment.

‘You can also claim travel expenses for the cost of travelling to and from uni or if you have to stay at the uni overnight, you can claim back on accommodation,’ she said.

Ms Browne explained the subjects must be related to your current paid employment for it to be tax deductible.

‘If you’re a journalist, studying nursing, you can’t claim that. The course must be relevant to your job to be able to claim the cost,’ she said.

‘If I’m an accountant and I want to branch off to become a finance advisor, then yes, you can claim the cost of your course fee, as well as your laptop, textbooks, stationary, and even travel.’


You can claim a deduction for the cost of buying, hiring, mending or cleaning certain uniforms or protective clothing that are required for your job.

‘One of the most common items I get asked about is “can I claim back on my suits? I wear it for work and for to events to meet clients…” the answer is no, unless it’s a uniform,’ she said.

‘I always hear “but I’m only wearing suits for work, surely I can claim?” You definitely can’t. But if there’s a logo of your company on your suit, then you can claim.

‘Real estate agents have started printing logos on their suits, in that case, yes you can claim. I’ve also noticed people wearing Gold Century 21 jackets – you can claim that too.’

You can claim on accommodation, flights and meals if you are required as part of your employment duties to travel away from home

You can claim on accommodation, flights and meals if you are required as part of your employment duties to travel away from home

Accommodation, flights and meals

You can claim on accommodation, flights and meals if you are required as part of your employment duties to travel away from home.

You must pay for the accommodation, flights and meals yourself and are not reimbursed for the costs you incur.

‘If you’re travelling for work, then you can claim back on flights, accommodation and food,’ Ms Browne said.

‘If you’re on a holiday and decide to turn it into a work-related travel, then you might not be able to claim your flight.

‘But if you’re going to a work conference, and you also have a bit of downtime, potentially, you can claim back on your accommodation, flights and meals.’

If you own a business or an employer of an office where an ambiance is necessary, then you can potentially claim back on artworks

If you own a business or an employer of an office where an ambiance is necessary, then you can potentially claim back on artworks


If you own a business or an employer of an office where an ambiance is necessary, then you can potentially claim back on artworks.

The works of art must be displayed in public areas such as office receptions, meeting rooms, boardrooms or break rooms.

‘If I’m an employer and I need to buy art for my office or buying for an employee’s office, then yes, you can potentially claim artwork back,’ she said.

‘As an employee, you have a harder argument unless you can put together a case like getting a letter from your office to prove that you’re required to furnish to certain levels for your job.

‘I’ve had a sales rep employee who was required to have particular things. They got a letter from their employer to show that the artworks were not just an expectation but part of their employment. In that case ATO was okay with the claim.’

If you get paid to play games as part of your work, you can  claim back on your gaming consoles, games and television screens

If you get paid to play games as part of your work, you can claim back on your gaming consoles, games and television screens

Pool tables, ping pong tables, gaming consoles and TV

Many offices now feature play areas for staff to unwind and relax with their colleagues during their lunch breaks.

And so, you can claim back on pool tables, ping pong tables, gaming consoles  and television screens if they are provided for staff use.

‘If you’re an employer or a business owner and you’re buying these things for the break room for employees, then potentially you can claim them back,’ she said.

‘If you’re buying for yourself because you work in the entertainment industry and you’re required to research games, then yes, you can claim.

‘There are so many young people who are getting paid to play games – sounds ludicrous but put that argument together, and you have a good case of claiming them back.

‘You have to be paid for it in order to claim it back. And employers have more of a chance if they are buying these items for their offices.’

You can claim back on pool tables, ping pong tables, gaming consoles and television screens if they are provided for staff use

You can claim back on pool tables, ping pong tables, gaming consoles and television screens if they are provided for staff use

Car expenses

You can claim a deduction for the cost of using your car for work-related travel if you travel directly between your workplace and a location external from your workplace.

If you are using your car for work-related purposes, then keep a logbook for three months as this provides a way of working out the percentage of your car use.

To keep track of your logbook, you must include the odometer records and have written evidence for all your car expenses, including fuel and oil.

‘If you have a business, you can claim a percentage back on the interest you might have on the loan of your car and maintenance,’ she said.

‘For the rest of us, we can claim up to 5,000km for work. You don’t need receipts or written evidence but you should keep a diary of your work-related travels.’


Many charitable donations are deductible.

But you can only claim a tax deduction for gifts or donations to organisations that are registered as ‘deductible gift recipients’.

‘You can make however much donation you want as long as the person or company are registered as deductible gift recipients,’ Ms Browne said.

‘The other thing is you donate artworks to a charity, and you can get a letter showing the value of the work of art. In this case, you potentially claim back the value of the artwork.

‘The letter from the charity has to be done the right away, valuing the artwork, explaining that the donation has been received and the donation’s worth.’ 

Donations such as raffle tickets, fundraising dinners or events, membership fees, payments to school funds and chocolates or pens cannot be claimed.